Friday Final
December 22, 2021

There is nothing more powerful than a learning community that comes together both in times of celebration and times of challenge.
As 2021 concludes, we have seen this year present both moments of celebration and moments of challenge. Thank you for sharing in those celebrations, while also enduring alongside us in our challenges. Thank you for continuing to play an active role within our school community and in the success of your children and our students. Our best wishes to you and your family for a peaceful holiday season and happy new year.
Who are the D123 School Communicators?
Great schools make strong communities. This year District 123 introduced a new way to help share the story of the district's schools, students and staff members.
Through the guidance of the district's strategic plan, each learner is prepared to navigate their school experience, with the ultimate goal to prepare them for tomorrow's world. Each day, students are treated to the positive classroom and school experiences that help them on their path toward future success. To help document this journey, all District 123 schools are now fortunate to have a dedicated "School Communicator" to share this story.
The school communicator is an instructional staff member who helps take the community along on the school's daily learning journey. In addition to sharing school special events, each school communicator uncovers, collects, and provides a glimpse into the inner workings of District 123 classrooms through school and district newsletters, social media and the district's website. District 123 is proud to have these educators capturing and sharing this process. Take a look below to learn more about each school communicator and access their feed.
District 123 School Communicators
Francesca Antonini - Covington
"Being Covington’s School Communicator has been incredible! My favorite part is creating the “Staff Chats.” Seeing how excited students get to interview their teacher is so much fun."
Caitlyn Paluch - Hannum
"It’s great and quite inspiring to see all the wonderful things that other grade levels are doing in the classroom. I love being able use all my puns while tweeting about the school and showing off just how awesome Hannum Elementary is!"
Brenda Sweetser - Hometown
"I have really enjoyed working as the communications liaison this year! The best part of this job is interviewing the staff for the Hometown newsletter each week and learning more about my coworkers."
Bridget Fitzgerald - Kolmar
"Even though I already knew so many awesome things were happening all the time at Kolmar, it has been really great to be included in these things first hand and to see just how many amazing and exciting things are happening around our school everyday! It has also been really fun to see all the cool stuff going on at the other schools and I feel like we've been able to share ideas with each other! D123 is such an amazing place to work or be a students so I am proud to show it off!"
Lisa Trabadela & Tish Katalinic - Sward
"It is so exciting to capture all of the amazing experiences of Sward students and share them with Sward families and our supportive community."
Georgia Danos - OLHMS
"As a School Communicator at OLHMS, the first half of the year has been a blast! It has been exciting to showcase the creative lessons from our educators, our talented scholars' work and athletic performances, and appreciation from everyone through their volunteering at OLHMS events. I can't wait to see what the rest of our year will hold!"
Kaitlyn Orloff - OLHMS
"I have been able to experience different events, in and outside of the classroom, that I don't normally don't have the opportunity to experience. Much of our community doesn't get to see the ins and outs of what happens inside the building. I enjoy bringing these stories to life and sharing them with our community. I love seeing our students flourish in other aspects of their lives outside of ELA class. I've also really enjoyed learning from my colleagues and seeing their creativity with our students. I'm looking forward to more events and documenting them for our entire OLHMS and D123 community to see!"
Families invited to share vaccination information
District 123 invites families to voluntarily share their child’s vaccination information. Providing this proof of vaccination is not required. However, current IDPH/ISBE guidance fully excuses vaccinated individuals from having to quarantine after coming in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 unless symptomatic. READ MORE...