Boyden Weekly Update
January 5, 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
Happy New Year! It was great to see all the students back after the vacation and hear about their fun times around the holidays.
Please remember that there is no school next Friday, January 12th (Staff Training) and Monday, January 15th (Martin Luther King Day)
Have a nice weekend!
Bookmark Contest for Grades 2-5 is Back!
We are thrilled to announce that the Massachusetts School Library Association Bookmark Contest is back! This year, the theme is Every Story Matters. Stories have the incredible power to transport us to new worlds, teach us lessons, and ignite our curiosity. This contest is an opportunity for students to showcase their artistic and design talents by creating bookmarks. Mrs. Moses shared the contest with students during media lessons this week. Boyden judges will chose 1 bookmark from the 2-3 grade division and 1 bookmark from the 4-5 grade division for the statewide contest. Students can work on their submissions during free or choice time in school or at home.
Contest details:
- Who: Students in Grades 2-5
- What: Design a bookmark based on the theme Every Story Matters
- How: Use the entry form (given to each student during media and available in classrooms or click here). Use markers, crayons, paints or digital art. All artwork must be original (no licensed or AI generated characters)
- Submission Deadline: Due to Mrs. Moses in the media center on 1/30/24
Interested in more information, please view the MSLA bookmark contest website.
♪Notes♪ from the Music Room
Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade learned all about Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker Suite. A suite is a collection of short musical pieces which can be played one after the other. Students also learned about musical form and structure for certain pieces from The Nutcracker, including The March and Waltz of the flowers. They were able to distinguish, through movement with scarves, the differences between the high and low pitches in The Chinese Tea Dance. Students learned about Overture; a musical introduction at the beginning of a ballet or musical and they also discovered all about the composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. To finish the unit, students watched clips from The Nutcracker ballet.
Third graders have been working hard on the recorder. They have successfully learned their first song, Hot Cross Buns, and are able to play the song as a class and with accompaniment. They are also becoming more comfortable with reading sheet music and naming the different parts of a piece of music such as, measure, bar line, repeat sign and time signature.
Fourth grade has also been working hard on the recorder. They have composed their first harmony to the song Jingle Bells and performed for each other as a class! This month fourth grade will be starting to play recorder duets and trios and also composing with chrome music lab.
Fifth graders have been continuing their ukulele lessons as well as bucket drumming. They will be starting a composing project through chrome music lab this month in connection with their bucket drumming lessons.
Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025
It is time to pre-register your child for kindergarten. Children who are five years old before September 1, 2024, are eligible to come to kindergarten. Kindergarten Pre-registration will be conducted from January 3 - January 26, 2024. The school assignment for your child will be visible in the online registration program, Family Connection, once your child's address has been entered.
To pre-register a kindergarten-age-qualified child, a parent or legal guardian must complete the online pre-registration form by going to the following website
Once the online pre-registration form is completed, you may then provide the required documents (see below) to the school, in three different ways:
- Drop off at the main office of your elementary school from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
- Copy and mail to the school (see school address above)
- Scan and email them to the school secretary Julie Morris at jmorris@walpole.k12.ma.us
Required registration documents
- Proof of residency (town tax bill, utility bill, or lease)
- Health history form and Immunization records
- Original birth certificate with seal
- Mass Health Form
If your child is currently enrolled or receiving special education services through Daniel Feeney Preschool Center, you do not need to submit the online registration form, birth certificate, or proof of residency. However, you will need to provide the elementary school with a copy of your child’s latest physical.
Tiered Focussed Monitoring Review
During the week of January 29th, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE’s) Office of Language Acquisition (OLA) will conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of Walpole Public Schools. The Office of Language Acquisition reviews each district’s and charter school’s ELE program every six years to monitor compliance with federal and state English learner education laws and regulations. Areas of review will include English learners’ student assessments, identification of English learners, what programs English learners are placed in, parent and community involvement, curriculum and instruction, student support services, licensure requirements for faculty, staff and administration, program plans, and evaluation and recordkeeping.
In addition to the onsite visit, parent outreach is an important part of the review process. The district will send a survey to the parents of students whose records the review team examines. The survey focuses on key areas of their child’s English language education program. Survey results will be reviewed by OLA and they will contribute to the monitoring report.
Parents and other individuals may call Andy McDonie, Office of Language Acquisition Review Chairperson, at (781) 338- 3541 to request a telephone interview. If an individual requires an accommodation, such as translation, to participate in an interview, DESE will make the necessary arrangements.
Within approximately 60 business days of the onsite visit, the review chairperson will provide the Walpole Public Schools with a report with information about areas in which the Walpole Public Schools meets or exceeds regulatory requirements and areas in which the Walpole Public Schools requires assistance to correct or improve practices. The report will be available to the public at https://www.doe.mass.edu/ele/cpr/.
Extended Day February Vacation Camp
Where: Boyden Elementary School
When: February 20-22, 2024 (Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday)
Cost: $80/day (10% discount for educators or siblings)
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/TujRsqvz3vsMHzw39
January's Counselor's Corner
Boyden Apparel
Start your holiday shopping at The Run House! 20% of all sales from Boyden’s store will go back to the PAC. Many new items to check out along with the favorites!
PAC News
Parents Night Out
Who said that the fun needs to end now that the holidays are over? Start 2024 in style with a Parents Night Out at Napper Tandy's, Walpole, on Friday, January 19, 7-10 pm! Join other Boyden parents for some refreshments, pool, music, and lots of fun! Light appetizers will be provided. Please sign up here if you plan to attend. The cost is $20/per person. Please Venmo the Boyden PAC in advance at @BoydenSchool-PAC and put "PNO" in the comments. Contact Elitsa at elitsa.mollles@gmail if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Next Meeting: January 10th at 7:00 PM in the Media Center
Walpole Wheel of Fortune
If you aren't a member of the Walpole Wheel of Fortune Facebook page, join us! The Wheel is a fundraising page managed by the Boyden PAC where items are raffled to raise funds for the school. Raffles will be held weekly on Wednesday or Thursday nights.
Boyden Friendship Directory
Want to add your child's name to the Boyden Friendship Directory? Fill out this quick form and you will be all set! CLICK HERE
Walpole SEPAC Meeting
Important Dates
January 10th - Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
January 12th - No School for Students (Staff Training)
January 15th - No School (Martin Luther King Day)
February 2nd - School Store (Grades 1-5)
Febraury 9th - Early Release (12:25 PM Dismissal)
February 14th - School Council Meeting (3:30 PM - 4:30 PM)
Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
February 19th - 22nd - No school (Vacation)
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar