August Principal Newsletter
August 2022
2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR
Dear Mills Families,
Greetings! We are beginning the countdown to August 15th, the 1st Day of School! Our teachers and staff will be jumping into planning their classrooms and school spaces for your Mountain Lion. Some have even worked and planned all summer in excited anticipation for our students.
Our theme this school year is #BetterTogetherAtMills. We are truly better together when we work collaboratively to support students and families. We continue to find opportunities to strengthen our relationships with all stakeholders.
Want to see the many ways we are #BetterTogetherAtMills ? Follow us on social media! Our school Twitter handle is @MillsMtnLions .
We know this can also be a nervous time for all. As you begin back to school planning, please don't hesitate to reach out to our front office staff and administrative leadership team. No question is too small!
Have a wonderful week, stay cool, and see you soon!
Angela Frageman
Mills Elementary School
General School Reminders
- The school day starts at 7:40am. Please help us avoid tardies by ensuring your child is on time daily to school. School doors open at 7:15am.
- The school day ends for elementary schools at 3:10pm. If you are changing the mode of pickup/dismissal for your child, please make arrangements with teacher/front office staff no later than 2pm daily.
- Student medication must be dropped off in the health room and recorded with our school nurse, Barbara Pestien. To reach Nurse Pestien: 512-841-2416
- Parents/caregivers will be allowed to eat lunch with their child beginning, Monday, August 29th. Parents/caregivers must check in with the front office before meeting their child for lunch and must provide a valid ID. Designated visitor tables will be labeled for families to eat with your Mountain Lion. Families are also welcome to sit outside and dine on our picnic tables.
- Teachers will have their classroom phones deactivated (and voicemails on) during the school day. If you need to communicate pressing concerns, please call the front office at 512-841-2400. Otherwise, teachers will respond to emails/voicemails within 24 business hours.
School Safety
Safety is at the forefront of our minds as a campus and as a district as we enter this new school year. We will be regularly practicing our emergency drills and will be conducting detailed trainings with our staff. Mills administration is working closely with our district emergency management team and Austin ISD Police Department. Our school has organized a staff safety committee which will meet to discuss new ways to keep our campus safe and to debrief on drill efficiency. Come join us on August 24th at 3:30pm for a Principal Coffee/PTA General Meeting, where school safety will be discussed by our administration.
Students will say “See you later!” to their parents/caregivers at the front doors and other entry checkpoints and go directly to their class independently. School staff will be on hand to help direct students as needed.
Dismissal numbers will continue to be utilized for afternoon dismissal for our car riders. We are working on providing these numbers to you by Meet the Teacher on Friday, August 12th. Please call Mr. Deric in our front office at 512-841-2400 if you have any questions regarding your family dismissal number.
Please view the map attached for morning drop off and dismissal zones.
You can support us with safety by:
- Always check in with the front office when on campus.
- Wear your visitor badge at all times while on campus.
- Follow school zone safety! Drive within the speed limit, stay off cell phones. Report unsafe driving to the City of Austin's 311 and to our local representatives.
- Use designated crosswalks at all times, especially during morning arrival and dismissal.
- Report any suspicious activity on campus to campus administration, front office staff and to the local police department when appropriate.
Want to volunteer with school safety? Our Mills PTA has a committee for that! Please reach out to PTA President Christy Schneider at christy.millspta@gmail.com for ways to get involved.
Map for Morning Arrival & Dismissal
Lunch & Breakfast Updates
Students (PK-5th Grade) will either bring lunches from home or buy a breakfast/lunch from the Mills cafeteria daily.
All students will no longer automatically receive free breakfast and lunch through the cafeteria line this school year.
Students may add funds to their account by bringing cash to the cafeteria or caregivers may make online payments through their SchoolCafé account. Online payments are subject to a processing fee. https://www.schoolcafe.com/austinisd
Upcoming Dates/Events
August 4: Kinder playdate, 9am Mills Playground (PTA Sponsored)
August 6: Kinder playdate, 10am Circle C Metro Park (PTA Sponsored)
August 6: Austin ISD Back to School Bash, 9am-1pm, Palmer Events Center
August 10: Teacher assignments shared via email with families
August 11: Popsicles with the Mills Spirit Squad, 1:30pm-2:30pm, Mills Playground
August 12: Meet the Teacher (Kinder-5th) 8:30am-9:30am; 9:30am-12pm Pre-K Meet the Teacher
August 13: Mills Dirt Club Workday, 9am (PTA Sponsored)
August 13: Pre-K & Kinder Playdate, 10am Dick Nichols Park (PTA Sponsored)
August 15: First Day of School, Doors Open 7:30am
August 24: PTA General Meeting & Principal Coffee, 3:30pm-4:30pm, Library
August 31 : Back to School Night Pre-K-2nd Grade, 5:30pm-6:30pm
September 1: Back to School Night 3rd Grade-5th Grade 5:30pm-6:30pm
September 5: Student & Staff Holiday, Labor Day
September 12: Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting via Zoom 3:30pm
September 21: Fall Pictures