July 18, 2019
TEA Info
The following is a message from the Texas Education Agency, Division of Federal Program Compliance:
Opening Date Delayed
The opening date for the following forms has been moved to Thursday, July 25, 2019.
- 2018-2019 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports
- 2018-2019 PR6600 - Rural and Low Income Compliance Report
- 2018-2019 PR3001 – Needs Assessment, Priorities and Program Outcomes
*ACE Districts - Your ACE consultant will be in contact with you regarding these deadlines.
PNP Affirmation of Consultation Forms
USDE Resources
During the Title I, Part D Validation season, many LEAs did not meet the transition requirements within their programs. Take a moment to view the USDEs website to help with adding to or improving your transition services. This website has many helpful resources to assist you.
Statewide Parental Involvement Conference - Save the Date!
The 15th annual Statewide Parental Involvement Conference, Stronger Together, will convene…
- San Marcos Embassy Suites and Conference Center
- San Marcos, TX
- December 12-14, 2019
- Conference Website: http://www.implanners.com/parents/content.php?op=page&cmsid=1
- Preconference and Conference Registration: https://www.implanners.com/parents/register.php
- Hotel Information: http://www.implanners.com/parents/content.php?op=page&cmsid=4
Wanting to uplift your parent and family engagement program? Don’t pass up this opportunity. A practical pre-conference session. 3 motivational keynote speakers. 45 breakout sessions with strategies you can implement at your school. 25 exhibitors with valuable resources.
When home, school, and community work in concert they are stronger together and the opportunity for student success increases. We look forward to seeing you at San Marcos.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Updates - Fall 2019
Updates will be presented regarding the McKinney-Vento Act.
Questions will be addressed regarding the homeless student population and the services that are provided for these students.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
ESC Region 17
Use this link to register today!
Title IV, Part A FAQ
Q. Does Title IV, Part A have a supplement, not supplant clause?
A. Yes. Section 4110 of the ESSA requires that funds be used to supplement, not supplant allowable activities.
Q: What does supplement, not supplant mean in the context of Title IV, Part A?
A: Section 4110 of the Every Student Succeeds Act, Pub. L. No. 114-95, requires that Student Support and Academic Enrichment program funds be used to supplement, and not supplant, non-federal funds that would otherwise be used for activities authorized by the SSAE program. This means that a state educational agency or local educational agency may not use SSAE program funds to carry out activities that would otherwise be paid for with state or local funds. In making that determination, SEAs and LEAs should consider matters such as whether the cost involved is currently paid for using state or local funds or is for an activity required by state or local law.
ACE Districts
ACE Component Contact Info:
Camie Holcombe
Andrea Moreno-Juarez
Francisco Rodriguez