RCMS News Blast
December 5, 2023
Term 2 Progress Reports
Picture Retake
Picture retake day is Monday, December 11th.
Forms are available in the main office.
Pictures may also be ordered by visiting mylifetouch.com, RCMS Code EVT86FNXB
🎵 Winter Concert 🎵
The Winter Concert will be on December 13th at 6:30 pm. We look forward to watching the beautiful performances our music students have been working so hard on!
Calling all parents...
If you would like to volunteer for PTO, please contact:
- Micah Logan, micahlogan1@gmail.com
- Francesca Delvalle, francescalynned@gmail.com
Our next event is Game Night on December 22nd from 2:45-5:00
We would love parents to help with fundraising, organizing and/or chaperoning
Please contact Dean Brown for more information or to volunteer: brownri@randolph.k12.ma.us
Site Council Elections
A Google Form was sent to families via Blackboard to vote for one Site Council representative per grade level. Elections close on Friday December 10th. If you did not receive the form, please contact Lisa Sleboda, slebodal@randolph.k12.ma.us. The candidates running are:
Grade 6
Marie "Danie" Bruno, parent of Clarisse Bruno
Lisa Frenette, parent of Charles Frenette
Kimberly Pierucci, parent of Angelo Pierucci
Rowena Robinson, parent of Amia Robinson
Grade 7
Akintunde Okufuwa, parent of Temitope Okufuwa
Ria Talwar, parent of Jayden Talwar
Grade 8
Mindy Fay, parent of Harrison MurphyKai Harrison, parent of Caiden Harrison-Fernandes
Once elections are completed, Mrs. Sleboda will send out more information.
Honor Roll
We are incredibly proud of our Honor Roll Students. Congratulations to the 44 students who achieved High Honors and to the 144 students who achieved Honors 👏👏👏
Veterans Day
Davina Tang (grade 8) spoke eloquently about how her family, as she grew up, made sure she knew the steps that were needed for her to be in this country. Her granddad fought alongside American soldiers who treated him as an equal. Then she talked about Senator McCain who after serving admirably made it possible, via legislation, for her parents and grandparents to become American citizens.
Luventz Rateau (grade 8) read a proclamation from Governor Maura Healy that gave a bit of history as to how Armistice Day became Veterans Day in 1954.
Luventz has the prestigious honor of being the RCMS Project 351 Ambassador this year. Project 351 is an independent nonprofit organization that builds a movement of youth-led service by engaging an unsung hero from each of Massachusetts' 351 cities and towns. United for a year of leadership and service, Ambassadors transform communities, elevate kindness, advance social justice, and gain the courage, compassion, and capabilities to lead change.
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief ⚡
On Friday December 1st, grade 6 ELA students shared a multimedia presentation explaining their narrative choices: choice of Greek god (or a character from another traditional story), new character choices, choice of scene from The Lightning Thief to revise, and how and why they revised that scene.
Thank you to all of the family and friends who were able to attend!
Grade 6 Design and Modeling
Mr. Carlson's students designed and built prototype skimmers. Prototypes were launched and distances were measured. The winning distance was 44 feet!
November 8 STEM Day Engineering and Virtual Lab
During the online virtual workshop, students engaged with three EVERFI digital resources, Future Goals Hockey Scholar: Math, Future Goals Hockey Scholar: Science and Sustainability Foundations.
Students actively participated with six other school districts in the New England area as they explored the various categories and activities of the curriculums.
7th grade ELA
Students in Ms. Damon, Ms. Manos and Mr. Yunich’s classes have been creating eBooks for their culminating project/performance task to close out our EL Module 1 unit on A Long Walk to Water. Scholars were tasked with not only writing a children’s story to summarize the story of a Lost Boy or Lost Girl of Sudan, but also adding/creating art to make their story come alive. The top 3 stories from each class will be read to students at the Donovan school mid-December. Featured: original art and story by Eziah Barbosa, Ms. Damon’s class, homeroom: Tigers. (Created with Canva and Google slides.)
ELD Class
Clubs and Activities
Newspaper Club
📰 Extra Extra...read all about it!
The inaugural edition of the the RCMS Voice is now available 📰
National Junior Honor Society
NJHS has 20 student members who have been working diligently planning many projects for this upcoming year including participating in a writing contest, making cards for veterans for the holidays, collecting donations for the food pantry, and competing in the tree decorating event at the Turner Free Library.
Multicultural Club
Ms. Apale’s Multicultural Club hosted a show last November 20th. The RCMS families, students and friends shared elements of their culture/ethnicity with other members of our neighboring community through storytelling, food, dance, arts and many other things that made our cultures unique. The event was a huge success and it was great to see families and students feel more welcome in school while creating social connections within the Randolph community!
Basketball Season
The first home basketball game will be on December 18th. The girls game is at 3:30 and the boys game is at 4:30. We hope that you can join us to cheer on our RCMS student athletes 🧺🏀🧺
The Cheer Team will be performing at both games.
Spirit Week
Spirit Week was coordinated by the RCMS Student Council and class captains.
It was incredible to see so much participation by the whole school community!
Dean Brown on Throwback Thursday
Grade 7 students on Pajama Day
Ms. Manos, Ms. Connor, Mr. R.C. and Ms. Damon on Character Day
Our next Spirit Week is the week before December break. The theme is “Teen Movies.”
We’re also turning RCMS into a Winter Wonderland through hallway and door decorations.
We’re excited to see what the “Power of Community” continues to bring us.
We are grateful to Mr. Moore for all he does for the RCMS community.
* Tanpri souple kontakte lyezon pou fanmi ki pale Kreyòl Ayisyen yo nan 781-807-0081.
* Para ayuda en Español, por favor llame al 339-209-2539.
* Para auxílio em Português, por favor ligue para 339-204-5505.
* Nếu có thắc mắc, vui lòng liên hệ với thông dịch viên tiếng Việt, tại 339-216- 2400