Online Tutoring
For Elementary & Middle School Students
- High School tutors helping elementary and middle school students!
- High School tutors are serving as volunteers and are glad to help
- Sessions are 40 minutes and are held over Zoom – parent needs to be present
- Zoom links emailed 24 hours before your session
- Share subject matter info & links in advance with your tutor
- Questions or concerns? Email Mr. Guerin at: nguerin@conejousd.org
Availability is limited in Spring due to IB/ AP Testing
Full IB student with a passion for math, science, and spanish. Please no english or history! Enjoys baking, volunteering with animals, and watching NBA.
Hi, I’m Zoe, I love learning and educating others about math and science, and have a passion for helping others. I play water polo, lacrosse, and look forward to working with so many bright students.
I began tutoring six years ago and really enjoy working with others. I love math and science and am looking forward to helping others share the same interest.
Hello! I have been tutoring high school students for over a year now, and I am excited to start working with elementary and middle school students - I have two sisters, in 3rd and 6th grade, who I love to help with their homework. I am happy to tutor in any subject but my personal favorites are English and History. My hobbies include reading, drawing, and gardening.
I have experience tutoring since middle school and I know what it's like to struggle in elementary school. My favorite subject is math but I can help with anything! I like to play the piano, video games, and read.
Bilingual in English and Chinese. Enjoys crocheting and reading, as well as hanging out with friends. Patient tutor who has experience teaching math and elementary school students.
I'm a senior student with all A's, and am looking forward to helping students. I'm not great at english, but I'm strong at stem and especially math related subjects. Bilingual in English and Chinese.
Passionate tutor with a love for English, French, and Science. Loves dancing and watching musicals. Looks forward towards helping students grow and develop in their academic life.
I am excited to be able to tutor and have a passion for math and science, currently taking IB Math and IB Chemistry. I am Bilingual in English and Hindi. I love reading and am looking forward to helping students!
Enjoys math and helping others. Actively listens and is patient. Plays tennis and also has fun playing the piano.
I am an experienced tutor who enjoys teaching both math and science, and am looking forward to tutoring more. In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis, volunteering and drawing.
I am a full IB senior and bilingual in German and English. I love the all things ocean, animals, and can't wait to help students! I consider myself very patient and I want kids to be able to learn and grow in a fun, supportive environment.
High School senior that is passionate about math and history. Loves to fish, wrestle, and is excited to help make learning fun for students.
I am a patient tutor who has a passion for science. I can speak Vietnamese. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor because I love helping people!
I am passionate about various topics ranging from math and science to English and history. I really enjoy tutoring and look forward to helping students.
New tutor, but passionate about science and English; can also tutor in math. Is a visual learner and therefore prefers to teach through words and diagrams when applicable. Enjoys and is excited to help others.