Bourchier Mail
School Newsletter - 16th Edition - 5th October 2023
Dear Newsletter Readers,
Welcome to Term Four!
I hope everyone has had a relaxing few weeks. While there has been no school happening it has been a very busy time at Bourchier. We have had trees removed, asphalt ripped up, new concrete laid, painting, plastering and acoustic wall fabric installed. We have upgraded security cameras, had new signage installed and received delivery of two shipping containers for storage for our Kids Shed and bikes and scooter program. We hope that these upgrades can contribute to our students having the best learning environment possible.
Term Four is traditionally a very busy term. We have important end-of-year assessments that will happen including Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarking and Progressive Achievement Tests in Reading and Mathematics. We know that the term will be packed full of learning and much of your child's progress will be captured with regular Seesaw reporting tasks.
We also have lots of events happening in Term Four. Transition sessions, Swimming events, end-of-year celebrations and of course, Graduation. Please ensure your child's excursion levy has been paid for them to participate. Please stay tuned to our website for important updates, and you can view our calendar here.
As always if you would like to contribute any ideas or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. You can book a time to meet with me here or alternatively contact the front office.
Kind Regards,
Gary D'Arma
The Lume
On the 12th of September the Year 5 students visited the Lume in Melbourne. The exhibition we attended was called Connection which showcased an abundance of First Nations artwork. The exhibition was like a live story telling session, which told stories in three parts; our country, water country and sky country. The students enjoyed the fully immersive gallery from a number of different angles. Students also enjoyed walking around the Yarra River and experiencing the amazing views of skyscrapers in the CBD.
Mt Wombat
School Hats are temporarily unavailble
Unfortunately our supplier has had distribution problems, and cannot supply us for another month. You can go to the uniform shops in Shepparton to purchase a Bourchier Street Hat in the mean time.
scholastic book fair - families welcome
Scholastic Book Fair is returning to Bourchier St. on 17th October.
This is a great opportunity for families to come together to promote reading, a love of books and lifelong learning.
Our bookfair encourages children to be excited about reading.
The books will be on display to families and friends and can be purchased via EFTPOS and cash.
DATE: Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th October
WHEN: Before and after school in our school library.
This is a great opportunity to do some early Christmas shopping and help the school purchase new library books.
Book club
Book Club catalogues have been disturbed.
Orders will close Friday 20th October.
Parents can order through LOOP
View the latest catalogue online
Book Club | Scholastic Australia
For cash payments, please ensure you have the correct money and that the envelope is securely sealed with your completed order form and child’s details.
Senior Production tickets for sale
A flyer will be sent home with different payment options.
Picking your child up early from school?
If you wish to collect your child(ren) early from school you must contact our front office prior on 5821 3488 to advise what time.
The office staff will arrange for your child(ren) to be waiting at the front office at the required time.
Having notice avoids any disruption to our students learning time in the classroom.
Please try to arrange any appointments outside of school hours (8.45am-3.15pm)
Your child’s attendance at school is critical for their learning and development.
All children are expected to wear full school uniform
The wearing of school uniform helps children develop a sense of identity with the school community.
The school uniform helps promote a positive image of both students and the school to the general community. The wearing of school uniform promotes equality.
The school uniform is to be worn during school hours, while traveling to and from school, and when the students are on school excursions.
All school uniform must be clearly named so that lost items can be identified.
Jackets and hats can be purchased from the school. Several retail shops stock the entire uniform. The school endeavors to provide pre-loved items at the cheapest possible cost.
Please refer to our Student Dress Code Policy
The Resilience Project have some great ideas for practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness at home. These examples incorporate First Nation's Perspectives to wellbeing.
YEAR 6 CANBERRA CAMP Tuesday 28th November - Friday 1st December 2023
Just a reminder to keep up the payments for the Year 6 Canberra Camp via QKR or phone the office to make a payment over the phone.
The Canberra trip is a highlight for the Year 6 students and incorporates many educational activities and some fun experiences such as a pool night, Questacon, rock climbing and a visit to AIS.
Students being dropped off and picked up from School
Please do not pull into either STAFF CAR PARK to drop your children off or pick them up.
The staff car park is out of bounds and choosing to use these areas is endangering
our children.
We have many teachers entering and exiting the car park before and after school, so this is a child free zone.
The Balaclava Rd. child care centre is a private park, so please refrain from parking there.
Kiss & Go
This is designed for parents to pull in, say goodbye to their children and exit within
2 minutes. Parents are not to leave the car. The council will be monitoring time
limits and will issue fines if parents are not adhering to the rules.
Please respect other people’s private driveways, and adhere to parking signage or you may receive a fine.
Thanks so much
A healthy dish to create!
BSPS Breakfast Program - Donations appreciated
Every child is welcome to our Breakfast Program each morning (except Monday), from 8am to 8.40am.
We serve toast, milo & fruit cups for all kids. Something warm just before they go into class during winter, is great for the kids.
This is just a top up, even if they have already had breakfast at home. It is OK for them to come and enjoy the atmosphere with their friends to have just a little more breaky.
Student Absence Using Compass
When your child is absent from school, please log onto the parent portal, COMPASS and enter the absence along with the reason.
You need a username and password which has been distributed to families, but we can easily resend you the logon details by phoning or emailing the front office
Refer to the instructions below
Alert!!! Head Lice
We have had reported cases of students with live head lice so we are asking parents to be vigilant and check your child/ren’s hair.
We do regular checks at Bourchier Street and any child that is found to have live lice, parents/guardians will be contacted for the child to be collected and treated before returning to school. On returning to school the child will be checked again by staff. This is in accordance with school policy.
Children with long hair are required to
have it tied back.
Information for positive Covid cases
Parents/carers should complete the Student COVID-19 COVID Test Portal if a student tests positive to COVID-19 (via a PCR or rapid antigen test). Where a parent/carer informs the school by phone or written notification, the school should complete the Schools COVID Case Management Tool.
Students who report a positive result are recommended to isolate for a minimum of 5 days and not attend school until their symptoms have resolved. Students who isolate as a result of a positive COVID-19 test should be supported in the same way as students with an extended absence due to illness or injury, with learning materials provided to support their continued learning.
Please ensure that your child’s, clothes, lunch box, drink bottle and property are CLEARLY named. All named property will be returned to the student in the classroom. Unnamed items will be sent to lost property in the hall foyer.
Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program allows devices to be brought into the school, and connected to our secure network
Our school has an online BYOD portal organised by JB-Hifi where you can access discounted rates on approved devices. THE PASSWORD IS BSPS23
If you would like more information on the program, please visit the BYOD page on our website or open the attached BYOD toolkit for parents.
Often Bourchier Street communicates to our families via the Compass app, important information of what is happening within the school. Sometimes you are prompted through your email to open important news items. Please make sure your email is up to date, so you do not miss valuable information. Please phone front office 58 213 488 if your email address needs updating. If your child is absent from School, please logon to Compass to document this.
Every family needs to download the Qkr! app which will enable you to pay school payments, purchase hats/jackets, order lunch through the canteen and purchase tickets for special productions etc.
Simply download on your phone and you will see how easy it is to manage!
Before/After school care at BSPS 0447 010 696
community news
Thank you to our supporters!
link for all Bourchier Street school policies
Attached is the updated Parent Payment Arrangement Policy which was approved by School Council.
Child Safe Policy
Bourchier Street Primary School has a zero tolerance of any form of child abuse. The school is committed to acting in children’s best interests. The safety and wellbeing of children at this school is our highest priority. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered.
About Us
Location: 1-19 Bourchier Street, Shepparton VIC, Australia
Phone: (03) 5821 3488
Twitter: @bourchierps