This Week at Brookside...
Friday, October 23, 2015
The Latino Family Literacy Project!
Led by Mrs. LeParc, Mrs. Astudillo, and Mrs. Schinn, Brookside School kicked off a new program for parents of our English Language Learners. The Latino Family Literacy Project elementary school program is a family reading program (Family Stories / Cuentos Familiares) and can be used to read with the entire family. It uses books that are appropriate for reading levels grades 1-4 ; depending on the literacy levels of the student. This 10-week program teaches parents the importance of establishing a family reading routine with their children, how to share the book and it helps both parents and school age children learn English vocabulary, verbs, grammar, and conversation. It teaches parents the skills they need to share literature and to be involved in the school-going process with their children. We are very excited for, and proud of, our initial group of participants!
Parent/Teacher Conference Reminder
If you have not confirmed you conference time yet, please do so by clicking on the attached link!
Brain Challenge Assembly!
Thanks to the Brookside PTO, students were treated to an assembly by Hollyrock Entertainment: The Brain Challenge Game Show. Brain Challenge is a “Live” TV game show complete with a host, referee, chase lighting, digital scoring, background music, DJ sound system, lockout opponent buzzer systems, microphones, countdown clock, and many team building physical challenge rounds. The show, featuring grade-level questions, is an age-appropriate combination of “Jeopardy,” “College Bowl,” and “Beat the Clock.” The Anti-Bullying Assemblies promoted conflict avoidance and resolution. Students were are also taught not to hurt other children's feelings in a fast-paced fun-filled manner. Questions presented to students were written by noted school Psychologist Dr. Howard Gurr.
It was a perfect Thursday morning!!
Halloween Reminder!
Please click the link below if your child WILL BE leaving school for lunch in preparation for the Halloween Parade on Friday, October 30th, 2015 from 12:00 P.M. until 12:55 P.M. You will need to complete this form in order for your child to leave school.
Brookside PTO
To help everyone have a better awareness of our PTO and what they are up to, please make sure to visit their webpage!
Brookside School
Website: http://www.wwrsd.org/brooksidees
Location: 20 Lake Drive, Westwood, NJ, United States
Phone: 201-664-9000
FYI Dates...
10/26- 10/27: Afternoon Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:45 p.m. dismissal
10/28: Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences - Full Day for students
10/30: Halloween Parade - 1:45 p.m.