OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 3/7/22~
Upcoming Events!
Mustang Families,
Hopefully, everyone was able to take advantage of the Spring tease this past weekend before receiving the Midwest reminder on Casimir Pulaski Day. Congratulations to our Concert Band performers earning a Division 1 at the IGSMA District Contest this past weekend! This means our concert band has qualified for State! Way to go Mustangs!
Speaking of exciting, our basketball and volleyball teams are navigating their way through the SWIC tournament! Please continue this week to come out to OLHMS and Simmons to cheer them on!
This week is also Social Worker Appreciation Week! Given our times our Social Workers have been instrumental in providing much needed support for our School District 123 community! Take a moment to share some appreciation of them with a quick call or email! We also have a website available for scholars to request support from Counselors and Social Worker!
Finally, thank you to our incredible PTSA for all of their support and generosity! Our staff and scholars greatly appreciated the recent treats and are excited to hear how successful the Century fundraiser turned out!
Updates and Reminders
Here are a few updates and reminders:
School Bus Behaviors: Mustang families we need your help to communicate with each of our scholars safe and respectful behaviors on the bus to and from school. Please keep in mind that students unable to ride the bus safely, respectfully and responsibly will be given consequences for their behaviors and could be suspended or removed from this opportunity. We will continue to work with First Student on the timeliness of rides, but also need your support to reinforce proper bus behavior.
Morning and Afterschool Drop Off: Please continue to be courteous, safe and cautious of one another, our scholars and our neighbors. Keep in mind drop off in the morning or the afternoon must take place on Oak Center Drive in the back of our building. We need the front lot for bus drop off and pick up. We are working with local agencies to determine options for our parent drop off on Oak Center Dr. Dr. McNichols did attend the Oak Lawn Village Board meeting to discuss options for our traffic challenges on Oak Center Dr.
Social Media: Continue to monitor and discuss the importance for the use of social media and potential implications for our scholars. Technology and information is at the tips of our fingers. It is all of our responsibility to utilize these tools as positive resources and model respectfulness. Our school continues to be challenged by negative social media interactions affecting our school and scholars.
Covid Cards/ Student Status: Families now have an option in Skyward to post student status. Families will be able to enter and upload their child's Covid-19 vaccine information in Skyward Family Access (see attached/ linked below). Here is the link for directions- information/directions
LLA Walkathon Material Distribution on MONDAY 3/14
5Essentials Parent Survey
Students and teachers across Illinois now have the opportunity to participate in the ninth annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness. Additionally, your 4th-8th grade student will be asked about their experiences in school to help give school leaders critical student input and help develop future school improvement plans. If you would like to view the student survey questions or opt-out your student please complete the form found at: d123.org/five. You and your student's identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and anonymous. To get started with the survey head to d123.org/five.
8th Grade Graduation Information
There is ONE month left to turn in your graduation fees and tee shirt order form. You can pay with cash or check in the office or you can pay your fees on line through skyward.
CLICK HERE if you need a copy of the forms.
Below are the March breakfast and lunch menus