Principal Crowley's Corner
Week of 5/15/23
Highlights for the week ahead
Tuesday: May Procession 7pm- Please read reminders below!!!
Thursday: 9am Monthly School Mass and Grandparents Day- Reminders are below!!
Friday: Parent Volunteer Coffee 8am in Parish Center; Annual Fund Party 6pm-9pm
Saturday: Youth Mass at 5pm-- there will be a special blessing for all 8th and 12th graders, info is below!
Looking ahead to next week:
NO SCHOOL Thursday May 25th through Monday May 29th Memorial Day Weekend!
May Procession Info
Dear Parents,
The SKS May Procession will be Tuesday May 16th, at 7 pm. Our May Procession is a parish and school function. We welcome anyone from within or outside of the parish as well. In past years, grandparents from our families have attended, and have loved being a part of it. Please extend an invitation to them. Families from our PREP program and parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend.
We tell our students that it is important to be present that night and that the May Procession should take precedence over any sports practice, game, or activity. Putting another activity over this devotion to the Blessed Mother would send a wrong message to our children. We have asked CYO to cancel all games and practices. If there are extenuating family circumstances that would preclude your child’s attendance that evening, we would respect that and ask that you please let your child’s homeroom teacher know.
Students should arrive no later than 6:40 pm that evening. They should report to their HOMEROOM in school. If it is raining out they should report to their seats in church, (they know where they are to sit) and they can look for their homeroom teacher.
The Sacrament Grades and 8th grade (2, 3, and 7 as well as the 8th grade Class of 2023) will proceed to the grotto from school. The other grades will be lined up in the school yard facing the grotto. We ask parents to be behind those grades in the school yard, the sidewalk pavement and the driveway alongside the cafeteria, not in the playground area. We’d ask that younger siblings not be in the playground, not on the playground equipment. Since it is a prayer service, once Msgr. Brouwers begins the opening prayer, we’d ask the students and families to keep a sense of reverence both during the outside portion of the prayer service and in church as well.
Just a few more reminders for the May Procession that may help you as I know we are all busy:
1. Students are to wear SPRING UNIFORMS. Please remember: shirts tucked in, school shoes-not sneakers, proper skirt length, and no chewing gum.
2. The following grades dress accordingly:
- 2nd Reconciliation - Sunday best attire
- 3rd Holy Communion Attire
- 7th Confirmation Robes
- 8th Graduation Robes
*DISMISSAL: For safety reasons the KG and 1st Grade will be supervised by their teachers to be picked up outside the front entrance of school. ALL OTHER GRADES will be dismissed in the schoolyard. Please pick up your child at the conclusion after the students process from church back to the schoolyard. Please be careful leaving the parking lot. Think Safety First! Big cars and little kids are not a good combo. IF IT IS RAINING WE WILL DISMISS FROM CHURCH.
We look forward to honoring Our Blessed Mother in prayer and song with our parish and school community. I look forward to seeing the students and you on Tuesday May 16th. Thank you.
7th grade field trip fun
Science, Math, and Technology in action with a side of pickleball!
8th Graduation is coming soon, but first the 8th grade parent dinner!
Kindergarten Mother's Day Lunch
The SKS 5K made a glorious return!
Additional Info for Grandparents/Special Person Day!
*There will be a reception in the parish center for the grandparents following mass. During this time the students will be enjoying their recess.
* From 10:30am to 11:30am grandparents are welcome to walk over to school and visit their grandchild's classroom. Students will be waiting to welcome them and a picture will be taken.
* At 11:30am the school day will continue on as normal.
* If grandparents are not able to attend, your child may invite another special relative instead!
Our Annual Fund needs YOU!
The Board of Limited Jurisdiction is planning a casual night out on Friday, May 19th from 6-9 pm. Food, friends and byob at SKS school, and emcee Ben Piazza will keep you entertained as he celebrates the close of tax season. This is a 21 and over event, and all families, alumni and friends of SKS are welcome! Tickets are now available if you click here.
We hope to see everyone there, but if you can’t make it and would like to support SKS please feel free to make a contribution here.
We would like to thank all those who already made their contribution this year, click here for our donor page. Thank you for all you do for SKS!
The Summer Reading Reveal is coming soon, and we need your help!
Small Amazon-like packaging boxes (we are aiming for thin cardboard)
Cereal and other pantry boxes
Shoe boxes
Tissue boxes
Toilet paper rolls
Paper towel rolls
The materials can be brought to the cafeteria any time before June 2nd. Thank you!
Prayer Corner: A Novena Prayer to our Blessed Mother
"Advice from the Pros"
This week's parenting tips:
Consistency is key to helping your child grow with confidence. It is important to be consistent with your expectations and consequences for each of your children. Remember, having consequences builds character and helps them truly understand how to grow into an upstanding and respected adult.
Help them develop healthy routines that will make them ready for school, extracurricular activities and daily life. If routines are set into place, they will feel prepared at every level of their journey.
Make education a top priority and emphasize that getting a good education is a gift. Prioritize learning and school work. If you make it a top priority at a young age that message will become an important facet in their lives.
God Bless You!
Mrs. Crowley