Maple Grove Fox Report
February 5, 2024
Principal's Corner
It has been such a unique winter and it's hard to believe it is February already and we are in the 40's for our temperatures! This is perfect Maple Sap weather and our pipeline is already tapped and flowing! We are holding off on tapping our bags though as we do expect a cold spell yet before March and our trees with bags will dry up faster with change in weather. We love that our learners here get to experience this learning each year around the two different systems both gravity flow and the vacuum system.
Even though it is only February we have started taking applications for new learners for next year! Our charter school application and open enrollment application opened today, February 5, and goes through April 30, at 4:00 p.m. Please feel free to spread the word to any new families thinking of enrolling. If your child currently attends Maple Grove charter School they DO NOT need to fill out either of these forms again, as you automatically accepted for next year.
100th Day of School!
On Friday, February 9th, we will celebrate the 100th day of school by dressing up as a 100 year old or wearing 100 items of something! This is always a fun day for both learners and staff to spend a day outside of their comfort zone!
Pizza Fry Fundraiser
Thank you for making this such a successful fundraiser! We raised $4,677 in profit for Maple Grove Charter School! A huge SHOUT OUT to our AMAZING families and community for supporting us!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Our parent teacher conferences will be Tuesday, March 5th from 3:00-6:30 and Thursday, March 7th from 3:00-6:30. We do encourage parent participation as communication supports effective learning! If these dates and times don't work, please contact classroom teachers to set up an appointment.
We will be using PTC Fast again to sign up as we have in years prior. We will inform you when appointment times open.
December Reading Incentive
Our December reading incentive was celebrated on January 29th. Learners who met their reading goals were table to participate in outdoor activities!
Fired Up To Read
We began Fired Up to Read on Friday, January 19th. Learners from all grades will have the opportunity to read with the Hamburg/Corning volunteers as the year progresses. At the end of the year, learners have the opportunity to win a bike, sweatshirts, pizza party, and a ride in the fire truck. The Hamburg Fire Department also got sweatshirts for the staff - SUPER BIG THANKS FOR THE APPAREL!
Please help support your child's goal in reading!
Staff Holiday Party
Staff got together for a Holiday Party this month! We are blessed to have staff that work hard everyday for our families. Thank you staff for your endless amounts of effort and patience with our learners.
Kwik Trip Fundraiser - Maple Grove Foundation
We are continuing to promote the Kwik Trip Giftcard fundraiser! 5% of each card purchased benefits our school! If you have any questions please contact Cindy Artus at 715-551-3808. If you are in need of another order form, contact Ms. Byer. Thank you for helping our learners!
Whitetails Unlimited
Whitetails Unlimited donated two new trail cameras for our land along with $900 to use toward benches for our outdoor classroom. We are so grateful for all the community support!
Q2 CRISP Assembly
Learners were recognized and rewarded for their hard work in the classroom. Keep up the good work kids!
School Wide Movie Night - January 25th
The PTO provided popcorn, uncrustables, and juice boxes! THANK YOU!
"Call of the Wild" - Grand Theater Presentation
Flower Fundraiser
Attached is details on the Spring Flower Fundraiser!
An extra order form has been attached! --------->
Outdoor Clothing Reminders
Please view the attachment below for specific details on winter clothing expectations.
Upcoming Events
Feb.5: Open Enrollment/Charter Application Begins
Feb. 7: Student Council Meeting 11-1:45
Feb. 8: Fire Drill 11:50
Feb. 9: Celebration of 100th day of School
Feb. 12: Artastic Club 3:00-5:00
Feb. 12: PTO Meeting 3:30-:4:30
Feb. 12: Governance Board 6:00
Feb. 12: Family Literacy Night AES 6:00
Feb. 14: Fox Dens
Feb. 14: Staff Crew PLC
Feb. 16: Herpetology Presentation 3-5
Feb. 23: Popcorn Day
Feb. 28: Fox Dens
Feb. 28: Staff Crew CIP
Feb. 29: Student Birthday Lunches
Maple Grove Charter School
Email: rhanson@athens1.org
Website: www.athens1.org/o/mgcs
Location: 135594 County Road L Hamburg, WI 54411
Phone: (715) 257-2199
Facebook: facebook.com/AthensSchoolDistrictWisconsin