Principal Update
Mills Elementary, October 3 - October 7
Austin ISD Early Release Day: Friday, October 7
Our teachers and staff will have the rest of the afternoon for professional development.
Apex Fundraiser Coming Soon
Who it benefits: Our student enjoy learning about leadership lessons and SEL takeaway from the short 8 minute APEX lessons during the fundraising window. Our teachers benefit from 10% of all proceeds going straight to teachers classroom and instructional planning needs. Our campus relies on these funds to support the signature programs that include Spanish, extra technology support, and the ability to purchase research based systemetic Phonics, Math, and Science programs directly supporting students at all grade levels.
Austin ISD Campuses participating in APEX fundraiser: Southwest Elementary School include: Kiker, Clayton, Baranoff, Baldwin, and Boone Elementary Schools.
Changes this Year: Student prizes will be distributed at the end of the school day in the office.
Reminder from the Front Office Team
Lost & Found Update
Can you believe this cooler weather? It feels so nice to have a break from the warm temps!
Lost and Found is already overflowing! We're putting a new procedure in place, so please share with your families....
All items (jackets, clothing, water bottles, lunch boxes) will be labeled with a colored dot sticker. These dots will have a date two weeks out from the time the dot is placed. If not picked up by the date on the dot, the item will be donated.
We will absolutely return anything that has a child's name, so please label everything that comes to school.
🍂 🍁
The Austin iSD Bond Package- What is Means for Mills!
A Note From Our PE Coaches
Hello, Mountain Lions!
We're here to share about Family Fitness! This means exercising and otherwise living a healthy lifestyle as a group. Family fitness is for every family, large and small, young and old, urban and rural. By sharing physical activity and nutritious foods, your family can improve your health and enjoy quality time together.
Here are some ideas for family physical activities that everyone can participate in:
- Take a walk or bike in these cooler temps.
- Create a list of new healthy habits & hobbies you want to try.
- Try family challenges & competitions. Create an obstacle course in your backyard!
- Try out a healthy but fun new recipe together! Go on an interactive scavenger hunt at the grocery store! Shop for ingredients and cook together!
- Minimize screen time. Make sure to balance screen time with plenty of physical activity opportunities.
Studies show that families that exercise together will greatly improve the odds for their children to exercise on their own as young adults later in life.
Here is the link to Marathon Kids so you can learn more about the nonprofit organization. It has great information on why we run to support healthy living.
Coach Sanchez & Coach Lindberg
We're Forming a Mills CAP 10K Team!
We are forming a Mills Elementary Cap 10K Team this year to run this race on April 16, 2023! We want our Mountain Lions to proudly represent during this race, so adults and students are encouraged to sign up and participate. Join Principal Frageman, our PE coaches and their families and other Mills staff and families for this race. Please consider joining our team! Registration costs go up today, October 3rd, so don't wait!
Reach out to Coach Lisa Lindberg or 5th grade teacher, Ms. Amy Jackson for details!
We love our custodians!
This Week
October 3-7: Custodian Appreciation Week
Monday, October 3-
October CAC Meeting 3:30pm via Zoom
Wednesday, October 5-
PTA General Meeting & Principal Coffee, 3:30pm Library
Yom Kippur
Friday, October 7-
Elementary Early Release at 1:30pm
Saturday, October 8-
Dirt Club Workday 9am-12pm
Looking Ahead-
October 14- Student Holiday; Staff Professional Development Day
October 19- Kindergarten Field Trip Crow's Nest Farm
October 24- Apex Fundraiser Kickoff
October 24-October 28 Love Your Brain Week
October 26- Chris Barton, Author Visit, 3rd-5th Grades
October 27- Dirt Club Workday 5pm-6:30pm
November 2- Principal Coffee (HSR Family Orientation)
Nov 7-Nov 11 Book Fair
November 8- Voting Day- Student Holiday- Staff Professional Development Day
November 9- Mills Family Math Night & Book Fair
November 16- UIL Campus Meet, 3:30pm-4:30pm (3rd-5th)