Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
August 2022
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Forms, etc.
Community Clean-Up July 1,2022
Bermuda Bay Office Hours and Contact Information
Off season hours for the office (starting April 30) : MWF - 7:00am - 3:30pm Tuesdays 7:00-2:30pm Th - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Admin will be in the office: M-F 9:00am - 1:00pm
There are no Saturday hours during the off-season
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Adriana Lein - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Susan Hoffman - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Sunday - Thursday: 5:00pm - 1:00am
Friday and Saturday - 4:00pm - 2:00am
Committees at Bermuda Bay
Environmental Committee - Tom Shaw - fltshaw@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Marcia Montgomery, Gail Oliviera (Summer chair: Mary French)
skeets11@gmail.com gailoliveira61@gmail.com MaryLLLFrench@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Jesse Reynolds and Tom Shaw jrandl.rey@gmail.com and fltshaw@yahoo.com
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Gy Lein gyora@me.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
The REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE - Susan Hoffman susankatzhoffman@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
E-Voting Committee: Mike Martin getmesouth@gmail.com
The Budget Committee for the 2023 Budget: Christina Stokes, Laurel Poletti, Payne Blair, Tori Elvir, Vivi Iglesias
Our FIRST Test Poll Results
It was brought to my attention that the results of the polls should be shared with the community. That first poll was a test run to start getting people familiar with logging into Condominium Associates, creating an owner portal, and registering to vote. The first poll question was "Would you agree to increasing your maintenance dues for 24 hr. security?" The results of that poll were as followed: 5 Yes, 28 No, 41 depends on cost, totaling 74 votes or 25.3 percent of the community.
While this number does seem low, please note that prior to the poll there were 116 owners registered for Evoting and now there are 142 voters registered.
To Register for Evoting log on to Condominium Associates at https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/. If you have not registered, you will need to do so. There may be a 24-hour delay as your account is verified. If you have registered or after that delay, you will then click on the link at the top of the page that says Online Voting. Again, you will enter in information and then the office will get an alert to grant you access to vote. Please email the office if you would like help logging in or want more information@ bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com.
Everyone should speak with their neighbors and ask them if they need assistance with this process as there is a committee of owners that are willing to assist as well as anyone in the office.
Look what was growing in the gutters of 67!!!
Clubhouse Roof and Pergola - COMPLETED
Work on the clubhouse has been completed! More rot and coverups had been found on the side of the clubhouse wall. Due to the heat and direct sun, workers had only been able to work half days, but on Friday, July 29, the final touches were finished. CAMS will remove their supplies and extra materials when they have a truck here. We should be able to use it again starting next week! One project down...in a long line of improvements at Bermuda Bay.
Below is the cost breakdown per Balcony. Payment details are being worked out and more information will be available in the upcoming week. If you are able to pay in full please send the office an email at bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com.
Meet Your Neighbor - Michelle Lubotina 57I
It all started in 1991, when Michelle moved here from Chicagoland.
She stayed with her grandparents while attending St Pete College and taught aerobic classes at Gold’s Gym in New Port Richey.
“I wasn’t supposed to stay here. I was supposed to move back, but I ended up loving it here and decided to make Florida my new home.”
Michelle has lived in a few different areas, starting in New Port Richey and kept moving a little further south every couple of years. She commented as to how much it has grown since then. There was hardly anything on US 19, especially down in this area.
Michelle majored in Marketing and during the last 20 years has worked with companies such as Eckerd Drug Stores, HSN, Dollar Tree, Waterford Press and for the last seven years Beam Suntory (Jim Beam). She loves what she does and shared the amazing feeling she gets when she sees the items she developed come to market or used in ad campaigns.
“It was my good friend Barbi Martinson who helped me get my foot in the door with my current employer HH Global. We were neighbors at the time and I had been laid off. She took my resume and gave it to the company to review. I had the job a week later! That’s what I LOVE about Bermuda Bay, there is always someone here who can offer a lending hand or just be a shoulder to cry on.”
Michelle moved to Bermuda Bay in 2015, renting in 63J, but in 2017 left because of the “renters can’t have pets” rule. She had a Golden Retriever at the time, but said she would be back - but as an owner! That finally happened in 2020, and Michelle purchased 57-I, (unfortunately Plato didn’t make it to see that happen but he’s still here in spirit). She now has her little min pin MJ and an orange tabby Chanel who you may hear from time to time if you walk past her place. She is also an honorary aunt to two very familiar dogs in Bermuda Bay, Dallas and Anne who she loves very much.
For the last seven years Michelle has been helping raise money for St Jude Children’s Hospital and walk the 5K in Tampa every September.
She is the proud mother of a 25 year old son and a sister to an Army Chief Warrant Officer who flies Blackhawks, and is currently serving in South Korea. Her sister Magi is her twin, but 15 years younger than her! They are very close, think alike, and share the same sense of humor!
One of Michelle’s hobbies is sailing, however due to breaking some ribs in a bad car accident that injured her back pretty bad, she could no longer walk the mast on her catamaran, so she had to sell it. She does plan on getting back out on the water soon by joining the Gulfport sailing center. ( Roger Daisley – can you help her with that?)
Michelle LOVES TO PARTY - which is why she joined the Social Committee. She wanted everyone in Bermuda Bay to celebrate where they live, enjoy the company of others, and eat good food!
“One of the main reasons I wanted to move back here were the weekend BBQ’s we used to have, I always had a good time and enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. Not to mention some funny drunk shenanigans that happened at those BBQ’s; like kidnapping some people’s dogs and had them sleep over at my place or playing pranks on the poor sole who had a little to much LOL.”
Michelle thinks we need more of those laughs and smiles at Bermuda Bay and by being a part of the Social Committee - she aims to make that happen! Making new friends is her favorite thing to do - so feel free to pull up a chair and get to know her when you see her on the beach or at one of the social events. Michelle is celebrating a BIG Birthday this month…so be sure to wish this fantastic human birthday wishes. Michelle looks forward to seeing and meeting everyone very soon!
Remember - You Can Help Out Any Time with Landscaping needs - deposit at designated debris stations
Click below to download the Bermuda Bay map with the designated dump sites marked.
Our New Landscaping Company—Strategic Building Services (SBS) by Margaret (Peg) Daisley
Recently, we contracted with a new landscaping company after our previous landscaper, Willow Tree Nursery, had to withdraw. They were facing the problem that so many businesses face right now—not being able to get enough help. We weren’t the only clients they had to drop.
Our new landscaping company is Strategic Building Services’ (SBS) Landscaping Program http://www.strategicbuildingservices.com/landscaping-services.html
and if you’ve been on site during this transition, you already know that SBS is here on Fridays, as Willow Tree was in the past. Similarly, SBS will mow the grass weekly from April through October, and bi-weekly November through March. They also do edging around flower beds and sidewalks, and clipping around posts, buildings, lights, signs, trees, etc. and pruning and trimming of plants and trees (up to 14 feet). All clippings are blown to the parking areas and then removed to maintain a neat, clean appearance.
Please note that if you do a lot of gardening yourself—trimming bushes, digging up weeds, raking leaves into piles—SBS may not pick these up for disposal. Instead, you’ll need to deliver these to the closest “disposal staging area.” There are 7 of these, marked on the Bermuda Bay map at this link, and the debris is picked up on Tuesdays:
(see attached)
There are many other services that SBS provides that you may not be aware of. These include:
· Inspecting the turf, and fertilizing or treating for insects and/or weeds, as necessary, according to season, and according to county code.
· Treating shrubs as needed for insects and diseases on an as-needed basis.
· Weeding and removal of debris from plant beds.
· Removal of dead plants and shrubs.
SBS’s contract says that they use an “integrated” approach to pest control, with the “least toxic strategies,” which combine chemical, cultural, genetic, and biological methods, for an “economic” result, with “minimum effect on non-target organisms and the environment.” In weed control, they use “herbicides where practical and hand-weeding balance.”
They also say they will mulch in January, if we provide the mulch, and will be available under a “change order” for clean-up during an emergency or natural disaster that resulted, for instance, like a mature tree falling over, and other items outside their routine maintenance schedule. As their web site shows, SBS can also provide additional services as needed—planting of new plants, shrubs, and annuals, maintenance of sprinkler systems, and installing of stones as filler/cover.
It's worth noting that our previous landscaper, Willow Tree https://www.willowtreenursery.com/ , is still very much in business and if you haven’t stopped by their nursery on 49th Street North, maybe you should! They have a large selection of annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs and garden supplies.
TradeWinds Island Resorts proposes huge expansion on St. Pete Beach - story & photos from St. Pete Rising 7/22/2022
Spanning over 25 acres on one of the country’s most beautiful waterfronts, TradeWinds Island Resorts, which operates the Island Grand and RumFish Beach Resorts, is already an expansive property situated on St. Pete Beach.
Currently, Island Grand contains 545 hotel rooms, 10 restaurants and bars, and 5 pools with 450 cabanas. RumFish Beach Resort contains 352 hotel rooms, 5 restaurants and lounges, and 4 pools with 192 cabanas.
The beach resort’s expansion plan will add nearly 850,000 square feet of additional resort space over the next 12 years, including:
650 upscale guest rooms
33,000 square feet of conference space including a 20,000 square foot ballroom
18,000 square feet of new retail space
Three new swimming pools with slides and other amenities for families
Over 1,600 parking spaces across three new parking garages
Additionally, the project will add a new 30-foot-wide landscaped, paved, and well-lit beach access which will be built, paid for, and maintained by TradeWinds.
Although the total project cost is not yet known, the expansion will not be funded by public money. The project is 100% privately funded and is expected to bring more than $19 million in new annual tax revenue to the community.
Here’s what’s in bloom at Bermuda Bay right now:
· Vibrant red IXORA bushes
· Many colors of HAWAIIAN HIBISCUS
· OLEANDER trees
… and, unfortunately, the invasive blue-purple MEXICAN PETUNIAS! (Don’t plant them!)
Speaking of the compactor
The Blue Container is for Aluminum Cans Only
Family Pool - delayed again! (But looking good for the near future)
1. Adjust handrail to be 28-40 inches at deck and bottom step
2. Repair steps so that no riser exceeds 10 inches
3, Replace all 3.5 ft. depth markers with 4 ft. depth markers
4. Replace 6 ft. depth marker on westside of pool of deep end with 6.5 depth markers
5. Finish repairs to the the restrooms, provide changing tables, soap, toilet paper, paper towels,
6. Provide autofill to collector tank
7. Remove vacuum gauge from side of pump to suction line
8. Treat pool for algae
9. Maintain chemicals at 1-10ppm/chlorine at 7.2-7.8ppm
CAMS is completing the bathroom work as we speak. It was discovered that the toilet lines had to be worked on.
Quote from CAMS:
The plumbers will be out today to do the work on the waste line and flanges, to prep for the new toilets. They are going to attempt replacing the 90s and re-running the drains without cutting out concrete, which will speed things up if that’s possible. Otherwise, they’ll have to use the jackhammer as we detailed in the most recent change order. Either way, the restrooms should be done by this time next week. The only outstanding item may be the changing tables, as I am waiting to order them until the sinks and toilets are in, so I can go back in and measure to see which type of table will work best in that limited space.
Quote from ClearTech:
"The punch out items on the health department report will be addressed on Thursday (July 21). Your lighting post are in we are waiting for a few more components and everything will be getting wrapped up as soon as they are complete"
They were working on the pool the other day as you can see from the photos...but no completion date has been shared to date.
Sawgrass Lake Park 7400 25th St. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Sawgrass Lake Park, 400 acres in size, allows people to walk through one of the largest maple swamps on the Gulf Coast of Florida. The park’s mile-long boardwalk and half-mile dirt trail provide opportunities to see birds, butterflies, plants and animals in their natural settings within the most densely populated county in Florida. Herons, egrets, ibis, wood storks, alligators and turtles can be seen along the canals and lakes. Thousands of birds migrate through the park during the fall and spring, attracting birders and eco-tourists from all over the country.
Sawgrass Lake Park is the result of a unique cooperative agreement between the Pinellas County Parks & Conservation Resources and the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
- boardwalk, nature trail
- observation tower
- parking
- restroom
- one picnic shelter and grill - no shelter reservation available (only one shelter)
Erika McPeck, one of our beloved owners, made a day trip out to walk the park and capture the wonder of the setting and it's wildlife. As always, we thank her for her photographic skills and her keen eye for the beauty that surrounds us all.
As always, a big thanks to all of our residents who share photographs
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735