Fighting Knights Weekly Update
September 11 - 15
Good Evening Knights
We have started off to a strong start for the school year. If you have not heard NNHS has a lot to celebrate from last school year. The staff and students did a wonderful job holding high expectations for each other. NNHS exceeded growth, which hasn't been accomplished in the past couple of years! NNHS maintained a letter grade of C, was was a higher C average than in past years. We want to maintain those high expectations for all and continue to put students first for the 2023 - 2024 school year!
Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to sign up for the PSAT in the counseling office. The PSAT will be offered on Saturday, October, 14. The last day to sign up is tomorrow, Sept. 11. The cost will be $19, which will be available to pay online Sept. 12 - 15. The PSAT can help students prepare for the SAT and is the only way for Juniors to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship.
Tuesday, September, 19th at 6 PM Senior and Junior parents are invited to join us in the cafeteria to hear information regarding graduation requirements, college information, and more from the counselors.
Knight Time Intervention and Enrichment blocks will begin Wednesday, September 13. Students who need to make up assignments or have less than an 80 average should be locked into a Knight Time session with their teacher. Other blocks will provide lunch and enrichment. Students will sign up for the Knight Time session starting at 9 PM the night before until 9 AM the next day.
Parents please drop off and pick up students in front of the school only. Buses and student drivers use the back gate to enter and leave the school campus.
Transportation updates: Bus requests continue to be entered for transportation to assign your child a bus. However, it will take a few weeks for that to happen. In order to get updates please sign in to the bus planner. You can also see where the bus is located on the Chipmunk App.
Daily Reminders
- School Doors open at 6:50 AM. The first-period bell rings at 7:30 AM. Please allow ample time to get through the Evolve system to get to class by 7:30.
- Please no fast food deliveries to students during school. This includes DoorDash.
- Reminder for Students: Complete your Knight Time Schedule by 9 AM daily. It is open from 9 PM - 9AM!
Dates to Remember
- Sept. 21 - Progress Reports
High School Promotional Guidelines
Northern Nash High School
Location: 4230 Green Hills Road, Rocky Mount, NC, USA
Phone: 2529379040