Celebrate HAMILTON
American History Events in NYC & NJ - July 10-13, 2015
Honoring Founding Father Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1757 - July 12, 1804) was a Revolutionary War hero, aide-de-camp to George Washington, lawyer, signer of the Constitution, Father of the Federalist Papers, first Secretary of the Treasury, and Major General of the US Armed Forces.
Join the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society (the AHA Society) for the fourth annual CelebrateHAMILTON program to honor the incredible life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton.
Four days of events will be held throughout Manhattan and Northern New Jersey from July 10th to July 13th. This year's program will include special events to celebrate the 225th anniversaries of the creation of the US Coast Guard as well as the first Presidential cabinet dinner. There will also be a special tour of George Washington's winter encampments in New Jersey and a celebration of the inaugural performance of the musical Hamilton on Broadway. Learn more about this year's program below.
Want to learn more about CelebrateHAMILTON? See pictures, C-SPAN coverage, and more from our past programs.
CelebrateHAMILTON Schedule
(Bring your $10 bills for photo opportunities to show your support for #SaveHamilton)
Note: All events listed are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.*
12:30 pm: USCG Band Concert, Federal Hall
1:00-1:30 pm: Hamilton Graveside Remembrance, Trinity Church
2:00-3:00 pm: "Alexander Hamilton - The Formative Years", Museum of American Finance
3:00-4:00 pm: Book Signing and Hamilton Exhibit Viewing, Museum of American Finance
6:00-8:00 pm: 225th Anniversary Event - First Cabinet Dinner, Morris-Jumel Mansion*
Saturday, July 11th - Upper Manhattan and Weehawken, NJ
7:30-9:30 am: Hamilton Fun Run
9:00-3:00 pm: Activities at Hamilton's Home, The Grange
6:00 pm: Remembrance at Hamilton Park, Weehawken, NJ
7:30-8:30 pm: Talk on the Burr-Hamilton duel by Dr. Joanne Freeman, Weehawken, NJ
Sunday, July 12th - Northern New Jersey
(Washington's New Jersey Winter Encampments Tour)
12:30-2:00 pm: Tour of Wallace House, Somerville, NJ
3:00 pm: Talk - "Hamilton's Revolutionary War Services," Morristown NHP
5:15 pm: Visit to Morristown Green and Arnold's Tavern Location
Monday, July 13th - Downtown and Midtown Manhattan
11:00 am: Bowling Green Flag Raising and Talk
12:00-1:30 pm: Talk - "Manhattan Murder Trial" at Federal Hall
8:00 pm: Hamilton Musical
*A fee or requested donation may apply.
Friday, July 10th - Manhattan
US Coast Guard Auxiliary Band Concert
A brass quintet from the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Band will celebrate the Father of the US Coast Guard - Alexander Hamilton - with a short concert of patriotic songs. The concert will be held on the steps of Federal Hall, the site of the nation's first Constitutional capital.
This concert is part of the year-long celebration of the 225th anniversary of the Coast Guard's creation.
Following the performance, join the Coast Guard and the AHA Society in a short processional to Trinity Church for the Hamilton Graveside Remembrance event.
Friday, Jul 10, 2015, 12:30 PM
Federal Hall, Wall Street, New York, NY, United States
Hamilton Graveside Remembrance
Alexander Hamilton is annually remembered around the anniversary of his death with a gathering at his grave in the Trinity Churchyard. The program will include participation by the Coast Guard Auxiliary and US Coast Guard, which was founded by Alexander Hamilton, and a wreath-laying ceremony with the traditional memorial wreath from the Museum of American Finance. A special addition to the program will be the spreading of soil from Alexander Hamilton's mother's final resting place in St. Croix over Alexander Hamilton's grave.
Friday, Jul 10, 2015, 01:00 PM
Trinity Church, Trinity Place, New York, NY, United States
Talk: "Alexander Hamilton: The Formative Years"
Join in a dialogue with author Michael E. Newton about Alexander Hamilton's youth and service during the Revolutionary War. After many years of research and writing, Michael E. Newton has achieved one of the most comprehensive looks ever at Alexander Hamilton's early life. Read the full book synopsis.
Directly following Mr. Newton's talk will be a book signing of the "Alexander Hamilton: The Formative Years." Books will also be available to purchase. Learn more from the event "Book Signing and Exhibit" below.
Note: In honor of Alexander Hamilton, the Museum of American Finance is waiving its admission fee on this day.
Friday, Jul 10, 2015, 02:00 PM
Museum of American Finance, Wall Street, New York, NY, United States
Book Signing and Exhibit: "Alexander Hamilton: Indispensable Founder and Visionary"
Also available to visitors is the exhibit "Alexander Hamilton: Indispensable Founder and Visionary" featuring rare original documents in the Hamilton Room of the Museum of American Finance.
Note: In honor of Alexander Hamilton, the Museum of American Finance is waiving its admission fee on this day.
Friday, Jul 10, 2015, 03:00 PM
Museum of American Finance, Wall Street, New York, NY, United States
225th Anniversary Event: First Cabinet Dinner, Morris-Jumel Mansion
To celebrate this special anniversary at the Morris-Jumel Mansion, there will be a commemorative cocktail party with signature drinks and 18th-century themed food. The event includes short presentations on early American cuisine and the July 10th dinner at the mansion. There will also be a special guided tour of the Morris-Jumel Mansion highlighting the room where the dinner took place.
Speakers include: Nicole Scholet of the AHA Society and Kelsey Brow, Food Historian.
Note: Tickets to the event are $40. Advance reservations are required with the Morris-Jumel Mansion (212-923-8008)
Friday, Jul 10, 2015, 06:00 PM
Morris-Jumel Mansion, Jumel Terrace, New York, NY, United States
Saturday, July 11th - Upper Manhattan & Weehawken
Hamilton Fun Run
End Location: Hamilton Grange
Hosted by InShape Fitness, the 12th annual Hamilton Fun Run is open to all who would like to join for all or part of an 11-mile run in honor of Alexander Hamilton. The run route begins at Hamilton's grave at Trinity Church in lower Manhattan, continues past the World Trade Center and up the West Side Highway, and ends at Hamilton's "country estate," the Grange (St. Nicholas Ave and W. 141st St).
Members of the AHA Society will be at the Grange to greet all the runners to Hamilton's home.
Get all the details from the InShape website.
Saturday, Jul 11, 2015, 07:30 AM
Trinity Church, Broadway, New York, NY, United States
Activities at Hamilton's Home, the Grange
10:30 AM: "Creating the Coast Guard" by Nicole Scholet
AHA Society Vice-President Nicole Scholet presents about Alexander Hamilton's involvement in the creation of the predecessor to the Coast Guard, which celebrates its 225th anniversary this year.
12:00 PM: Presentation on US Dueling Culture
Rangers from the National Park Service present on the history of dueling and the role it played in the US in the 18th century
1:00 PM: "Introducing New Alexander Hamilton Discoveries"
New discoveries that have been made by author Michael E. Newton about Alexander Hamilton's life will be presented.
2:00 PM: "Creating the Coast Guard" by Nicole Scholet (repeat from morning presentation)
AHA Society Vice-President Nicole Scholet presents about Alexander Hamilton's involvement in the creation of the predecessor to the Coast Guard, which celebrates its 225th anniversary this year.
Saturday, Jul 11, 2015, 09:00 AM
Hamilton Grange National Memorial, West 141st Street, New York, NY, United States
Remembrance at Weehawken: Hamilton on the Currency
As part of the remembrance event, AHA Society Vice-President Nicole Scholet de Villavicencio will present about Alexander Hamilton's historic presence on US currency. Hamilton descendant Douglas Hamilton will also speak on Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill.
Don't miss the subsequent event, "Not Throwing Away Any Shots: Understanding the Burr-Hamilton Duel" at 7:30 in Weehawken. See below for more information.
Meeting place: Hamilton Park, overlooking the Hudson River.
Saturday, Jul 11, 2015, 06:00 PM
Hamilton Park, Weehawken, NJ, United States
“Not Throwing Away Any Shots: Understanding the Burr-Hamilton Duel” by Dr. Joanne Freeman
Following the gathering at the Hamilton memorial on the cliffs of Weehawken, there will be a special talk on the Hamilton-Burr duel by Dr. Joanne Freeman, noted Hamilton scholar and history professor from Yale University. In addition to decades of study on Alexander Hamilton, Dr. Freeman is a leading expert on duels and dueling culture.
With a talk entitled “Not Throwing Away Any Shots: Understanding the Burr-Hamilton Duel” Dr. Freeman will weave a narrative of the role of honor in 18th century America, the importance that Alexander Hamilton placed on honor throughout his life, and how that led him to participate in the "affair of honor," or duel, that ended his life.
This event is co-sponsored by the Weehawken Historical Commission and the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society in order to make this event free to the public.
Saturday, Jul 11, 2015, 07:30 PM
Elks Lodge, 50th Street, Weehawken, NJ, United States
Sunday, July 12th - New Jersey
Did you know that George Washington and the Continental Army spent three of the seven winters of the Revolutionary War in New Jersey? Alexander Hamilton was with Washington at the official headquarters at all three encampments - two in Morristown and one in Middlebrook. Learn more about these winter encampments during a special themed day.
Stop 1
Stop 2
Ford Mansion - 1779-1780 Encampment, Morristown
Stop 3
Arnold Tavern - 1777 Encampment, Morristown
Tour of the Wallace House
Sunday, Jul 12, 2015, 12:30 PM
Wallace House, Somerset Street, Somerville, NJ, United States
Talk on Alexander Hamilton's Revolutionary War Service
This program is co-sponsored with the North Jersey American Revolution Round Table.
Sunday, Jul 12, 2015, 03:00 PM
Morristown National Historical Park, Washington Place, Morristown, NJ, United States
Visit to Morristown Green and Arnold's Tavern Plaque
We'll also be making a stop on the Green to see the statues of Hamilton, Washington, and Lafayette that commemorate the official alliance with the French in 1780. Here Tomas J. Ellis, President, Sons of Washington, will speak about his organization and about the connection between Lafayette and Alexander Hamilton.
Sunday, Jul 12, 2015, 05:15 PM
Morristown Green, Washington Street, Morristown, NJ, United States
Monday, July 13th - Manhattan
Bowling Green Flag Raising and Talk
Monday, Jul 13, 2015, 11:00 AM
Bowling Green, NY, United States
Talk: "The Manhattan Well Murder"
Pooja Nair will speak about the Manhattan Well murder trial, the first fully recorded murder trial in the United States. Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton teamed up for this dramatic case in 1800 for the defense of Levi Weeks. Weeks was accused of the murder of a young woman whose body was found in the bottom of a well built by Aaron Burr's Manhattan Company. Come learn about this mysterious murder and the intense trial held at Federal Hall, where Burr and Hamilton worked together four years before they met on the dueling grounds.
The talk is one hour, followed by a Q&A session.
About the Speaker
Pooja Nair, a lawyer at the firm of Foley and Lardner, is also the California Chapter President of the AHA Society and the founder of www.itshamiltime.com. She has previously presented on cases from Hamilton's law career at Federal Hall National Memorial, Hamilton Grange National Memorial, Museum of American Finance, and the Morris-Jumel Mansion.
Monday, Jul 13, 2015, 12:00 PM
Federal Hall, Wall Street, New York, NY, United States
Hamilton Musical
Note: This event is now sold out.
Monday, Jul 13, 2015, 08:00 PM
The Richard Rodgers Theatre, West 46th Street, New York, NY, United States
Hosted by the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society
Visit our official website at The-AHA-Society.com to learn more about events, presentations, and other initiatives.
Explore Alexander Hamilton's life and times further on AllThingsHamilton.com
Email: contact@the-aha-society.com
Website: the-aha-society.com
Location: PO Box 15704, Clearwater, Florida 33766
Facebook: facebook.com/theahasociety
Twitter: @theahasociety
Upcoming AHA Society Events
The forerunner to the Coast Guard was officially signed into law on August 4, 1790 at Federal Hall in New York City. Join the AHA Society, the US Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, and the National Park Service at Federal Hall for a special event honoring this special anniversary. Get future updates from our official events page.
September 12, 2015: Treaty of Paris Festival
The Center for the Treaty of Paris Period in Annapolis, Maryland is hosting its annual Treaty of Paris Festival this year with a special theme on Alexander Hamilton. Come attend the day-long festival to learn more about Alexander Hamilton's connections to Annapolis, particularly his role at the Annapolis Convention that was the forerunner to the Constitutional Convention. Get future updates from our official events page.