September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023
The Mountaineer Minute digital district newsletter is shared with Iron Mountain Public School families on Monday mornings.
Happy Homecoming!
Iron Mountain High School will celebrate Homecoming 2023 with a variety of activities for students, staff, alumni, and community members beginning Monday, September 25th through Saturday, September 30.
Whether you are returning home to Iron Mountain or you never left, here are some ways to celebrate Homecoming Week with the Mountaineer community!
Monday, September 25
Pajama Day (District-wide)
Girls Varsity Tennis v. Escanaba High School
3:00 PM
Iron Mountain East Side Tennis Courts
Let’s start off the week by showing up for the girls varsity tennis team as the ladies take on the Escanaba Eskymos at home.
Girls Freshman/ JV/ Varsity Volleyball v. Escanaba High School
3:30 PM/4:30 PM/6:00 PM
Iron Mountain High School Gymnasium
Come cheer loud for the girls volleyball teams as they take on the Escanaba Eskymos at home.
Free admission for Mountaineer students
Tuesday, September 26
Dress As a Celebrity Day (Grades 5-12)
Jersey Day (Grades EK-4)
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Escanaba High School
5:00 PM
Mountaineer Stadium
Keep it going for the boys varsity soccer team, IMHS and Escanaba High School kick off at 5:00 PM, at home.
Free admission to Mountaineer students courtesy of the IM Soccer Club
Concessions available, provided by the IM Athletic Booster Club
Girls Middle School Basketball v. Niagara Middle School
5:30 PM
Iron Mountain High School Gymnasium
The 7th and 8th grade girls basketball teams will take on Niagara Middle School at home, go Mountaineers!
Wednesday, September 27
Color Day (District-wide) (EK- Red, K- Green, 1st- White, 2nd- Black, 3rd- Yellow, 4th- Orange, 5th- Yellow, 6th- Orange, 7th- Pink, 8th- Purple, 9th- Red, 10th- Green, 11th- White, 12th- Black, Staff- Blue)
Don't forget to turn in your completed guest pass by 3 PM if you have a visitor accompanying you to the Homecoming dance. (Your guest's school must fill it out first)
Powderpuff Football Game
6:00 PM
Mountaineer Stadium
No cost to attend
Return to Mountaineer Stadium to greet old friends, enjoy the beautiful weather and stadium food! The Powderpuff game is open to the public with free admission. Concessions will be available. Thank you to the student volunteers who made this event possible!
Thursday, September 28
Beach Day (Grades 5-12)
Black and Gold Day (Grades EK-4)
North Elementary School Pep Rally
Afternoon, during school day
North Elementary School students will enjoy a pep rally assembly in the afternoon featuring visiting IMHS student-athletes and band students. Don’t forget your permission slip to have your shirt signed!
Not open to the public due to limited seating, thank you for understanding
Girls Middle School Basketball v. West Iron Middle School
5:30 PM
Iron Mountain High School Gymnasium
The 7th and 8th grade girls basketball teams will take on West Iron Middle School at home, go Mountaineers!
Friday, September 29
Black and Gold Day (Grades 5-12)
Beach Day (Grades EK-4)
Homecoming Pep Rally
Iron Mountain High School Gymnasium
- Not open to the public due to limited seating, thank you for understanding
5th-12th grades students will enjoy a pep rally assembly in the afternoon, hosted by the IMHS Student Council and featuring varsity athletes and the IMHS pep band!
Homecoming Tailgate (Free concessions, hosted by IMHS Student Council)
5:00-5:45 PM
No cost to attend
Enjoy free food and drink while reconnecting with fellow classmates and alumni at the annual Student Council Tailgate before the game, look for the signs at Mountaineer Stadium!
Homecoming Football Game- Iron Mountain High School v. Manistique High School
6:00 PM
Mountaineer Stadium
Free admission for Mountaineer students
Mountaineer students, alumni, staff, and fans- welcome home! The Mountaineers will face the Emeralds at Mountaineer Stadium for Homecoming 2023. Kickoff is at 6:00 PM. Fans are encouraged to participate in a “Glow out” theme. We remind you that admission is free for Mountaineer students. Concessions will be provided by IM Athletic Booster Club. At halftime, the 2023 Homecoming Court will be introduced and the 2023 Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned.
Experience the new additions to Mountaineer Stadium this season- LED field and bleacher lighting and a new JBL Professional sound system!
Those who can’t make it in person can stream the game on NFHS. A subscription is required.
Saturday, September 30
“Under the Sea” Homecoming Dance (hosted by Iron Mountain High School Student Council)
7:30-10:30 PM (Doors open at 7:15 PM and will close for admittance at 8:30 PM)
Izzo Mariucci Center/IMHS Gymnasium
$10.00 tickets are available at the door
Iron Mountain High School students are invited to attend the 2023 Under the Sea Homecoming Dance, hosted by the IMHS Student Council. Dance the night away at the Izzo Mariucci Center/IMHS Gymnasium beginning at 7:30 PM, entry will not be available after 8:30 PM. The dance will end at 10:30 PM. No shoes allowed on the gym floor, please bring socks. DJ services provided by Taylored Weddings.
Check back often for up-to-date information regarding Homecoming Week events. All events are subject to change as we prioritize the well-being of our students, staff, alumni, and friends.
Introducing the Iron Mountain High School 2023 Homecoming Court!
Senior Class of 2024: Ashlyn Bal, Emily Copley, Aylah Hoffman, Mallory Maracini, McKinlee Peterson, Madison Powell, Nikolai Burgoon, Matthew Colavecchi, Connor Owens, Fulton Stroud, Alex Wilson, Tyler Winch
Junior Class of 2025: Macy Linsenbigler, Cali Picucci, Oskar Kangas, Jomas Rosario
Sophomore Class of 2026: Lucy Baumgartner, Neveah Ross, Connor Maynard, Di’Angelo Saldana
Freshman Class of 2027: Emma Bouchard, Alysia Wood, Charles Anderson, Brayden Kassin
Homecoming Dance Reminders
- Guest passes are available in the High School Office and are due back before 3 PM on Wednesday, 9/27/23. Your guest must have their school office staff fill out this form!
- No shoes allowed in gymnasium during the dance, please bring a pair of socks to change into.
- Doors open at 7:15 and close at 8:30 PM. Once you leave, you will not be readmitted.
- 9th-12th grade students only.
IMHS senior named Commended Student in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship program
Principal Amy Ryan of Iron Mountain High School announced on Friday, September 22 that senior Brent Mayes II has been named a Commended Student in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, was presented by Principal Ryan to this scholastically talented senior.
About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2024 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards. Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the 2024 competition by taking the 2022 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).
“Those being named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success,” commended a spokesperson for NMSC. “These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizing their accomplishments, as well as the key role their schools play in their academic development, is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation. We hope that this recognition will help broaden their educational opportunities and encourage them as they continue their pursuit of academic success.”
Brent is currently exploring options to further his education in computer science and mathematics.
IMHS Athletics
The weekly athletic schedule is subject to change.
Update 9/27/23 4:30 PM: The varsity football game @ L'Anse High School scheduled on Friday 10/6/23 has been canceled. Thank you for your patience as we seek a replacement opponent for next week.
Visit our athletics website for the latest available schedules:
View photos from varsity volleyball Parent Night by clicking on the photo below!
View photos from varsity football Parent Night by clicking on the photo below!
Congratulations to the Iron Mountain Public Schools/Daily News Student of the Week,
Cali Picucci! We are proud of you, Cali!
Upcoming Events at Mountain Public Schools
Homecoming Spirit Week
Monday, September 25- Friday, September 29
Themes are listed above!
Guest Passes Due
Wednesday, September 27- 3:00 PM
Don't forget to turn in your completed guest pass by 3 PM if you have a visitor accompanying you to the Homecoming dance. (Your guest's school must fill it out first)
Powderpuff Football Game- Open to the public!
Wednesday, September 27
More details below!
EK-4 Homecoming Pep Rally at North Elementary School
(Band and Mountaineer athletes visit EK-4 students)
If your student would like his or her shirt signed by Mountaineer athletes at the Pep Rally, the form sent home must be signed by a parent. Thank you.
Thursday, September 28
1:30 PM-2:40 PM
5-12 Homecoming Pep Rally & Football Game
Iron Mountain High School v. Manistique High School
Friday, September 29
6:00 PM, Mountaineer Stadium
(Reminder- free admission for Mountaineer students!)
Join the IMHS Student Council before the game at the annual tailgate!
Homecoming Dance (Grades 9-12)
Saturday, September 30
IMHS Gymnasium
7:30 - 10:30 PM (Doors close at 8:30)
$10.00 Admission required. More information available above.
5-12th Grade Make-up Picture Day
Monday, October 2
Wear your plaid, Mountaineers!
Friday, October 6
1st/2nd Grade Field Trip to
Big Red Barn
Friday, October 6
No Class for Students
Friday, October 13
PSAT/NMSQT Testing- Juniors
Monday, October 16
Tri Hi Y Presents
UP Regional Blood Drive
Wednesday, October 17
Izzo-Mariucci Center
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Senior Parent Meeting &
NMU Financial Aid Night
Wednesday, November 1
5:30 PM & 6:00 PM
IMHS Student Council presents:
The public is encouraged to attend a Powderpuff Football game in honor of Homecoming Week 2023!
Wednesday, September 27
6:00 PM
Mountaineer Stadium
Seniors & Sophomores
Juniors &. Freshman
Free admission, and concessions will be available.
Player and coach signups available in the office.
5th-12th Grade Picture Make-Up Day- October 2
Upcoming College Representative Visits
Representatives from the following schools will be visiting with Iron Mountain Public School juniors and seniors. Sign up on the Counseling Office door:
Michigan State University
Wednesday, September 27 during Seminar
Free breakfast and lunch for all K-12 Mountaineer students!
Mountaineer Bulletin Board 🗞️
The following flyers have been submitted by district and/or community organizations and approved by district personnel to be shared in our newsletter.
We reserve the right to refuse any submitted materials. Thank you.
Central U.P. Youth Football League Game Schedule
DACF Fall Tailgate Fundraiser Tickets Now Available! (From the DACF website 9/12/23:)
Time & Location
Oct 14, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT
Pine Grove Country Club, 1520 W Hughitt St, Iron Mountain, MI 49801, USA
About the Event
Wear your favorite team colors and get in the fundraising spirit with marching bands and cheerleaders! All proceeds will go towards DACF's Community Impact Grant Fund (formerly known as Mini-Grants) to benefit our local community. Casual attire.
5:00 pm Doors open: Cash bar, games, raffles
6:00 pm Marching bands and cheer teams
6:45 pm Buffet Dinner
7:30 pm Raffles and games end
8:00 pm Winners announced!
Presale tickets only! Tickets available through September 29 - no ticket sales at the door. Tickets are non-refundable. A portion of your ticket purchase is a charitable contribution to the Dickinson Area Community Foundation.
Secure a spot by registering your team ASAP!
Click on the image below for more information and forms.
EK-6th grade students are participating in the annual elementary PTO fundraiser!
Mark your calendars!
The Mountaineer Minute weekly e-newsletter is distributed on Monday mornings to district families via SwiftReach.
Alumni and Mountaineer families!
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Iron Mountain Public Schools,
217 Izzo-Mariucci Way, Iron Mountain, MI 49801