WLWV Community Update
March 18, 2021
No Meal Service During Spring Break
Important Reminders for Wearing Masks
Face coverings are required at all times while on school campuses. This includes outdoors and when using any West Linn-Wilsonville facility.
Here are some helpful tips for making sure your student is wearing their facemask properly. If your student cannot wear a face covering for medical reasons, please contact your principal prior to the transition to hybrid learning.
Can Staff and Families Travel During Spring Break? Read other Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hybrid Learning
The West Linn-Wilsonville School District recommends that both staff and families follow current Oregon Health Authority travel recommendations. As of March 18, OHA recommends people stay home or in their region and avoid non-essential travel to other states or countries. People arriving in Oregon from other states or countries for non-essential travel, including returning Oregon residents, should (but are not required to) practice self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival and limit interactions to people in their household. These recommendations do not apply to individuals who cross state or country borders for essential travel. Current OHA Travel Guidance can be found on the Oregon Health Authority website.
Family Empowerment Center Launches "Back to Hybrid" Backpack Campaign — Donate Today!
The WLWV Family Empowerment Center received a $3,000 grant from the Rotary Club of Wilsonville in late February, going toward much-needed resources and supplies for West Linn-Wilsonville families. Some of those funds will be used to purchase new backpacks and school supplies for students returning to hybrid learning this month.
In addition to the generosity of the Rotary Club of Wilsonville, interested families can help make this fundraising campaign a success by donating any of the following items to the Family Empowerment Center.
- Backpack
- Lunchbox
- Reusable Water Bottle
- Face Covering (cloth)
- Earbuds/Headphones for remote learning
- Easy-to-open snacks
- School Supplies i.e. pencils or notebooks
Donations will be accepted through March 19 and can be delivered to the school district’s Operations Center (2755 SW Borland Road, Tualatin) or to the Family Empowerment Center (located on the backside of Wilsonville High School) on weekdays between 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Families can also drop off donations at the West Linn Public Library. Library hours are 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturdays.
Backpacks will be filled with supplies and given to students across the district. Thank you for your support of all West Linn-Wilsonville families and students!
Updates to 2020-21 School Year Calendar
The West Linn-Wilsonville School District approved changes to the 2020-21 School Year Calendar to recognize canceled school days that occurred in February due to extensive power outages. The full calendars can be located on the district website. Key changes include:
- The March 18-19 Conference Days for Primary Schools are now regular instructional days for all students;
- The March 19 Conference Day for Middle Schools is now a regular instructional day for all students;
- The last day of Quarter 3 for Middle and High Schools is now April 22;
- The April 16 certified work day will now take place on April 23. That means that April 16 will be a regular instructional day for middle and high school students;
- The last day of school for all schools is now June 22.
With Hybrid Learning beginning for all schools on Monday, March 15, please make sure you're paying attention to the calendar on your school website to keep track of 'A' and 'B' Days. 'A' and 'B' Days align for all Primary, Middle, and High Schools.
We're Hiring! Apply Now!
To see job postings in the school district, please visit our website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/Page/167.
Review the Screening Process for All Students Participating in Hybrid Learning
COVID-19 Testing in WLWV Schools
Technology Reminders for Students Transitioning to Hybrid Learning
These are things that Families/Homes need to know:
We will expect all students to bring their fully-charged Chromebook (or personal device) to school every day that they come. We will also expect them to be taken home each night. Charging/power cords should be kept at home.
We suggest that students carry the device in their backpack. Please take extra precaution if sending any food/beverage to school to ensure that no leaks occur. If you are sending food/beverage to school in the backpack, consider enclosing the chromebook in a ziploc style bag inside the backpack.
If your child has been using a personal computing device this school year, they can bring that to and from school. That is up to you as a family to decide.
If you do not have a Chromebook or other device that you are comfortable transporting to and from school at this point, please submit a tekmee ticket to get directions for arranging for picking one up.
Please make sure that your child can independently log into their device, including remembering their password as well as how to turn the device on. Please practice this with your child if they have generally relied on parental support to do this.
We highly encourage you to keep the device plugged in while at home all the time. This will help ensure that it has adequate charge when brought to school.
Before your child returns to school, it would be wise to "test" the battery capacity. To do so, fully charge it and then use it for a full-day of normal school activities while not plugged in. Watch the power as you do this and connect power when/if the battery gets below 10%. This will provide the best estimate of the device's current battery capacity. If you had to plug it into power before the normal end of the school day, contact the school to arrange for a device swap.
Upcoming Events
March 22-26 — Spring Break (NO SCHOOL): There is no school March 22-26 in recognition of Spring Break.
Rapid Resources
About West Linn-Wilsonville
Email: kilstroa@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us
Location: 22210 Southwest Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7012
Facebook: facebook.com/wlwvschools
Twitter: @wlwvdistrict