Pinewood Newsletter
October 27th, 2023 - Pinewood Elementary School
Principal's Message
Hello Families and Happy Friday!
Thank you all for helping us celebrate Red Ribbon Week! We had so much fun learning about making healthy choices and doing things that are good for our bodies. It was great to have our local law enforcement agencies come out to help support this message. We also got to participate in a fun door decorating contest! Scroll to the bottom to see our winners, honorable mentions, and excellent participants. Here's looking forward to another great week at Pinewood!
Careful Leaving our Parking Lot - We have had some complaints from local neighbors about the type of driving they are experiencing from our families around morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Please travel slowly on the surrounding streets. Additionally, we need to ensure we are all stopping completely at all stop signs and are being mindful of cross traffic. If we all work together, we can help improve the safety of the surrounding community and our students.
Picture Make Up Day - Picture make ups have been scheduled for November 2nd. If you are interested in having your child retake their pictures, please contact the school office so we can add them to the schedule. You will also need to send back in your first set of photos.
Costume Day on Tuesday! - We will celebrate our Costume Day with a whole school parade starting at 2:00. Parents should arrive no earlier than 1:45. Main event is on the field. See the flyer below for costume guidelines.
Snow Season is coming - Please make sure that your kids are prepared for school with proper attire. Kids can play in the snow as long as they are wearing snow gear. As the weather turns, we also want to remind you that if transportation is an issue, ALL STUDENTS may ride the school bus. There is no need for an application if we are experiencing winter weather.
Assembly Friday Afternoon - Our very popular Wild Things Assembly is back this Friday with new animals! Your kids wont want to miss this!
Trimester 1 Wraps Up - We are finishing our 1st Trimester this Friday! This week, many of our teachers will be wrapping up units and assessments. It is very important that your children are here each day, so they don't miss anything. You should also be hearing from your child's teacher soon about scheduling their Parent Teacher Conferences. School will be on an Early Release Schedule the whole week of November 13th for this purpose.
Have a great weekend!
Heather Minton
Mark Your Calendars:
- October 31st -- Costume Day (Parade and Dance Party)
- November 2nd -- Picture Make Up Day
- November 3rd -- Wild Things Assembly
- November 3rd -- Trimester 1 Ends
- November 9th -- Veteran's Day Celebration
- November 10th -- No School (Veterans' Day)
- November 13th-17th -- Early Release Days/Conferences
- November 20th-24th -- No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- November 28th -- PTC Meeting in Room 2
- November 28th/29th -- Dental Van Here
- December 22nd -- First Day of Winter Break
Skill of the Week: Report Bullying
Lost and Found
Parent Teacher Club
Power's Out? School's In!
Join Our Team! Employment Opportunities:
Substitute Opportunities!
We're looking to expand our Substitute Pool for this year. This is not just for people with teaching credentials. We have opportunities for all types of positions ranging from teachers, yard duties, library technicians, instructional aides, and custodial. The great thing about being a substitute is that you can be very flexible with your work schedule. If you are interested in learning more about subbing for our district, call the District Office at (530)644-5416. Start now to be ready by the start of next school year.
Hello Pinewood families and staff!
We invite you to help our yearbook team collect photos of all the fun moments and activities this school year. To help enhance the Pinewood yearbook and ensure it is full of meaningful memories for our students, we ask that you please consider sharing photos you take of school related activities/events (while on campus, field trips, sports and other school events). You may email photos to pwyearbook@ppesd.org now and throughout the year. Keep in mind that the yearbook team will be working hard in the spring to complete and finalize our yearbook. The earlier you send them, the better.
Note: While we want everyone to send photos, due to size and layout limitations, we may not be able to include them all. If there is a photo you want to ensure is in your personal yearbook, remember to take advantage of the 2 free custom pages that TreeRing offers when you purchase a yearbook for your family, and include your special photo(s) there.
IMPORTANT: This email is monitored by a parent volunteer, NOT school staff. Do not send questions or content regarding topics other than the yearbook to this email. Please utilize your normal routes of communication with your student's teacher or the office for all other inquiries.
If you have photos you would like to share with yearbook staff, please email them to pwyearbook@ppesd.org. Ensure to include a description including:
What is the event?
Name(s) and grade/teacher of the kid(s)/people in the photo.
Thank you! Your contribution will help us make a yearbook full of memories for our young Falcons to cherish.
School Events/Resources
Community Events/Resources
Red Ribbon Week Door Decorating!
Mrs. Bunce's 3rd Grade Class (Bottom)
Honorable Mentions!
Mrs. McGaughey's 4th Grade (Bottom)
Excellent Participants!
Mrs. Price's 1st/2nd Grade
Mrs. Green's 2nd Grade
Dr. Schultz' 2nd Grade
Mrs. Cook's TK
Ms. Kenny's 4th Grade
Ms. Cassara's 3rd/4th Grade
Ms. Brock's 3rd Grade
Mrs. Oakes' 1st Grade
Mrs. Van Gilder's 1st Grade
Important Links
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384