Highlander Times
October 11, 2023

Highlander Times January 17, 2024
Hello. Welcome to the January 17, 2024 edition of the Highlander Times. You can access past editions on our website
Dear Somerville High School students, staff, and families:
Congratulations! We are about halfway through the school year. We are incredibly proud of how much growth we’ve seen in all our students this year. Second quarter ends next week. If students are taking a semester class, the last day of that class will be Monday, January 22, and the first day of the second semester class will be Tuesday, January 23. Report cards will be posted in Aspen early the week of January 29. Information about accessing report cards and signing up for Feb 1 Parent/Guardian/Teacher conferences is below:
Quarter 2 report cards will be posted in Aspen early the week of January 29. We do not mail report cards home. If you need help accessing Aspen, or you would like a copy of a progress report or report card to be mailed or emailed, please contact your community The slide shows below give instructions on accessing report cards in Aspen.
Parent/Guardian conferences are Thursday, February 1 from 2:45-4:45. We are asking parents and guardians to sign up for an appointment with your student’s teachers. We will be posting sign ups on Aspen on Friday, January 26. In order to make sure we are getting support to students who most need it we ask that you only sign up for a conference if your student has a C or below in a class, or if there is a specific challenge your student is facing. After January 31, sign ups will be available for all other families. If all appointments are booked, you can email teachers to try and set up a meeting or phone call for a different time.
Attendance Reminders As we come to the end of the quarter, we are again reminded of the importance of attendance on a student’s learning and overall high school experience. Please keep up the communication with the school and be sure to call your student’s community if your child will be absent. Per our handbook, “No student who has more than five (5) unexcused class absences during a quarter may be given a passing grade unless on an individualized attendance plan, which is developed through the Community Teams with key stakeholders.”
Special Schedule Next Week Wednesday, January 24, Thursday, January 25, and Friday, January 26, we will be conducing ACCESS testing for all of our English Language Learners. They will be testing from 8-11, then heading home. All other students will arrive for an optional lunch at 11, with classes starting at 11:30. Some students may be asked to come in earlier for practice AP tests etc.
Course Selection Now is the time of year when we ask students to choose their courses for next year. Students will be reviewing the process and their choices in their classes, and will be entering their selections into Aspen between January 29 and February 9. All families will get an email from our Counseling Department at the end of January, and your students’ counselors are great resources if you have any questions. If your student is currently enrolled in ESL 1, 2, 3, or 4, your student’s courses will be entered by your student’s school counselor, Ms. Eden aeden@k12.somerville.ma.us
Valentine’s Dance - the SHS Senior class is hosting a Valentine’s Dance Friday, January 26 from 6:00-9:00 pm. Tickets are $13, include foods, and are on sale all three lunches this week and next. Tickets are not available at the door. This is a fundraiser for the senior class; so If you're interested in assisting with food or beverage donations, we are in need of pizza, water, and Valentine's themed desserts. Please email Mr. Cooley at pcooley@k12.somerville.ma.us if you can donate!
The Superintendent Wants to Hear from You!
Seniors - Order your Cap and Gown for graduation ASAP. You can choose between blue and white. Cap and Gowns are $32 (choose "The Essential Package). Please see your Assistant Principal/Community staff if you need financial assistance.
Parent/Guardian Volunteer needed. We are looking for at least one parent/guardian volunteer to serve on our graduation planning committee. If interested please email Assistant Principal Paul Cooley at pcooley@k12.somerville.ma.us. The committee does meet during the school day, though volunteers can zoom in.
From the PTSA: Feb. 1st PTSA meeting, followed by social hour
Following parent-teacher conferences, the PTSA will meet at 4:45 on Thursday, February 1st, in room C205. We will begin with a brief update on upcoming events and fundraising activities, The meeting will be followed by an informal parent meet and greet at a Union Square venue, TBD, where parents can meet each other, and discuss school-related concerns.
If you have questions, reach out to PTSA Board members, or email shsptsa1@yahoo.com
Upcoming Events
Jan 10 SHS School Improvement Council 6:30-800pm
- Jan 15 No school - Martin Luther King Day
- Jan 23 Last Day of Quarter 2
- Jan 24, 25, 26 Special Schedule - ACCESS testing for English Language Learners in the morning; 11:30 start (11:00 optional lunch) for all other students
- Jan 26 Valentine's Dance 6:00-9:00pm
- Jan 30-Feb 9 Course Selection Process for Students and Families (more details coming Jan 29)
- Feb 1 Parent/Guardian Conferences from 2:45-4:45 PM
- Feb 7-8 Open House for prospective students and families
- Feb 9 Student Course Selection due for next school year
- Feb 19-23 February Break - No School
Highlander Highlights
Social Studies/Maker Space Memorialization Projects
The Social Studies Department has been working with the Library & Makerspace to develop projects looking at the legacy of Reconstruction and how memorials work as physical representations of histories. 10th grade US History students have been asking questions about memorialization and developing their own memorials with a clear purpose, physical and metaphoric construction, and intended audience and placement. In particular students have been challenged with considering ways to reimagine the legacy of Reconstruction through the telling of concealed and resistance stories in history. Projects all included a physical model crafted in the makerspace and a context and artist statement.
Special thanks to Mr. Greenleaf, Library and Makerspace Assistant for all his contributions to the projects! SHS is now accepting donations for Makerspace materials: Yarn, Embroidery thread, Fabric; Beads/jewelry supply; Craft supplies (playdough, clay, lego, stickers, etc)
AP English Escape Room
Eleventh grade students in Mrs. McCracken’s English Class complete an Escape Room as they wrap up their reading of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. Students look for clues around the room and work in teams to complete tasks connected to the novel’s themes, settings, stylistic features and characters.
SHS Chorus Performs at Bruins Game in Providence
The SHS Chorus was invited to sing at the Sunday Providence Bruins Hockey Game against the Bridgeport Islanders. The group sang "America the Beautiful" on the ice for the two teams and the fans. They crushed it! They got to enjoy a day at the hockey game (Bruins won 2-0) and represented Somerville High School as the professionals that they are. Way to go, Chorus and Mr. Evrard! Click here for a video of the performance.
Tufts Classic
This past Sunday, our boys' and girls' basketball teams got to play their matches at Tufts University. Thank you to Tufts, for hosting this great event!
For More Information....
Career and College Corner
We invite all SHS parents, guardians, students, and staff to join the PTSA, and welcome your ideas for helping our school and community. For more information, please contact us by email at shsptsa1@yahoo.com. You can visit our website and fill out a membership form here: shsptsa1.wixsite.com/shsptsa Also, please join our SHS Friends and Family Facebook page at SHS Friends and Family Page | Facebook to stay informed about PTSA and SHS activities. PRESIDENT Caroline Rosas; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Laura Beretsky; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Lisa Tatterson; SECRETARY Nicole Hoxholli; TREASURER: Kim Doherty