Herricks Middle School
Where great things happen...
Internet Safety Assembly Grade 6
Police Officer John Groshan addressed the sixth grade on Friday, April 21. Officer Groshan has presented to at least one grade in each of the past three years. As educators it is our responsibility to keep our students safe and gently show them how to do the right thing, whether it is in the classroom, community, or the internet. We can't fix the facts that some comments are made anonymously, but we can help our students to realize what the consequences of their actions are. Children, and adults need to be aware of the effects of their actions and self-monitor their behavior to truly contribute to the rich conversations that can happen online when everyone contributes positively. We also need to know how to make life as difficult as possible for criminals trying to exploit our information.
April was Autism Awareness Month
As part of World Autism Awareness Month HMS set as a goal to raise awareness, promote empathy, foster understanding and to celebrate our differences together. People with Autism are differently-abled and have unique interests and special talents that shine the light on different ways of contributing to society, Did you know, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Mozart, were believed to be people with Autism. During the month we sold puzzle pieces, the most commonly recognized symbol for Autism, wore blue each Friday and had students make a series of publidc service announcements.