Westbrook ISD
Continuing Education Professional Development Catalog
REQUIRED Compliance Training - Summer PD, Day 1
In order to receive the 3 paid Comp Waiver days scheduled in November 2024, WISD requires ALL staff to complete the following virtual trainings between May 18, 2024 – August 1, 2024.
The following compliance trainings are required for ALL employees every year. Please review the links below and complete the Google Quiz at the end of each one prior to returning to your campus on August 1, 2024. Employees must review the following:
The following compliance trainings are required to be completed by all staff on a yearly basis: (completion of Google Forms at the end of each training or the Gateway certificate at the end of the seizure training is required)
Collectively, these sessions count as ONE DAY of summer staff development.*
- Prevention and Awareness: Human Trafficking of School Aged Children
- Recognizing/Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect
- Addressing Bullying: Physical, Mental, Social, or Cyberbullying
- Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Seizure and Epilepsy Training
- Stop Harassment
- Valuing Parents in Education
- Confidentiality and FERPA
- Educator-Student Interaction, Including Social Media
*Teachers MAY choose to complete two different days of training during the summer prior to teachers returning on contract August 1, 2024. This choice does not alleviate WISD teachers/staff from completing the required yearly compliance trainings listed above. These teachers will have until August 31, 2024 to complete the compliance training for the 2024-2025 school year.
Prevention and Awareness: Human Trafficking of School-Aged Children
This link will take you directly to the Human Trafficking video. Be sure you "LOG IN" at the upper right of your screen so the training is linked to your account for your personal records and you complete the 2024 WISD training sign off form HERE.
Reporting Child Abuse and/or Neglect
STOP Bullying
Youth Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Sign off HERE
Seizures and Epilepsy
6. This provides an overview of seizures and epilepsy, seizure first aid, seizure action plans, rescue therapies, seizure emergencies and how to support students in school settings and can be accessed at https://learn.epilepsy.com/courses/school-personnel-OD-v2a
You must review this information yearly and sign off HERE.
7. Harassment at any level: Employee vs employee, employee vs student, student vs student will NOT be tolerated.
Review the information found at https://airhsdlearning.airws.org/SexualHarassmentMod1-091216/story_html5.html and sign off HERE when completed.
Teacher Expectations
Parent and Family Engagement
Confidentiality and FERPA
Additional Online Training Opportunities
Special Education Training(s)
Texas SPED Support, a home for technical assistance that supports the needs of administrators, educators, and support staff working with students receiving special education services.
Access a library of Learning opportunities and Resources where you’ll discover online courses, conferences, high-quality guidance documents, tools, templates, and videos to fit your needs.
This site may provide additional online training hours to help you meet your summer training requirements. Please submit your DATED complete certificate to Shay Avants no later than August 1, 2024.
Texas Gateway
A gateway to the resources you need. For your classroom. For yourself.
Gain instant access to the content you seek, whether you are looking for “just-in-time” resources that you can leverage during a particular lesson, sequenced binders of instruction that you can assign to students, or self-directed PD training courses that you can take to earn CPE credit hours. This is the gateway to the content you need for your classroom and for yourself, even as these needs shift from day to day.