Central Primary School
April Newsletter
A Note from the Office...
Important April Dates to Remember:
- Paraprofessional Appreciation Day: Wednesday, April 7th
- End of 3rd Quarter: Friday, April 9th
- 3rd Grade IAR Testing: Tuesday, April 13th-Thursday, April 15th
- Administrative Professionals' Day: Wednesday, April 21st
Nurses Notes- Mrs. Carrie Bright, CPS Nurse & Mrs. Kim Martin, CIS Nurse
Dental Forms Due May 15th:
If you have a student in Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 6th grade, or are new to the district this school year, the State of Illinois requires a current dental exam on file. Dental forms must be dated between November 15, 2019 to May 15, 2021. If Central 51 is in need of a dental form for your student, an email was sent to you on March 12th.
COVID-19 Updates:
- Please send your student to school with a facemask EVERYDAY! Students should have a facemask on BEFORE getting on the bus or getting out of the vehicle.
If your student has ANY COVID-like symptoms (listed below), DO NOT SEND SICK STUDENT OR SIBLINGS TO SCHOOL! Sending a symptomatic student to school puts other students and staff at risk of getting sick and being placed on quarantine.
Sore Throat Fatigue/Tired - from unknown cause
Headache-moderate to severe Fever 100.4 or greater
Cough Muscle/body aches
Diarrhea Shortness of breath
Vomiting New loss of taste or smell
NEW: Due to a recent update, IDPH has REMOVED stomach ache, nausea, and congestion/ runny nose from the list of COVID-like symptoms. We are still asking that if a student has these symptoms that they be kept home on remote learning until symptoms are improved and the student is well enough to return to school. Symptom-free siblings may attend school. As long as no other COVID-like symptoms are exhibited, a doctor’s note and/or negative COVID test are NOT required for the student to return to school.
Keep all students home if someone in the household has a pending COVID test. :
If your healthcare provider sends a negative RAPID test out for further testing (PCR), that is considered a pending test and all students must stay home until results are received. Email test results to a Central Nurse in order to receive a return-to-school date for your student(s).
What do I do if my student is sick?
Keep sick student AND all siblings home!
Report students absent via the attendance hotline:
CPS attendance hotline at 444-3580 option 8
CIS attendance hotline at 444-3943 option 3
Contact your students’ teachers for remote learning instructions
Follow Central 51 COVID-19 Guidelines (click for link) to be able to return to school:
Doctor’s note- email to school nurse OR
Negative COVID test- email to school nurse OR
10 day isolation with remote learning
When can my student return to school?
Sick student may return to school once:
The school nurse has received a doctor’s note or negative COVID test for the SICK student OR
Has complete a 10 day isolation and remains symptom-free AND
All symptoms are improved AND
Has been 24 hours free of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea
Asymptomatic siblings may return to school once:
The school nurse has received a doctor’s note or negative COVID test for the SICK student OR
Has completed a 10 day isolation AND
Must remain symptom-free
PTO-Mrs. Stephanie Redlingshafer
Counselor's Corner- Ms. Gail Massa
Interventionist Corner- Mrs. Kris Mertens, Math Interventionist and Mrs. Breanna Guse, Reading Interventionist
Welcome back from Spring Break! It is so hard to believe we are already closing in on the fourth quarter of the school year! While it is exciting to think about summer coming, there is still a lot of work to do in the last quarter of school in reading and math! Continue working every night at home to keep the learning going! Let’s finish strong together! Here are some ideas and tips for reading and math at home.
Math Facts:
Make math facts fun!! Move away from the flash cards!!
Bring out the playing cards and play a game of war. Flip 2 cards and add, subtract or multiply to get an answer and then the highest number wins. You can work on Making 10 with a good old game of GO FISH. Go on a product scavenger hunt around the house. Give your 3rd grader a product and have them find 2 factors around the house that multiply together and equal the product. Give your 1st or 2nd Grader a sum to solve an addition problem and have them find the addends to match the sum around the house. Go outside and roll some dice, add or multiply them together and then create an activity to match the answer. Have them shoot that many baskets, do some jumping jacks, bounce the ball, ect. Another fun activity to help with multiplication facts is a skip counting hopscotch. The weather is getting nicer, let’s start making math fun outside!
Reading Tips
Does reading to my child count?
This is a question I always hear when I am talking to parents! Every child comes home at night with the homework of “Read for ___ minutes.” This homework is incredibly important. We know that the amount of time spent reading has a direct correlation with a child’s reading success. What this doesn’t mean is that only the child reading counts toward that time! When you read to your child, they are being exposed to words that they might not be ready to read yet. They are listening to what fluent reading (and talking) sounds like. They are able to think about what is happening in the story without having to remember that plot while figuring out words. There are so many amazing skills that you are modeling for your child when you read to them! So to answer your question….YES!! Reading to your child counts as reading! Here are some ideas to mix up your routine:
You read a page, then have your child read a page.
You read a page and then have your child try to read it the same way you did.
Have your child find the words they know on the page and let them read those words.
Assign “parts” like in a play and have your child be one of the characters.
Use a different voice for each character in the story.
Read in the dark with a flashlight.
The bottom line is…make it fun!
Art Corner- Ms. Lacey Gleason
We have some exciting news to share! Starting on March 8th we had a student teacher from Western Illinois University join us. Sarah Warner is completing the last 8 weeks of her student teaching experience in Art and will be with us until the first week in May.
Kindergarten has just completed an artist study on Paul Klee. We created a Klee Cat and learned about warm and cool colors! We also listened to the book The Cat and the Bird by Geraldine Elschner, Illustrated by Peggy Nille. This is a children’s book that was inspired by the artwork of Paul Klee.
First Grade is wrapping up an artist study on Wayne Thiebaud, who turned 100 years old in November! Thiebaud is an American painter and printmaker who is best known for his thickly painted still lifes of many foods items. We are using his paintings as the inspiration for our ice cream drawings.
Now that second grade finished up their worm’s perspective drawings with snowmen and third grade has wrapped up their James Rizzi Cities, we are ready for a new artist study! Both Second and Third Grade are getting ready to begin learning about Keith Haring. Haring was best known for his graffiti-inspired drawings, which he first made in subway stations and later exhibited in museums.
A Little Note from Music- Mrs. Kathryn Cunningham
Here is what we have been up to in the music room.
Kindergarten is learning about our instrumental families. We love listening to them and exploring all the different sounds instruments can make.
First grade has been learning about how melodies move. They can move up, down or stay the same on the staff. We are also learning about the different kinds of songs.
Second grade just finished a unit on the Baroque Period. We focused on the well-known composers and the characteristics of the music from that time period. We are now learning about note durations (how long a note is played).
Third grade has focused on reading rhythms and dynamics in music. Each of these elements adds interest, emotion, and contrast to music. Students who are participating in the Recorder Club have learned the first 3 notes B-A-G on the recorder. They are enjoying playing together and learning the fundamentals of instrumental playing.
Don’t forget to check the Music Google Classroom for more supplemental activities.
PE Corner- Mr. Chris Dalberg
Technology Corner- Mr. Robert Deatherage
Contact Us
Email: ejohnson@central51.net
Website: central51.net
Location: 1400 Newcastle Rd, Washington
Phone: 309-444-3580