Halloween Celebrations at Hannum
Friday October 29, 2021
What will the Halloween Parade and Party look like this year??
Hannum School will celebrate Halloween on Friday October 29th. Here are some answers to questions that some of you may have.
*Students can pass out NON EDIBLE treats to their classmates
*Costumes should not be overly gory or violent..we are an elementary school. Please save the gore for later on at home.
*No food will be served at the parties this year, due to having to take masks off. If room parents elect to have food at the party, it will be sent home in a snack bag with the students.
*The party starts shortly after the parade is over.
*Parents must be pre-assigned to work the classroom party.
*Parties must end by 11:15 so we can dismiss at 11:30am.
Halloween Letter
Click here for more specific details. The letter is in English, Spanish and Arabic
Event Information
Friday, Oct 29, 2021, 09:30 AM
J M Hannum Elementary School, South Tripp Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Schedule for the day
9:30: Parade Starts
10:15: Party starts?
11:15: Party Ends
11:30: Dismissal
Are you volunteering for the party??
PLEASE stop in the office ahead of October 29th with your ID so we can have you in the system and have your badges ready for you when you come for the party. This will make it much quicker and you can get to the rooms faster.