BCMS Back to School
Welcome Back to School!
Welcome to BCMS. We are excited about the upcoming school year. I am going to attempt to answer some questions for you as we return to school. If you have any questions after reading this newsletter, please feel free to email me at kclark@ppsb.org
When is the first official day of school?
Monday, August 8th is the first official student day. We will dismiss at 11:45AM.
Where can I find the 2022-2023 Yearly School Calendar?
Please follow this link to view the school calendar: https://4.files.edl.io/3567/08/01/22/120014-f5969d89-d18e-4574-9d04-81f6a94b4e72.pdf
What are the official school times?
Students will be released from the buses and into school at 6:55AM. The car rider line will enter once all buses have left the school grounds. The last bell of the day rings at 2:26. Mrs. Clark will make final announcements then the students will be dismissed to the buses. The car rider line will enter once the buses have left the school grounds.
Car riders should line up on the shoulder of the road until instructed to enter by the crossing guard.
What time should my student be at the bus stop?
Please have all students at the bus stop no later than 5:55AM. If there is a change to the time the student should be at the bus stop, the bus driver will inform the student after the first day.
Do we know where the bus stops are located?
No, we do not. The best thing to do is ask other students in the neighborhood. We do know that the new Cypress Parks subdivision bus will go back into the subdivision.
Where can I find the uniform policies, school policies, etc?
Please click the link to view the student handbook. https://4.files.edl.io/f6f9/08/01/22/115621-bd92c222-efb5-425d-bfce-7256157b7763.pdf
Do you have meet and greet or orientation?
We have meet and greet for 5th graders only. This will be held on Friday, August 5th from 9:00 AM to 11:00AM.
If my student is in 5th grade, what do I need to bring to Meet and Greet?
All 5th graders are encouraged to bring their supplies and student fee money on Friday, August 6th.
If my student is a 5th grader, how will I know where to report?
Your student's homeroom teacher will email you prior to Friday, August 5th. If we do not have an email on file for you, you will be called by the homeroom teacher prior to Friday, August 5th. We will have beta members all over the school to help guide you to the correct location. The student's complete schedule will be given to you by the homeroom teacher. Any student coming from BCE that has not re-registered, will have to report to the counselor's office.
If I have a 6th-8th grader, how will they know where to report?
Prior to August 8th, you will receive and email from your student's homeroom teacher indicating which class to report to the morning of the 8th. Once the student is in homeroom, the student will be given his/her daily schedule.
Where can I find a supply list?
If I have a 6th-8th grader, when should I send supplies?
DO NOT SEND ALL THE SUPPLIES ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Please only send a folder or two with some paper and a pen or pencil the first day. The teachers will let the students know what they need to bring in the next day.
What should my student wear?
Students should come in full uniform. Red collared BCMS shirt, khaki shorts or pants, a belt, socks, and tennis shoes. Crocs, slides, and hoodies are never allowed at BCMS. Outside jackets are also not allowed. The student must wear a BCMS jacket. Grey and Red are the only acceptable colors for jackets. Please make sure your student comes in complete full uniform daily.
Will my student have to wear a mask?
Masks are optional this school year unless the student has had an active case of Covid-19 or has been exposed to Covid-19. Please follow this link for all Plaquemines Parish Covid-19 guidelines. https://4.files.edl.io/f93d/07/29/22/195458-445f0e2b-2fd8-49ce-a9d8-f88385a94ef5.pdf
Will my student be quarantined if exposed to COVID-19?
For all PPSB Covid-19 guidelines, please read the Return to Achieve booklet.
Will we utilize the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch?
Yes, students will return to the cafeteria this year.