ASBA Newsletter
August 14, 2019 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
ASBA--Where the Endangered Alto Clarinet Still Lives!
Important Dates and Locations
Registration Forms and $25 Due--Initial deadline is September 30 (Find on our website.)
Extended Deadline for Forms and $35 Due--October 31
New Address: Trey Reely, Executive Secretary, 2 Cathy Drive, Searcy, Ar 72143. Send everything to this address! Checks should be made out to ASBA.
All-Star Honor Band Try-outs--Tuesday, February 11 at Riverview HS in Searcy (Snow Date--13th)
All-Star Honor Band Clinic--April 3rd and 4th at Pangburn HS (possibly Harding or Searcy HS)
Arkansas Small Band Association Officers
John Fultz, Perryville, Vice-President
Bill Mitchell, Pangburn, Treasurer
Aaron Decker, Riverview, Secretary
Wayne Root, Valley Springs, Member-at-Large
Trey Reely, Retired, Past President and Executive Secretary
Leadership Tip of the Day
"There's no better way to show people that you value them than by asking their opinion."
Teaching Tip of the Day--The Magic Buzz Point
Light Moment of the Day
Put it in a microwave until it's Bill Withers.