Spartan Community Newsletter
September 12, 2023
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Homecoming!
Mon. 9/25 - Superhero or villain shirt
Tues. 9/26 - Super athlete (jerseys) or super mathlete (nerd)
Wed. 9/27 - Super group (dress alike or as a group) & Homecoming Parade
Thurs. 9/28 - Even superheroes need their rest (pajamas)
Fri. 9/29 - Super Spear-It Day (school shirt) & Homecoming Game
Sat. 9/30 - Homecoming Dance - A Night in Gotham
Register for parade: https://tinyurl.com/PHHSHoCoParade23
Homecoming Tickets on Sale
Tickets for "A Night in Gotham" can be purchased at https://www.sisd.net/page/tickets
Tickets are $35 through Fri. 9/29 and $40 the day of the dance. Stop by L-110 for more details.
Upcoming Events
September 13
Herff Jones Ordering in Front Foyer 11AM - 6 PM
September 15
CBS4 Friday Morning Football Broadcast - 6 AM
September 20
SISD Board of Trustees Meeting
September 23
T-Bird Invitational Marching Contest
Saturday Camp and TSI Testing
September 27
Homecoming Parade - 6 PM
September 28
SIT Meeting - 4:30 PM @ Library
September 29
Homecoming Football Game
September 30
Homecoming Dance - 8 PM @ PHHS Courtyard
December 15
EPCC Fall Graduation - Don Haskins Center
May 31
Last Day of School - Early Release
Class of 2024 Graduation - 7 PM @ Don Haskins Center
Counselor Breakdown
Ms. Anchondo = A-Castaneda
Ms. Quintana = Castanon-Galindo
Ms. Dickerson = Gallegos-Hill
Mr. Alvarado = Hinojosa-Mendez
Mr. Pasillas = Mendoza-Porras
Ms. Vasquez = Portillo-Santos
Ms. Ronquillo = Santoyo-Z
Mr. Carranza = Early College/PTECH = A-L
Ms. Lara = Early College/PTECH = M-Z
Clear Bag Policy at School Events
Upcoming Athletic Events
Volleyball vs Montwood - 5:30 PM / 6:30 PM @ Pebble Hills
Tennis vs Americas - 4:00 PM @ Pebble Hills
September 14
9th and JV Football vs El Dorado - 5:30 PM @ El Dorado
September 15
Varsity Football vs El Dorado - 4:00 PM @ SAC (Feeder pattern night)
Volleyball vs Franklin - 5:30 PM / 6:30 PM @ Franklin
Tennis vs Socorro - 4:00 PM @ Socorro
September 16
Cross Country - Cathedral-Loretto Invitational @ Veterans Memorial Park
September 19
Volleyball vs Eastlake - 5:30 PM / 6:30 PM @ Pebble Hills
Tennis vs Montwood - 4:00 PM @ Pebble Hills
September 21
9th and JV Football vs Coronado - 5:30 PM @ Pebble Hills
September 22
Varsity Football vs Coronado - 7:00 PM @ Coronado
Volleyball vs Franklin - 5:30 PM / 6:30 PM @ Franklin
September 23
Cross Country - Round Rock Invitational
SISD Athletic Tickets
Free Breakfast
Lunch Information
Lunch Application
Lunch Menu
Closed Campus For Lunch
Ye-Ye's Kitchen Chinese Food is available for purchase during all 3 lunches, while supplies last.
Principal: Ivan Ramirez - iramir05@sisd.net
Assistant Principal/Early College Director: April Ortega-Valdez - agrana04@sisd.netAssistant Principal: Bridgett Valenzuela - bbumpa@sisd.net
Assistant Principal: David Woods - dwoods02@sisd.net
Assistant Principal: Luis Carrillo - lcarri02@sisd.net
Assistant Principal: Melissa Gardner - mgardn01@sisd.net
Dean of Instruction: Lorena Gomez - lgomez11@sisd.net
Contact Information
Email: jbrown10@sisd.net
Website: https://www.sisd.net/pebblehillshs
Location: 14400 Pebble Hills Boulevard, El Paso, TX, USA
Phone: (915) 937-9400
Twitter: @PHills_HS