Davis Richmond E-news
November 3, 2023
As the weather changes, please be sure that your child wears appropriate clothing for the changing temperatures. We go outside for recess if the temperature is above zero degrees with the windchill. Physical education classes are often outside and teachers take students outside throughout the day.
PTO News
Chicago Steel Game
Thank you to the Chicago Steel for coming to Richmond on 11/1 for a character assembly. Davis will have their assembly on 11/6.
Part of the program is a family night at the Chicago Steel Game. Please see details below:
Portillos Restaurant Night - Wed., Nov. 15
Looking to get PTO information?
- Make sure you like the Davis Richmond PTO on Facebook today!
- Check out our new Website DavisRichmondPTO.com for the latest PTO news.
District News
Big Hearts Holiday Toy Drive Oct. 16th - Nov. 9th
For the 10th year in a row, D303 is partnering with Big Hearts of Fox Valley for the holidays! They are a nonprofit organization dedicated to brightening the lives of children whose families are experiencing a financial hardship within the boundaries of our school district. Our collection boxes will be decorated by the Student Council as part of their Deck the Box contest, and placed in the front office of each building. Please bring your BRAND NEW ITEMS to the front office. Here is a helpful list of the weekly themes and donation suggestions.
· November 6th - 9th – SPORTS BONANZA!
Balls (football, soccer, basketball, etc.) baseball bats, nets, hockey sets, dart boards, lawn games, scooters
Thank you!
Davis Primary
Morning Drop Off Reminder
When dropping off your students on seventh street please be aware that the cut off time is 8:00 sharp. Supervisors are back in the building and the door is locked. We have had some students dropped off after 8:00 and parents leaving when supervision is not present. Please go to the parking lot and sign in your student at door 1. We ask that you park in the parking lot and not in the bus lane, as we have buses arriving after 8:00 and cars can obstruct their designated lane.
Halloween Parade & Parties
A big thank you to everyone who helped with our Davis parade and parties! Our students had so much fun.
News From the Nurse
HEARING and VISION screenings have started for this school year and we will be seeing students regularly throughout the year until all have been evaluated.
Adequate vision and hearing are paramount to educational performance. Impaired vision and/or hearing in children can seriously impede learning and contribute to the development of educational, emotional and behavioral problems. Early discovery and treatment can prevent or at least alleviate many of these problems.
- Kindergarten - all will be screened for Hearing. The students without the required vision exam will be screened for that.
- 1st grade - Hearing only
- 2nd grade - all students for Hearing and Vision and Color Vision
- All new students (new to district and new to Illinois) will be screened for Hearing and Vision
- Students with IEPs and Special Education Services will be screened for Hearing and Vision annually.
Please make sure that if your child wears glasses they bring them to school each day!
Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
Halloween Parade and Parties
Thank you to our PTO and parent volunteers for amazing parties!
Chicago Steel Assembly:
We were so excited to welcome the Chicago Steel Hockey Team to Richmond for a character assembly. Enjoy some pictures below.
- Students earned a free ticket to the Chicago Steel game on Sunday, December 3rd.
- Davis Richmond is having a family night fundraiser to attend the Chicago Steel game on Saturday, November 18th. See more info in the PTO update above!
- 3rd and 5th graders will take the CogAT test the week of November 6th. We will start testing on Tuesday, November 7th. Please click HERE for a more detailed letter
- In D303 we take a variety of assessments each year. If you would like to learn more about specific state testing and large-scale district assessments as well as the opt out process for any of the assessments, please click HERE .
Belonging Monthly Checks
Each month on or about the last attendance day of the month (For this month 10/30) we will give students a 4-5 question quick check on the topic of belonging through their Class Link app. Our goal of this survey is to provide/review data on how we are doing with our strategic priority of belonging.
One School One Book (OSOB)
We hope you are enjoying the first few chapters of Fenway and Hattie! Make sure to send photos of your family reading the book together to our LRC Director, Brittany Brandenburg, at brittany.brandenburg@d303.org. Your child can access audio recordings of each chapter in their grade level LRC Schoology page (shown below).
Below are some links for your reference:
English - parent letter -- full page calendar -- bookmark
Spanish - parent letter -- full page calendar -- bookmark
Happy Reading!
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303