BoardNotes: November 2022
Highlights from the Caroline Board of Education Meetings
Caroline County Board of Education meetings are livestreamed and may also be viewed after the meeting has concluded. For information about the Board of Education, including agendas and meeting schedules, please visit the Leadership page of our website.
Pledge of Allegiance
The HoneyBees from Greensboro Elementary School opened the meeting by leading everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Member Reports
- Mr. Jones appreciated being able to attend the National School Board Association conference. He noted that meeting other board members from all over and hearing different perspectives was extremely beneficial.
- Mr. Plutschak enjoyed attending Preston Elementary's Springfest. He noted the overwhelming numbers in attendance, stating that the firehall was packed with people, and he was glad to see such support for the event.
- Ms. DiGiacomo said she appreciated the atmosphere in Caroline, that it is a great county but we cannot get complacent and there is room for improvement. She said it is important to listen and not get offended.
- Ms. Wayman highlighted being a guest reader in several different schools in March, and appreciated being able to interact with the students.
- Mr. Barton enjoyed attending the Culinary Arts Open House. He enjoyed watching the students in action and noted that the food was outstanding. He also said that he knew graduates of the program that had gone on to careers in the industry.
Superintendent's Report
Dr. Simmons highlighted the many elementary Guest or Mystery Readers Days in March. He noted that the theme of the month was reading, which complemented our focus on improving reading outcomes for students. He said in every classroom he attended, the students were gracious and kind, and he thanked all the schools' teachers and teacher specialists for organizing the events. Dr. Simmons gave a special shout-out to Federalsburg Elementary who provided student escorts to show readers to their classrooms and introduce them, which was impressive in terms of leadership and teaching soft skills.
Directors Report
Director of Operations Bill Mengel highlighted a partnership with the Caroline County Department of Emergency Management Service that resulted in an emergency readiness trailer for use in the event of a crisis requiring parent-student reunification.
Director of Special Programs and Student Services Elizabeth Anthony highlighted field trips and the New LEAF (Learning Effective Attendance Fundamentals program.
Assistant Superintendent Tara Downes highlighted activities related to art education.
Student Representative Reports
Finance Report
Chief Finance Officer Erin Thornton provided a finance report to the Board for the period ending March 31, 2023.
State Wrestling Champions
- Wrestling State Champion: Austin Alexander - Colonel Richardson High School
- 2nd Place- Women's Finalist: Saleta Nichols - Colonel Richardson High School
- 3rd Place: Gus Clark - North Caroline High School
- 5th Place: Jaeden Warner - North Caroline High School
Curriculum Adoption: Elementary ELA Grades 3-5
The Board approved the following anthology print and digital text series and curricular resources for 3-5 English-Language Arts.
- Wonders 2023, Grade 3: September 2021, Dr. Timothy Shanahan, Dr. Douglas Fisher, and Dr. Jan al.; McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
- Wonders 2023, Grade 4: September 2021, Dr. Timothy Shanahan, Dr. Douglas Fisher, and Dr. Jan al.; McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
- Wonders 2023, Grade 5: September 2021, Dr. Timothy Shanahan, Dr. Douglas Fisher, and Dr. Jan al.; McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Supervisor of Instruction Katey Allis-Fisher explained that these textbooks align with the Maryland College and Career Ready standards for English Language Arts and are a key part of a comprehensive literacy program. The series includes significant print and digital literacy components such as high-interest, authentic texts that are both on and above grade level. It also includes daily opportunities for writing in response to text, an online lesson planning platform for teachers, speaking and listening activities, social-emotional learning (SEL) instructional videos and lessons, as well as a variety of instructional supports and scaffolds for special populations. Wonders 2023 also includes both end of unit and biweekly progress monitoring assessments to check for student understanding. In addition to the online platform for teachers, this series includes a robust and engaging online student website to access additional content materials and student supports to meet a range of needs. Wonders 2023 is also a fiscally responsible choice, as all consumable materials and digital subscriptions are provided for a term of six years without additional expense to Caroline County Public Schools. This anthology series, Wonders 2023: Grades 3-5, will serve as a critical resource for both teachers and students in the Third, Fourth and Fifth grades, for years to come.
Overnight Field Trip
The Board approved the overnight field trip request for the North Caroline High School Band. The band will travel to Norfolk, VA on April 20-23, 2023. Students participating in this trip will be in competition against marching bands from all over the United States.
Last Day of the 2022-2023 School Year
The Board approved June 9, 2023 as the last day of school for the 2022-2023 school year.
Revised FY 2024 Capital Improvement Program
The Board approved the REVISED FY24 Capital Improvement Program. Director of Operations Bill Mengel explained that on February 2, 2023, the Interagency Committee for School Construction (IAC) sent a notice of possible adjustments to the FY 2024 CIP. IAC staff recommend that LEAs consider submitting additional projects to not only meet, but to even exceed, a total State estimated program of $485 million. In addition to the $485 million currently in the Governor’s budget, an additional $100 million may become available for the CIP in accordance with the capital budget. This REVISED CIP is a one-time budget adoption for FY24 and does not replace the annual CIP Board of Education approval process. Following the Board of Education’s acceptance and approval, this REVISED CIP will be submitted to the County Commissioners for its acceptance.
The proposed REVISED FY24 CIP reflects adjustments to the Board’s priorities shown in the previously approved Educational Facilities Master Plan (EFMP). The EFMP will be updated. A summary of all current planning and future years projects is included and can be found on page 8 of the REVISED CIP document (Form 102.4).
The FY24 REVISED CIP requests the approval of a roof replacement project at Federalsburg Elementary School and Phase 1 of a new roof project at North Caroline High School. This document outlines future roof projects of FY25 to include Phase 2 of the North Caroline High School roof project and the partial roof replacement at Preston Elementary School.
Community Schools
Director of Special Programs and Student Services Elizabeth Anthony provided the Board with an update on Community Schools in the district. Coordinators Ashley Powell (Greensboro Elementary) and Maya Robinson (Federalsburg Elementary) also shared information about their respective schools.
Legislative Update
Dr. Simmons and Mr. Jones updated the Board on education bills pending in the Maryland Legislature.
FY24 Budget Summary
Chief Financial Officer Erin Thornton reviewed the current FY24 budget summary.
Caroline County Public Schools
Location: Caroline County, Maryland
Phone: 410.479.1460
Twitter: @CarolineCoPS
Instagram: carolineschoolsmd
Caroline County Public Schools serves over 5,800 students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. We provide a progressive, academically challenging education that prepares students for higher education, careers, and life.