Teaching & Learning
October 2021
Message from Shanna
Similarly to good being the enemy of great, comfort is the enemy of growth. According to Eric Sheninger, we will never see the growth we strive for by residing in a place of comfort. We must move out of our comfort zone. Doing so though often results in fear and anxiety which many of us are experiencing now. Please know this is a natural next step in the journey towards growth as is indicated in the chart below. It is important to give ourselves and each other grace and support and encouragement while in the fear zone knowing it won’t last forever. We must trust that the learning and growth lie ahead. One way to do this is to have a laser focus on our why – every student every day to become a successful high school graduate. Another way is to understand we are not on this growth journey alone; we are in this together – whatever it takes!
~Shanna Dinkel
Upcoming Events
October 15th: End of 1st nine weeks
October 20th: Early Release
October 29th-November 1st: No school
- Rockwell Administration Center
- Enter east doors next to the tennis court
- Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:00am-7:45 am
***Prior to attending be sure to check the USD 489 Website Covid Testing Information for any updates or changes to the testing schedule.
Hays Post Teacher of the Month!
Congratulations to Roosevelt Elementary
Welcome New Translators!
- Maria Lozano, ELL Para at Lincoln, 12 years with the district
- Patty Maldonado, ELL Para at O'Loughlin, 12 years with the district
- Viri (pronounced Vee-Dee) Gutierrez, 5 years with the district
- Yesenia Maldonado, FHSU student majoring in Political Science, 1 year with the district
- Cecilia Zhang, 8 years with the district
Aneth Morales Canales
Juana Perez
Vanessa Renteria
Crystal Rojas
- USD 489 - FastBridge Assessment Overview 2021-22
- Logging into FastBridge for the First Time
- Forgotten Password
- FAST Assessment Estimated Administration Times
- Quick Sheets, Student Materials and Demo Videos can be Accessed on the Assessment Page HERE
- How To Access the List of Student Usernames & Passwords for Your Building
The registration links have been created for Carol’s webinars:
October 21st: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/ZNQjcQ
November 18th: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/oCAQgA
January 18th: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/e5QqIA
March 23rd link: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/v8sMsA
DreamWakers Resource Sheet
Connects classrooms to career role models over video chat
because students can't BE what they can't SEE!
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hays Public Library - ESL Classes for Adults! And more....
The Hays Public Library has been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! "We have an amazing collection of bilingual children's books as well as children's books written in English about Latino culture. Please stop by and check them out!"
~Amy Lucio, Early Literacy Coordinator, Hays Public Library
- 6:00 pm: Mondays through November 15.
- No registration needed
- Class is free
- Fridays at 10:00 AM and once a month on Sundays at 2:00.
- Please see our online calendar at hayslibrary.org for more events for both children and adults https://hayslibrary.evanced.info/signup/Calendar
Amy Lucio has been a bilingual/ELL and Spanish teacher in Texas since 1994. She recently moved back to her native Kansas and is currently the Early Literacy Coordinator at the Hays Public Library. She would love to connect with and support our local educators! Please contact her at alucio@hayslibrary.org or 785-625-9014. Her office is on the second floor of the Hays Public Library.
What constitutes a science of reading instruction?
Live with the author: Timothy shanahan
In this “Live With the Author” interview, Timothy Shanahan shares findings from his article—“What Constitutes a Science of Reading Instruction?”—from the recent RRQ special issue on the science of reading. Specifically, Shanahan shares why we need a science of reading instruction. He emphasizes that many great ideas don’t always work in the classroom. Instructional science needs to be part of the science of reading study.
Your Students, My Students, Our Students
- LETRS Professional Learning Overview
- Scope & Sequence - Grade-level drafts, K-3 (Grades 4 & 5 are still being developed): K-3 Scope and Sequence drafts
K-5 ELA: Teachers College
Teachers College Phonics Videos - https://vimeo.com/showcase/6802092
Teachers College Entire Vimeo Video Collection - https://vimeo.com/tcrwp/videos
Lexia Core 5 – Elementary Structured Literacy
Fun fact: Did you know over 20% of Kansas students (K-5th) use Lexia Core 5?
Buy why? Lexia® Core5® Reading is a fun, computer-based program that has helped millions of students improve their literacy skills to transform students learning to read to reading to learn.
The activities in Core5 support and build on classroom curriculum and focus on developing reading skills in six areas:
· Phonological Awareness - recognizing sounds in words
· Phonics - understanding the connection between sounds & letters
· Structural Analysis - recognizing meaningful parts in words
· Fluency - reading smoothly and with expression
· Vocabulary - understanding word meanings and relationships
· Comprehension - understanding spoken and written language
Lexia Core 5 Tip of the Week 8/31/21
If you are ready to learn more about your Lexia Core 5 dashboard, do not forget about the handy CLASS OVERVIEW GUIDE!
1. Log into my Lexia
2. On your teacher dashboard, to the right of your PREDICTOR column, there is a blue MORE RESOURCES tab.
3. Click on the More Resources tab and it will show the CLASS OVERVIEW GUIDE
4. This PDF will walk you through all the different areas of your teacher dashboard and help you prioritize your instruction.
Join a Free Greg Tang Math Lesson K-5!
You and your students can join Greg's virtual lessons via Zoom or a livestream!
See more info at: tangmath.com/live
- Kindergarten lessons are 20 minutes long. All other lessons are 30 minutes long.
- We will send instructions and links the day before or the morning of the event.
Techniques to increase access to solving math word problems
We wanted to send out a reminder about our upcoming webinar on October 13th at 4pm. This webinar is titled Techniques to Increase Access to Solving Math Word Problems. Attendees will learn techniques to help all students to access and solve math word problems and learn about challenges with vocabulary, syntax, and semantics. In this session you will try out some of the techniques, while other techniques will be explained through examples. Techniques are applicable for all grade levels and are easily adaptable to most if not all curricula and math programs.
Registration Link: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/uldjNA
Your Kansas MTSS & Alignment Math Team-----------------------------------
6-12 Science Teachers Using Gizmos
~Marie Henderson
A Thematic Unit Adventure with Body Venture (4th grade)
Join KSDE STEM, Health and Child Nutrition & Wellness in professional development centered around elementary science, nutrition and fitness.
This FREE virtual Body Venture opportunity will be paired with a teacher guide, student journal supports, family resource book and classroom kits (as supply allows). The materials can easily be tailored towards elementary classrooms that want to eat smart and play hard!
Help science come alive in your classroom with the living body as its guide!
Join us for a kick-off on Tuesday October 12th at 4 pm to learn more (Link) Passcode: 557309
OR register for a training today
November 5th from 8-noon, (REGISTRATION LINK)
November 10th from 12:30 - 4:30 (repeat) (REGISTRATION LINK)
KSDE Science October Newletter
Included in this month’s science newsletter (Link) are:
Professional Development Opportunities:
Modeling in Secondary Science
- October 11th at 4 pm (Registration Link)
FALL into Phenomena with a Great Book! (Thematic Elementary Science)
- FREE BOOKS for first 10 participants
- October 21st at 4:30 pm (Registration Link)
A Thematic Unit Adventure with Body Venture (4th grade)
- Join KSDE STEM, Health and Child Nutrition & Wellness in a professional development centered around elementary science, nutrition and fitness. The virtual Body Venture opportunity will be paired with FREE lessons and kits (as supply allows) that can easily be tailored towards elementary classrooms that want to eat smart and play hard.
- Help science come alive in your classroom with the living body as it's guide!
- Join us for a kick-off on Tuesday October 12th at 4 pm to learn more OR register for a training today
- November 5th from 8-noon, (REGISTRATION LINK)
- November 10th from 12:30 - 4:30 (repeat) (REGISTRATION LINK)
Tweet by Douglas Fisher
Starting your day with inspiration on why building personal relationships with your students is important to their learning success.
#teachertwitter #teacherquotes #studentsuccess pic.twitter.com/CE9zsmkT86
IPS New Resource
GREAT NEWS on a new resource to frame conversations with parents to support student success!
- Start Career Awareness conversations in Elementary and Middle School
- Please find the first Cool Careers Video created by our friends at Hire Paths. More coming soon!! https://hirepaths.com/cool-careers-videos
***Sign up for the monthly newsletter https://hirepaths.com/for-educators.****
IPS Professional Learning Group
IPS Overview – What is IPS? Why is it Important?
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrfuyupjgjHtXhvDbVigMBMqmjU4J_vi0O
Xello and IPS
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsd-6srjosG9KNBj-3v-oF87K2dRiKetKh
Electronic Portfolio – What is Needed? What Works?
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvcu6ppz4iHty87qwBHGnjO5bAYpw7DA-Y
Kansans Can Star Recognition and the IPS Component
Tuesday, March 29th, 2022
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvde6vpz8tEtwIdAgmYKJj-AL-ZTciskbm
Where can I look up my KSDE license?
Speech/Language Pathologist: https://www.ksha.org/licensing.php
KS Board of Nursing: https://www.kansas.gov/ksbn-verifications/search/records
KS Board of Healing Arts: http://www.ksbha.org/searchforlicensee.shtmll
KS Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board: https://ksbsrb.ks.gov/
489 Help Desk
- Help Desk – give 24 or 48 hours to respond before adding additional comments
- Added RAC Support Services category for Frontline, Skyward, KEEP2 issues.