OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 1/31/22~
E-Learning Tomorrow, February 2, 2022
Mustang Families,
Hopefully, everyone is aware that D123 will be hosting an Emergency e-Learning Day tomorrow, February 2, 2022 due the inclimate weather being predicted. All District 123 school buildings will be closed for in-person classes and activities. At this time, we are anticipating that in-person school will resume on Thursday, February 3, 2022.
Additional eLearning information will be sent via email tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. All of our scholars are expected to check their individual Google Classrooms tomorrow for posted assignments. We hope everyone enjoys their day, please continue to be safe and exercise caution with this winter storm.
February is here!! Happy Chinese New Year! This month we will also be acknowledging Black History Month!
Updates and Reminders
Here are a few updates and reminders:
Winter Weather: E-Learning tomorrow, February 2nd.
Morning and Afterschool Drop Off: The snowy weather will forever challenge our patience, but please continue to be courteous, safe and cautious of one another, our scholars and our neighbors. Keep in mind drop off in the morning or the afternoon must take place on Oak Center Drive in the back of our building. We need the front lot for bus drop off and pick up.
Social Media: Continue to monitor and discuss the importance for the use of social media and potential implications for our scholars. Technology and information is at the tips of our fingers and it is all of our responsibility to utilize these tools as positive resources. Our school continues to be challenged by negative social media interactions affecting our school day.
COVID Update: We will continue to place an emphasis on the safety of our scholars, staff and school community by following our layered mitigation protocols and strategies. Everyone should be aware that our district has updated our protocols in reference to quarantines and isolations, moving from 10 days to 5 days in accordance with CDC and IDPH guidance.
Covid Cards/ Student Status: Families now have an option in Skyward to post student status. Families will be able to enter and upload their child's Covid-19 vaccine information in Skyward Family Access (see attached/ linked below). Here is the link for directions- information/directions
OLHMS Library Updates
Classes visiting the library in January discussed World Braille Day, Korean American Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Indian Republic Day, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and Multicultural Book Day. CLICK HERE for the January Library news letter.
D123 / IDPH Vaccination Clinic - Jan 29 & Feb 19, 2022
This clinic is open to any community member. A second dose opportunity will be offered on Feb 19, 2022 during the same timeframe and at the same location (OLHMS).
All vaccination types (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) will be available at the clinic, including 1st dose, 2nd dose, and booster doses for those authorized to receive them. You may register yourself and/or your family members for a vaccine. If you are having difficulty registering online, you can contact the IDPH Vaccination Hotline at (833) 621-1284 or PRISM Health Lab at (800) 325-1812.
All community members are welcome, and will not be denied a vaccination. Please bring a Photo ID and vaccination record card if you have already received a dose. (Lost your vaccine card?) In addition, District 123 has an adult education event titled, “Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine: What parents should know.” this Thursday, Jan 27, 2022.
5Essentials Parent Survey
Students and teachers across Illinois now have the opportunity to participate in the ninth annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness. Additionally, your 4th-8th grade student will be asked about their experiences in school to help give school leaders critical student input and help develop future school improvement plans. If you would like to view the student survey questions or opt-out your student please complete the form found at: d123.org/five. You and your student's identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and anonymous. To get started with the survey head to d123.org/five.
Below are February breakfast and lunch menus
February OLHMS Lunch Menu
School Menus
February Breakfast Menu
February News
Greetings from the OLHMS PTSA Board.
Our next PTSA meeting is going to be Monday, February 7 at 7pm. At this meeting we will be looking to form committees to start initial planning for end of year committees. This includes things like 8th grade social, nominating committee and end of year field day.
8th grade families, if your interested in starting to help plan the 8th grade social please reach out to
Kifaya @ kifism@gmail.com
Have any questions regarding OLHMS PTSA?
please feel free to reach out to me.
Teresa Shane
OLHMS PTSA President
Ice Skating Family Skate Party Permission Slip
Oak Lawn Park District Ice Arena @ 9320 S. Kenton Ave.
Monday, February 21, 2022 (No School - Presidents’ Day)
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Cost: Skating: $5.00 per person (includes adults and siblings)
Optional Rental: $3.00 per person for skate rental (or you can bring your own ice skates.) If you need to
rent skates, you pay for the Rental at the Ice Arena. Do not pay for Ice Skate Rental in advance. Ice
skates go quick, so come early if you need to rent.
Sponsored by the Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 PTA/PTO/PTSA Council
Questions? Contact us @ maggiebarto@live.com
No tickets will be issued in advance. Check in at the Ice Arena. There will be a list of those who prepaid at the Check In.
Reservations are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Any proceeds from this event benefit the annual School District 123 PTA Council Scholarship Fund.
For more information about the Scholarship go to: