Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - September 2019
Message from the Principal
The first week of school was wonderful, and it was so exciting to meet our new 6th graders and their families. I am looking forward to a wonderful year and continuing the excellence that is Cedar Park.
SEL: Social Emotional Learning: One focus for our school this year is around social emotional learning. What is SEL? Well, as defined by CASEL, the leading research and professional development group, SEL is, "SEL is how children and adults learn to understand and manage emotions, set goals, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions." This is especially important work at the middle school level. And while we have always had this work imbedded in our classrooms, we are working to be more explicit about its importance with our students.
I invite you to check out the CASEL website and learn more.
Core Elective: To help make class sizes more equitable for our elective teachers, we are implementing core electives at every grade level. These courses are listed on your student's schedule as Leadership (6th) or Literacy Enrichment (7th and 8th) or Math Enrichment (7th and 8th). These are fun classes our teachers have developed; they are not remediation classes.
Counseling: Unfortunately, we lost a counseling position this year. Please make note of the counseling assignment for your student.
6th grade; George McMurtry
7th grade: Fuji & Ambassador - McMurtry; Lotus - Taleff
8th grade: Rachel Taleff
Advisory: As part of our MYP re-authorization visit last year, we will be implementing a service project at the 8th grade level. To help make this successful, we moved our advisories to single grade level; however, the students will stay with the same advisory teacher for all 3 school years.
MYP: Yes, Cedar Park is still an MYP school, thanks to the generous support of our PTC who has graciously stepped up to support the stipend for our new Coordinator, Heidi vandenHooff. The great work we have been doing will continue.
What about Spanish?
IBO has agreed to give all the MYP and PYP schools a "gap" year to readjust to new staffing allocations. We plan to bring Spanish back for the 2020-2021 school year.
Back to School Night
The "Big Show" begins at 6:00 pm, but there are some great learning opportunities for parents beginning at 5:30 pm. We are trying to help meet your needs as parent learners, and it's critically important that you know how to navigate the district technology to best support your student.
All sessions 5:15 - 6:00 pm
What is ParentVue and How Do I Use It to See My Kid's Grades? - Library
Assessment in the MYP: So, Is My Kid Passing Your Class or What? - A14
Thursday, Sep 19, 2019, 06:00 PM
Cedar Park Middle School, Southwest Park Way, Portland, OR, USA
Annual 5K Fundraiser
Cedar Park Middle School school is having a 5K to raise money for Art Literacy, Field Trips for all grades, Pack Store to reward student character, Staff Appreciation, Student Socials, Classroom enhancement including discretionary funds for teacher led programs, interactive white tables in math classrooms as well as new furniture in the library. We'd be thrilled if you could support our school!
Click here to read about the fundraiser and all the great things it has done for CPMS.
Important Dates for September
September 9 - Picture Day
September 19 - Back to School Night 6 PM - 8 PM
- Pre-sessions begin at 5:15 PM
September 23 - PTC Meet & Greet 7 PM
September 26 - AVID Family Night
Sept 30 - Oct 4 - Spirit Week!
October 3 - Cedar Park Annual 5K Fundraiser
I Can't Get In to the School!
Approaching front door
Call box
Friendly office staff
Cell Phone Policy
Please send a note with the students name, and the bus # they are riding on. Student will bring this note to the office. We will stamp the note. Student will show note to bus driver. This should be done before school or during lunch time.
If my student has to leave early, what do I do?
Please call 10 minutes before you arrive and we will have your student in the office waiting.
Be sure to bring your ID.
What if my student is arriving late?
Please bring student to the office to check in, send a note with the student, or call the attendance line (503-356-2561).
Trouble with ParentVUE?
ParentVUE is NOT accessible from your phone. Best practice would be a lap top or desk top.
I paid for supplies but my student has not received them?
Have your student come to the office, we will print a receipt and help them get the supplies.
Where do I get P.E. t-shirts?
Please go to the student store before school starts. They are open every day this week.
Did your child forget something?
Rather than interrupt class we would prefer you drop electronics in the office, and all other items in the box in front of the office. Please remind your student of this policy. Thank you!
Nutrition Services Information
Nutrition Services information is easier to access this year, and we have lots of cool information to share!
Remember that the 30-day Rollover Period for 2018-2019 meal benefits will end in early October. Be sure to apply TODAY so your students don’t have a lapse in benefits. Any families whose students go into “Paid” status will be responsible to pay for all meals charged in school cafeterias. Don’t let this happen to you!!
Click on the link below to go to SchoolCafe, and see all the things that you can do:
All you need is your student’s ID number. If you don’t have that, you can call your school office
or the Meal Benefits line (503-356-3957). Here are some of your options in SchoolCafe:
- Create an account
- Apply for Meal Benefits
- View and print Meal Benefits letters
- See what items your student is getting in the cafeteria.
- Check your student’s account balance.
- View cafeteria menus
- Set up low balance alerts
- Set up auto-pay (when balance gets to an amount that YOU set, the account is replenished from your credit card)
SchoolCafe can provide amazing amounts of information!
If you do not have access to a computer, you can also apply for Meal Benefits on paper. Applications are available in every school office and cafeteria.
If you have questions or need help, please call Laurie Bishop at Meal Benefits, (503)356-3957 or email us at NS-MealBenefits@beaverton.k12.or.us.