Parsons Pirates Update
March 6, 2023
Message From the Principal
We had a wonderful week filled with family and community. It was fabulous to welcome so many of you into our school. Many students dressed for success on Friday! The outfits for future careers were amazing with teachers, doctors, nurses, wait staff, bakers, police officers, fire fighters, sports stars, and my personal favorite principal! We were all smiles in the office while Principal Francesca and Principal Henry made the final afternoon announcements! #bestjobever
Sarah Aherne
Calling All Future Marauders for Kindergarten 2023-2024
Grandparent's Breakfast
Reading Month
March 7-Amy Conway 9:30-11:00
March 17- Carlson High School Students
March 24-Representative Churches is reading to 3rd-5th grades at 11:15
Future Softball Olympians
Model Ready
Officer Braydon reporting for duty
Book Fair and Bingo for Books
Dr Seuss and Thing 1, 2, and 3
Oh the Places You'll Go!
Cat in the Hat loves the Book Fair
Run Club
Kids Heart Challenge
Students are learning all about the Kids Heart Challenge and jump roping in gym with Mr. Grima! Check out the family letter to learn how your family can get involved and support heart health!
Rescheduled Carlson Carnival and Polar Plunge
Watch Dogs
When to Keep Your Child Home From School
Orange Spark
Upcoming Dates
March 6: Lock Down Drill 2:00
March 7: Amy Conway Guest Reader, Town Hall 10:30
March 10: Carlson Carnival
March 14: PTO meeting 6:00
March 17: Guest Readers from Carlson
March 22: Half Day Dismissal 11:55
March 24: PJ Day Fundraiser for 5th Grade Party $1
March 27-31: Spring Break
Mrs. Aherne
Email: ahernes@gibdist.net
Website: https://www.gibdist.net/parsons-elementary
Location: Parsons Elementary School, Middle Gibraltar Road, Gibraltar, MI, USA
Phone: (734) 379-7050