The Orange and Black
Martinsburg High School February 2022
“Good Times” Competition Season Has Begun
By: Valerie Clabaugh
Martinsburg High School is home to one of the oldest show choirs in the state of West Virginia, Good Times. Good Times has been around for over 40 years and continues to grow and improve every year. They have been preparing all school year for their competition season and it has finally arrived. Their show theme for this year is inspired by the hit movie, Coraline, which was revealed at their preview show on January 25th.
Good Times is led by Director Katie Schramm, who has been working at Martinsburg High in the Fine Arts Department for nine years. The main choreographer for their show is professional dancer, Sammy Williams, who lives and dances in Los Angeles, California. Good Times would not be possible without its dedicated performers and stage crew, who spend countless hours practicing for competition season.
Good Times has had a great start to their competition season. On February 5th, they competed at Walsh Jesuit Great Lakes Invitational in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. At this competition, “Good Times” won collectively Class A Champs, Best Choreography, Best Costumes, Best Tech, Best Performer: Jadon Thurston, and Grand Champions. Senior and Dance Captain Grace Martin stated, “It is really exciting to see that we are doing so well, so early into the season. We usually start off not scoring as well, but then get better going into the season. This is the first time we ever won at the Walsh Jesuit Great Lakes Invitational competition and that is a big accomplishment for us.” Good Times has most recently competed at South Harrison. They ended up taking home best performer: Xerxees Yancey, Best Set, Best Show Design, Best Band, Best Vocals, Division B Winner, and Overall Grand Champions.
Good Times is scheduled to have a few more competitions for their season. They will compete on Saturday, February 19th at Clover Hill Mid- Atlantic Show Choir Spectacular 2022, on March 25th at Powhatan Diamond Classic, and host their own competition at Martinsburg High on April1st. Senior Grace Martin also stated, “The next competitions are bigger and have a lot more competitive show choirs going to them. I do not know how well we will do against bigger schools, but we believe in ourselves to place and continue to get valuable feedback.”
Good Times is a great representation of the Music Department at Martinsburg High. A lot of hard work and dedication goes into putting on spectacular shows. They will continue to travel and compete until the end of the year, which will end off with their Senior Farewell Show.
MHS Robotics Team Moves On To States
By: Antonio Diaz
On Saturday, February 4th the MHS robotics team competed in the Vex Robotics Competition (VRC) regional qualifiers at James Rumsey Technical Institute. There were nine other teams competing in the qualifier that went from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This year’s VRC objective was to pick up and grab towers and drag them to your side of the field to earn points or you could attempt to balance them on a tilting platform to earn extra points. The matches started off with a 30 second autonomous period in which robots would move on their own with code made by each team. Whoever scores the most points in the autonomous period wins 15 extra points for their team. After the autonomous period, drivers will take control of their robot for the remainder of the match. Matches were in a 2v2 format, and each team played eight placement matches then competed in the final round. Teams also had a chance to compete in the skills challenge which was timed, and each team had to score as many points as possible.
MHS came in fifth place individually and placed third in the final round. Based on that and other factors such as skills challenge scores, the MHS robotics team qualified for the state level competition. This marks the fourth time in a row that the MHS robotics team has made it to the state level competition.
The VRC state competition will be held at Fairmont University on Saturday, March 12th. In the meantime, the MHS robotics team has decided to make some adjustments to their robot based on its performance in the regional qualifiers. Adjustments to the robot include changing the lift mechanics along with increased structural support and more streamlined code to make controlling the robot feel smoother. Mr. Arndt said, “Once this bad boy is fixed up and ready to go, we’re going to make some kiddies cry at Fairmont.” We’ll see how these changes help during the competition on March 13th.
First Year of Girls Lacrosse at MHS Kicks Off
By: Quinn Hughes
After many years of trying to form a team here at MHS, the girls lacrosse team is about to kick off their first spring season ever! Over the past few years, these athletes have been playing on a team as a county, although Spring Mills High School did have their own lacrosse team last year. Senior, Ella Hensell, says that she is “very excited for what is to come.” The head coach this year is Michael Jordan, and the assistant coach is Patrick Henry. “Personally, I am looking forward to seeing all the players grow and getting to be on the field” says freshman, Kaylin Henry. During the offseason, the lacrosse team has been doing weightlifting and conditioning sessions with Mrs. Casie Adams, the team’s weightlifting coach, to help get a headstart on the season. These sessions were held every Tuesday and Thursday, and started after Thanksgiving. There was also an introductory clinic held for players to meet the coaches and learn the basics. Starting around December, the team held film sessions as well. Practices began the last week of February, and are tentatively held after school from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. Hensell, an eight year lacrosse player, says, “This season I’m excited to finally be able to play for my high school. After many years of trying to start a team and playing for different high schools and clubs, I get to represent my school.” The team’s schedule is as follows:3/16: @South Hagerstown TBD
3/19: Preston 12:00 P.M.
3/22: @Spring Mills 6:00 P.M.
3/26: Morgantown 6:00 P.M.
4/1: University 5:30 P.M.
4/2: @Preston 10:00 P.M.
4/2: @Fairmont Senior
4/7: @Musselman 5:00 P.M.
4/9: @University 11:00 A.M.
4/9: @Morgantown: 2:30 P.M.
4/12: Mercersburg Academy 5:00 P.M.
4/16: Fairmont State 12:00 P.M.
4/23: @ Handley 3:00 P.M.
4/27: Musselman 5:00 P.M.
4/29 Spring Mills 7:00 P.M.
Martinsburg High School’s Baseball Field Gets Upgraded and Updated
By: Karlee Domenico
The Martinsburg High School baseball team has gathered money from fundraisers, volunteer work, and donations to improve their baseball field. On October 1 of 2021, they hired a company from Ohio, called Field of Play to improve their baseball fields. They are installing artificial turf on the home plate, the pitching mound, and the baselines. These new enhancements will be effective for each player stepping foot on the field. “It makes room for a better playing surface for the most highly used areas of the baseball field, which are the pitching mound and the batters boxes, and the home plate area”, says baseball coach Aaron Beiler. The main purpose of the improvements are to allow more games to be played on the field while decreasing the amount of maintenance and the cost of fixing the mound and home plate areas. Beiler says “ I am excited about how it will make our field look, and our hope is to have the best facility in the eastern panhandle.” The goal is to have the field done and ready for tryouts, which are February 28th, and March 1st and 2nd.
Martinsburg High 2022 Track Season Bolts Into Action
By: Margarita Salvador
Spring is about to come and many Spring sports are about to start. One of the most popular competitive sports that students join at MHS is Track and Field. Track and Field is a sport where you run on the track or compete on the field jumping and throwing. If you’re an athlete that’s very interested in running or being on the field, there are many events that you can join in. Here are some running events that MHS Track and Field has for anyone to join:
Sprints: The Sprint is a short distance event that runs 100 and 200 meter dash. It is an all-out sprint where competitors run by side by side to the finish line. There are also relays for 4x100 and 4x200 for runners who have faster times to compete against other relays.
Mid-distance: The mid-distance runs a little longer than the sprinters. It is more of fast pace run. It is an event that runs 400 meters, a lap, or 800 meters, two laps. Also, there are relays that have the 4x400 and 4x800 for runners that have faster times. Mrs.Zarahdnick is the coach for the mid-distance.
Long-distance: Long distance runs for a long period. The runner runs one mile which is four laps, two miles, and eight laps. However, sometimes you’ll run 400 or 800 since it’s still considered as a distance run. Ms. Whisel is the coach for the long-distance.
Hurdles: The hurdlers run shorter distances. The events are the 100 and 300 meters. The hurdlers must jump over a portable barrier while sprinting. There are shuttle hurdle relays for the women 4x100 m and the men's 4x110.
Pole Vault: The pole vault is a field sport where you will be using a pole and jumping over a bar. This event is more of using your upper body strength and having some speed. The goal is to go over the pole without hitting and get higher to have more chance to win.
Long Jump: The long jump is a field event if you use your upper strength, core, and speed to take off. You will want to leap over the sandbox to get farther.
High Jump: High Jump is a field event where you jump over horizontal line backward and with weight you can jump without knocking the bar off. If you're an athlete that feels like they can jump high, this event is a great way to start off and see.
Shot put: Shot Put is a field event that uses your strength to throw a heavy spherical ball. The way you use it is you press the shot put on your neck while keeping your elbow high. Then rotate your body to have that strength to throw the Spherical ball.
Discus: The discus throws a heavy disc that you’ll want to throw the farthest. You'll be standing in a little circle which has a diameter of 2.5m.
As you see there are many events to join in for track. Anyone is welcome to join Track and Field and find the event you're interested in. There are many runners that enjoy doing Track and Field to work hard. A current runner, Betsy Cushwa stated, ‘I think we should be looking for runners who are not only ready to win, but ready to work for it.” Another athlete runner Nathan Smith stated,” I’m excited for this season coming up, I joined last year. I really love the team bonding and look forward to continuing to work hard to have better times.” Everyone is welcome to join the MHS Track and Field team.
If anyone has a question you can talk with the head coach, Mr. Shiffler or Ms. Whisel for questions about track and field. Practice will officially start on February 28. To attend and join you must have your physical form unless you are already done with fall and winter sports. Track and Field is a great sport for new athletes.
Bulldog Boutique: The Next Hit Thrifting Store
By: Kaitlyn Dudley
Thrifting has become immensely popular over the years and Martinsburg High School has its own boutique. Similar to many of your favorite stores such as Plato's Closet. Currently, the boutique is located in the basement where the theater room used to be. When you visit you’re able to thrift in the comfort of your school, finding new alluring staples for your closet!
There is sometimes a stigma around thrifting and wearing donated clothing, however, it is completely normal and helps our environment. In fact, according to calprig.org, "85% of clothing ends up in landfills and an average American will throw away 81 pounds of clothing per year." Thrifting benefits the environment immensely and helps avoid supporting the fast-fashion industry. Bulldog Boutique is completely open to any students here at Martinsburg, and you do not have to be at a certain income level to have access to the boutique.
If you’d like to visit the boutique, there are two ways. Mrs. Elliott, in the English department, says “You can talk to me and I’ll take you down or you may talk to guidance who can also take you down and give you the opportunity to see what’s down there.”A great reason to visit the boutique right now is for prom dresses. Prom will be held on May 14th, 2022 and it is never too early to start finding your perfect dress. “We have a lot of prom dresses. We also have a lot of items for the juniors preparing for their mock interview. There is something for everyone.”
Bulldog Boutique is currently filled with clothing items and shoes, so be sure to take a look at what they have to offer! It is a great resource here at school, and you may find some great wardrobe pieces, at no cost.
College Board Announces SAT Will Become Digital in 2024
By: Laya Chennuru
College Board, an educational non-profit organization, has recently announced that the Standard Reasoning Test (SAT), now three hours long on paper and pencil, will become completely digital in 2024. Due to the evolving needs of students since the start of the pandemic, College Board believes it is necessary to design a more relevant exam to provide broadband access, especially in low-income and rural areas. This routine, standardized test will continue to be held at test centers and school facilities, but students will have the opportunity to utilize their own devices, including laptops and tablets.
The exam is said to be shortened to two hours by creating smaller reading passages and allowing the use of a calculator on the math sections. The questions will also encompass a more realistic range of concepts in order to provide an accurate measure of college-level thinking. Recent polls administered by College Board have also shown that an overwhelming majority of high school students claim online tests are less stressful and more rewarding. These factors play a role in the support of this exam, yet a great deal of criticism has stemmed from them as well.
The practicality of initiating a newer SAT now raises questions on the legitimacy of the college admissions process. Because numerous U.S. colleges have established a test-optional policy, many have disagreed upon whether this standardized test causes an unfair advantage or is a necessary means to help determine a student’s intellectual capability. Some say the consistent, minor changes made to the SAT in recent years have further diminished its value and integrity, while others believe the technologically-advanced test serves as a more accurate depiction of education in the modern era. Millie Cushwa, a Junior at Martinsburg High School, states, “I am honestly excited to see the difference it makes. I think it will save students a lot of time and allow them to do calculations faster since they do not have to bubble in answers on paper. I think there is just a personal preference.”
Additionally, the alarming rate of decline in SAT test-takers in the past decade has contributed to the prominent criticism of the exam. Although there are several mixed opinions, College Board ensures that the SAT will still play a pertinent role on the holistic view of college applications. The controversy surrounding the SAT continues to ramp up as 2024 quickly approaches, but the students and educators of our country are bound to influence the changes that come along with it.
Are You Getting the Sleep You Need?
By: Colin O’Kelley
There are a lot of things that can impact your sleep that you do throughout your day and even right up to where you’re laying down in your bed at night. External factors such as what you eat, the environment you sleep in, and screen time before bed, etc., can all impact your sleep in a negative way. According to Harvard.edu, “Light is one of the most important external factors that can affect sleep. It does so both directly, by making it difficult for people to fall asleep, and indirectly, by influencing the timing of our internal clock and thereby affecting our preferred time to sleep.” So, make sure to at least dim your lights or limit your exposure to light if you want to fall asleep at an earlier time.
If you want your body’s circadian rhythm (internal wake-sleep cycle) to be in good strides, then you must make sure you’re sticking to a good routine. According to Derek Gallagher, an MHS Psychology and leadership teacher, “Spending time outside helps you sleep. Your body naturally creates vitamin D which helps you sleep. Getting exercise and physically working your body will help. Limit your screen time an hour before bed. Watch what you’re eating and don’t eat right before bed.” These are a lot of things that you can do to vastly improve your sleep schedule. Gallagher also said, “Have a good sleep schedule. Being consistent with it helps with your sleep.”
Not getting enough sleep at night can also have negative impacts on you throughout the day. Gallagher, “There are plenty of adverse effects of not getting enough sleep. It messes with your memory, metabolism, hormones, and raises your cortisol. You eat more and are more stressed.” Robert Stickgold, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School said in an interview on PBS NewsHour, “...if you don’t get enough sleep, you’re going to end up fat, sick and stupid.” Not getting enough sleep just isn’t right for anybody. Your daily routine heavily impacts your sleep. Therefore, getting good sleep is such a necessary step to take in order to lead a healthier lifestyle no matter who you are.
Overview of Russia Invasion In Ukraine
Russia and Ukraine have been the main source of tension in eastern Europe due to the Ukraine wanting to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is an organization created to ensure its members protection and freedom. Russia does not want Ukraine to be a part of NATO because it forms an alliance with the US, UK and much of western Europe. This will strengthen the political and military power Ukraine has and make Russia look weak. Ukraine has wanted to join the alliance for many years, but worried about Russia since they border each other, and would therefore bring the alliance closer to Russia. Russia has sent soldiers to the border and is threatening war with Ukraine. They recently gave a list of demands to Ukraine that need to be met or they will engage in war with them, one of the demands being that they can’t join NATO. Ukraine is prepared for the potential invasion and their military is confident they can defend themselves against Russia. Though certain areas may be acquired by Russia the country as a whole can be secured. If Putin succeeds in preventing Ukraine from joining NATO, he could weaken the organization. The United States and other countries want to prevent this and plan to do so by supporting Ukraine with weapons and money. The United States is very determined to defend NATO but will not be sending troops unless the fighting goes beyond the border of Ukraine. This organization is important for many countries that will do what they can to protect it. Russia recently invaded Ukraine causing distress to many and starting a war. Mr. Faircloth, A teacher at MHS says, “What’s happening with Russia and Ukraine is unbelievable.” Many countries involved with NATO are ready to support Ukraine and stop Russia.
Washington Commanders: Beginning of a New Era
By: Jason Bednarski
As you may know, Washington’s mascot since 1933 has been the “Redskins”. But due to the pressure from Native American groups, because it is considered a racial slur toward Native Americans. In 2020, they changed the name to The Washington Football Team. Then, on February 2nd of this year the President of the team revealed the new name as, “The Washington Commanders.” According to Mr. Faircloth, Social Studies teacher at Martinsburg High School, “I don’t hate it but I don’t like it.”
They had a long list of options for the new name like RedHogs, Defenders, Admirals, Armada, Brigade and many more. But they decided on the Commanders. According to Team President Jason Wright, they picked this name for “Leadership, Service, and a common, unifying mission to characterize this fanbase and the DMV.” Teams are always looking for ways to win and since Washington had a 7-10 record this year, the new name could be a way in the right direction. According to Mr. Faircloth, “Yeah, I think it will make it better on the field product.” The team has also come out with new uniforms to go with the Commanders. They have three jersey types, one of them is burgundy, with the team name in yellow in the middle of the chest. The second jersey is black with a small Commander's patch on the shoulder, and the last one is a white jersey with the commander's name in the middle of the chest. The team also has two different helmet designs, one is black with a small “W” on the front of the helmet, the other one is red with a yellow stripe down the middle, and a “W” on the side of the helmet. According to Mr. Faircloth, “I don’t like the helmet or the burgundy on burgundy jersey, I like the white and black jersey’s. The new name isn’t going to be the only change because, according to team President Wright, “The franchise’s plan is to be in a new stadium in 2027.”
Terry McLaurin , Chase Young, and Jonathan Allen in the New Jerseys
Mardi Gras' Day Set To Begin March 1
By: K'Marion Dowe
A popular yearly tourist event, Mardi Gras, is approaching. New Orleans, Louisiana is the most popular site of celebration. Mardi Gras is a carnival celebration spanning from January 6th to March 1st, 2022. The first day of the Mardi Gras celebrations is on Epiphany, or Three Kings Day. The last day of Mardi Gras is the main celebration day, called Fat Tuesday. On the weekends leading up to Fat Tuesday, parades roll all over the city.
Mardi Gras has an extensive history, and many traditions that come with it. Ball dances are some of the main events. Lavish balls are thrown around New Orleans, with some being private and others being public, ticketed events. Probably the most recognized tradition of Mardi Gras, beads have been passed out by krewes, or Mardi Gras organizations since the 1920’s. The most popular Mardi Gras food is a dessert called king cake. It is an oval shaped coffee cake, braided and covered in sugar and icing in the color of Mardi Gras, purple, green, and gold. Masks during Mardi Gras celebrations are almost mandatory. In fact, it is illegal for any float riders to ride without a mask. Masks are seen everywhere during the celebrations.
Celebrations of Mardi Gras happen in many different areas of the world other than New Orleans, such as Alabama, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and the Czech Republic. They all celebrate differently, but celebrate around similar events based on Christianity.
When asked about what he knows about Mardi Gras, Martinsburg student Cyrile Ngassa said, “I don’t know much about it other than it is a celebration surrounded by Christian beliefs.” He seems eager to learn more about it. When asked if he would ever go to participate in the festivities, he said, “I would love to go. I see how much fun people have and would love to explore New Orleans.” With the height of Mardi Gras approaching, many people like Cyrile will get to see or experience Mardi Gras in person or will be able to carry their own celebrations at home.
Gameday Commercials and Halftime Show: What Happened?
By: Aden Reid
During this year's Super Bowl 56 it was the Bengals vs Rams. The game was very close but before the inevitable winners took the trophy there’s something else that happened. In between plays we got to see some comedic and interesting commercials as well as a halftime show that was made for 90s kids.
This year’s halftime show was a combination of songs by artists most popular in the 1990s such as Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Mary J. Blige, and 50 cent. The songs in order of appearance with singers are “The Next Episode” and “California Love” by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, “In Da Club” by 50 cent, “Family Affair” and “No More Drama” by Mary J. Blige, “M.a.a.D City” and “Alright” by Kendrick Lamar, “Forgot About Dre” by Dr. Dre and Eminem, “Lose Yourself” by Eminem, and “Still Dre” with all of them. With over 60 ads in this year's game there's a lot to cover. Here are some of the highest rated Super Bowl ads with a brief explanation. Coinbase’s ad was a simple QR code that bounced around the screen and scanning it gave you the opportunity to get $15 free on coinbase. Rocket homes had an ad with Anna Kendrick helping a little girl and her Barbie try to buy the Barbie dream house but other kids and dolls try buying it from under them when Rocket homes comes to the rescue. The Ubereats ad starts when Jennifer Coolidge gets non food items in her Ubereats delivery and asks the question if the bag says Ubereats can you eats? Nicholas Braun, Trevor Noah, and Gwyneth Paltrow put it to the test eating flowers, diapers, and kitty litter which we are assured are all props. Avocados from Mexico has an ad based in medieval times when people at a fair try avocados from Mexico as Julius Caesar played by Andy Richter takes a special liking to them. Amazon’s ad starring Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost as they theorize what it'd be like if the Amazon Alexa could read your mind. They make a blender start to interrupt a conversation and a reminder is made to fake Colin's death after Scarlett tells him the release date of her new show. They ultimately decide that it was a bad idea. BMW’s ad starts after Zeus played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hera played by Salma Hayek retire to Palm Springs California. Zeus quickly gets tired of earth's technology and wants to leave when Hera surprises him with an all electric BMW IX to charge him back up. Lays has Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan eating Lays potato chips on the steps of Seth’s wedding; they reminisce about all the golden memories when lays were there for them. Like when a stalker kidnapped them, when they stumbled into a turf war, or when Seth bought his first house and had a banshee neighbor. Seth then gets married surprisingly to the banshee and dances with her at the after party as we’re reminded to “stay golden”. Planters ad starts as Joel McHale argues that mixed nuts should be eaten all at once and Ken Jeong argues they should be eaten one at a time, they ask the internet for their opinion. This spreads quickly and immediately has all of America riating, asking the question all or one. Joel then says “Who knew America would tear itself apart over a relatively minor difference of opinion”. Doritos has an ad for their Flamin’ Hot Doritos and Cheetos when a wildlife photographer drops her bags of Flamin’ Hot Doritos and Cheetos the animals of the forest try them which ends up having them make some odd noises and starts a beat. Other animals join in and the photographer tries taking her chips back but they end up liking them and keeping it. And after so many more advertisements the Rams win ending the 2022 Super Bowl 56.
List of Super Bowl 2022 Commercials With Starring Actors
Jurassic Would Dominion trailer: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Neil, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern
Toyota: Brian and Robin Mckeever
Square Space: Zendaya
T-Mobile: Miley Cyrus, Dolly Parton
Expedia: Ewan McGregor
Marvel Studios: Doctor strange and the Multiverse of Madness and Moon Knight trailer
Meta Quest 2: “Old Friends”
Michelob ULTRA: Peyton Manning,Alex Morgan,Jimmy Butler, Serena Williams, Steve Buscemi
Salesforce: Matthew McConaughey
Hard Rock: JLo, Arod, DJ Khaled, Pitbull, Steven Van Zandt
Bud Light seltzer: Guy Fieri
General Motors: Dr. Evil/ Mike Myers
T-Mobile: Zach Braff, Donald Faison
Under Armour: The only Way Is Through
Booking.com: Idris Elba
Irish Spring:
Hellmanns: Jerod Mayo
Planet Fitness: Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Rodman, Danny Trejo, William Shatner
Budweiser: Clydesdale
Busch Light: Kenny G
BIC: Snoop Dogg, Martha Stewart
Nissan: Eugene Levy, Brie Larson, Danai Gurira, Dave Bautista
AT&T: fiber Mila Kunis, Demi Moore
Rakuten: Hannah Waddingham
Sam’s Club: Kevin Hart
Taco Bell: Doja Cat
Headspace: John Legend
Peacock’s Bel-Air: Director Will Smith
Skechers: Willie Nelson
McDonalds: Kanye West, Bubba Wallace, Grimace
Disney+: goats Awkwafina
Caesars Sportsbook: JB Smoove, Halle Berry
TurboTax: Jason Sudeikis
Turkish Airlines: Morgan Freeman
Chevrolet: silverado all electric Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Robert Iler
Toyota: Leslie Jones, Rashida Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, Nick Jonas
FTX: Larry David
Verizon: Jim Carrey
NBC: Mariska Hargitay, Terry Crews, Ted Danson, Kenan Thompson
Hologic: Mary J. Blige
GreenLight: Ty Burrell
E*trade: Pete Holmes
Netflix: The Adam project
Ambulance: movie Jake Gillenhall
Prime Video: The Rings of Power
Back Row- Antonio Diaz, Aden Reid, Colin O'Kelley, K'Marion Dowe, Kaitlyn Dudley, and Advisor Ms. Foreman.
Second Row- Laya Chennuru, Editor- Valerie Clabaugh, Karlee Domenico, Quinn Hughes
Front Row- Margarita Salvador, Jason Bednarski, Kamaya Denson.