SVHS Green and Gold
Dr. Cohen's Newsletter to the SVHS Community
August 22, 2021 Edition
Welcome Back
Each week, you will receive this newsletter, with important information students and families will want to read. You will also receive a phone call each Sunday evening summarizing the newsletter and drawing your attention to where you can find it on the school website.
A Note on Face Coverings: As we return to campus, all MCPS students and staff will be required to wear face coverings in school buildings this fall, regardless of vaccination status. This decision aligns with recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as local health officials. MCPS must ensure the safety of all students and staff as it prepares for a return to in-person instruction five days a week. Masking requirements will be reviewed regularly and is subject to change as the district reviews guidance from federal, state and local health officials. Face coverings are not required outdoors but are strongly recommended for unvaccinated individuals.
Updates from Athletics
Good afternoon SV Nation,
Wow, what a great first week and half of fall sports. We have had a great turnout of student athletes, with over 325 trying out. As we ease back into sports it is time to look ahead to the next few weeks. Teachers report on Monday and the majority of the practices move to their normal afternoon times. Please make sure to check the schedule below. We also have school starting in 9 days, and we want to make sure student athletes are preparing to come to school on time and work hard in all of their classes.
Please use the information below in order to be up to date with all SVHS Athletic Information.
MCPS Athletics Update:
A few important reminders:
- Face Coverings/Masks- Masks are required at all times indoors, with the lone exception of cheerleading when actively engaged in tumbling/stunting
- Transportation- There are no capacity restrictions, however face coverings must be worn
- Locker rooms- These will be available, but will be assigned by coach and will only be accessible when supervision is available.
- Concession stands- are open and we had a great trial run this weekend during our football scrimmage.
- Ticketing- admission will be charged once again at events.
Fall sports:
We are still looking for potential student athletes in Cheerleading (jv), Girls Soccer and Field hockey. If you are interested, please make sure to register via parentvia asap, the deadline is fast approaching.
Please contact the coaches if you have further questions or concerns.
All of our coaches information can be found using this link.
The practice schedule can be viewed via this link. This can also be found on our website www.svhsathletics.org under the more tab – then files/links as well as the Practice event Calendar information. For the specific golf schedule, please use this link. Also located on our website.
A few notes:
- The practice schedule is subject to change due to weather, game postponement, and a variety of other unforeseen circumstances. Please note that changes will be made and stakeholders will be notified via email and social media.
- **It is expected that student athletes attend all practices and should be fully registered and cleared in time to do so.
PICTURE DAY-FOOTBALL- Saturday, August 28th 10:00 am
PICTURE DAY-ALL OTHER FALL SPORTS- Wednesday, September 1st 3 pm
MEET THE COACHES-MANDATORY-Wednesday, September 1st 6:30 pm- Tentatively scheduled for the auditorium- though this is subject to change and may be held virtually.
STADIUM OPENING- OFFICIAL- Friday, September 3rd 4:30 pm- We will officially open our new stadium and honor Mr. Wayne Whigham and Mr. Al Thomas. More specifics will come out as we get closer to the date, but please plan on arriving early. All of our fall teams will be recognized and we will have a ribbon cutting ceremony prior to the game.
Our Seneca Valley HS Booster club is looking for volunteers to work our home indoor and outdoor stadium events. It is important that we have parent/guardian volunteers, or we will be unable to open the concession stand. The Booster club is an all -school booster club and funds raised from concession goes directly back to our students.
Also note that funds raised from a specific sport event- do not go directly to that sport. We need parent/guardians to work the concessions when their student athlete is not playing. For example, a soccer parent/guardian working a field hockey game and a Football parent/guardian working a volleyball game.
Please use this link if you are interested in signing up
The Seneca Valley Athletic Department is looking for dedicated students to help run the video scoreboard. They would go through a thorough training, but would be given exclusive access to all stadium events. Please contact Mr. Irvin asap, if interested.
Are you ready for our first stadium events??
We need your help in picking a Student Section Name!
Please submit your suggestions by Wednesday of this week! We will be having a final vote next week.
Go Screaming Eagles!
The Seneca Valley Athletic Department is looking for adults who are willing to be trained to run the scoreboard and make basic announcements at home stadium events. A training will be required and there will be specific guidelines that will need to be adhered to. If interested contact Mr. irvin asap.
A few important reminders:
Student athletes are held to a very high standard and are expected to be the leaders both on the playing surface and off of it, especially while in the classroom.
Are student athletes are required to be in school every day for all seven periods. If they miss a period that isn't previously excused with a doctors note, then they will NOT BE ALLOWED to practice or play that day. They are also expected to be on time.
Student athletes who have excessive tardies will face disciplinary action, including game suspensions.
Three Strike Policy:
Student athletes are given three strikes prior to being removed from the team. The 2nd strike, is a game suspension at minimum, a third strike that student athlete will be removed from the team. All of this information is detailed in our student parent/guardian handbook.
The Regular season schedules are out and available on https://www.countysports.zone/
The schedule will be uploaded to our website www.svhsathletics.org within the next few weeks.
Stay up to date:
- Want to make sure you don’t miss any important SVHS Athletic Information?
- Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @SVHSATHLETICS
- Make sure to visit our website www.svhsathletics.org
Thank you so much and please feel free to contact the Athletic Office if you have any questions or concerns.
Jesse Irvin
Athletic Director
School Administration
Click here to learn about each member of our administrative team. Please make note of your specific administrator. You can reach out to your administrator in regards to any items and/or concerns.
School Counselors
Click here to find out who your child's counselor is and how to reach them. To learn about the rest of our counseling services team, please visit our counseling services website.
Student Emergency Information
Student Emergency Information should be updated through ParentVUE. Each year parents/guardians are required to complete the Annual Verification of Information through the Online Registration portal (in the right corner of your ParentVUE home screen). We highly recommend that you complete this as soon as possible. It is critically important that we have accurate parent contact information on file with the school and system as soon as possible.
Here are links to the ParentVUE Support Guide and directions for completing the annual verification of information.
9th and 10th Grade Orientation (Students only)
9th and 10th Grade Orientation (Students only) will be held on Thursday, August 26, 2021 from 7:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. School bus schedules for orientation will follow a normal morning pick-up schedule and return students home on a three-hour early dismissal schedule. There is no flexibility on the dismissal time as school buses serve multiple schools. If your child is a walker, then he/she should walk to and from school or you may drop off/pick up students at the car-rider loop in front of the school building.
This program will give students:
An opportunity to meet school staff and classmates
A chance to become familiar with the school building (finding classrooms and offices)
An overview of the academic program
Students will begin arriving at approximately 7:20 a.m. and should report directly to the auditorium by 7:45 a.m. There will be staff members stationed at various points throughout the building to help students find their way.
Clubs and Activities
Seneca Valley is excited to offer our students variety of opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities: from athletics to arts to STEM, there is something for all interest and skill levels. Check out our extracurriculars list and make a plan to contract the sponsor(s) of the activities that pique your interest.
Click here to be taken to our current list of activities. And remember, if you don't see something that interests you, you can always start a club yourself. For more information about how to do so, please contact Ms. Monique Riddick in our Business and Finance Office.
Denial of Consent and Release
During the school year the webmasters at Seneca Valley High School post candid and posed photos on the school website of students participating in activities such as sports, clubs, assemblies, field trips, class projects, homecoming, prom, and other school events.
Unless you this form to the school we will assume that you give consent for the nonprofit use of your student’s likeness to be used on the school website with or without the use of the student’s name. No other permission will be forthcoming.
Permits for assigned parking spots will be issued, by semester, to Seniors Only with valid driver’s licenses on a first-come, first-served basis, with preference given to students who have out-of-the-building internships already built into their schedules. Permit applications must have all required documents and be hand-delivered to Ms. Riddick in the business office so she can verify eligibility for parking. No permit applications will be accepted before August 18, 2021. Second semester applications will be accepted beginning January 14, 2022.
For more information about student parking, including how to apply for a parking permit, please click here.
Back to School Night - September 9, 2021
Visit our Virtual College and Career Center
Seneca Valley - College & Career Center
Parents and students can make an appointment with Mr. Nalda in the College & Career Center for help on getting started on a college, career or scholarship search. This is especially important for eleventh graders.
The College & Career Center holds a wealth of information and resources for students as they ponder "life after high school." Students planning to attend a post-secondary school, whether it is 2 year, 4 year, or Technical/Trade, should visit the College & Career Center.
MCPS Code of Conduct and Student Rights & Responsibilities
The MCPS Code of Conduct and A Student's Guide to Rights & Responsibilities will be distributed to all students in September. They are also online at http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/students/rights.
Legacy Brick Sale
Order a custom engraved brick to be installed by the ticket booth on the stadium plaza. Mark your place in Seneca Valley history.
Bricks can be purchased for students, alumni, staff, coaches, clubs, or teams. Bricks will be engraved exactly as ordered - be mindful of spelling!
Payment is available on this webstore by PayPal, Credit, or Debit. If you select "Pay with Credit or Debit", you will see a PayPal guest page to enter your card numbers. (Having a PayPal account is not required to complete the purchase.)
Thank you for your purchase! When we sell a large quantity, we will place the order then install the batch.
Please order your Class of...T-Shirt. 100% of the profits from this fundraiser go to supporting your child's graduating class.
These Official Class T-shirts are only available for a limited time, so please act soon if you want one for your student.
Wellness Resources
The safety and wellness of our students remains a top priority. Below are resources to support the physical, social and psychological well-being of our community. If you believe your child is in crisis, please contact the Montgomery County Crisis Center at 240-777-4000. Students can also reach out to their counselor and school psychologist to set up a confidential appointment.
Waymaking Video Series
- Suicide Awareness
- Managing Stress and Anxiety for Students
- Managing Stress and Anxiety during Social Distancing
Tips on Addressing Student Grief
Tips for Preventing Youth Suicide
Are you #SVPROUD?
- Tweet, Snap, IB, FB, etc., a pic of you repping "The Valley" by wearing your Seneca gear.
- And don't forget to use #svproud. Go Eagles!
Seneca Valley High School
Email: marc_j_cohen@mcpsmd.org
Website: www.senecavalleyhighschool.com
Location: 19401 Crystal Rock Drive, Germantown, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-6400
Twitter: @SenecaValleyHS