Welcome to Band
2023-2024 Start of Year Info
Staley Band Families,
We are so excited to be back for the new school year! It can be a little intimidating starting middle school and band, especially if you have no prior band experience. We hope this newsletter helps answer some of your questions and helps prepare you for what lies ahead.
Once the school year begins we will be sending weekly communication regarding upcoming events and we would encourage you to check your email and our website regularly. Generally we send this through 'eschool' which is the program FISD uses for grades (HAC on the parent side). Emails should be sent to both students and parents that have their information in the system. If you feel like you are not getting regular emails we will also have information on our website at www.staleyband.org. If you need to modify or add email addresses please let us know- sometimes we get blocked by spam/junk filters so be sure to add us to your trusted senders.
Our door is always open if you have any questions or concerns- please do not hesitate to reach out!
Thank you,
Mr. Wood, Mrs. Webb, & Mr. Carter
About Band
Band takes place across all grade levels and Beginning Band is broken into 'like instrument' classes across 9 sections and 5 periods of the day. This means that you will be in a class with friends playing the SAME instrument as you EVERY DAY! We have multiple directors, but you will have one 'teacher of record' who is the primary teacher of your child and is in charge of their gradebook. You are welcome to email any director with a band questions- but please note that only your child's teacher will be able to answer specific grade related questions.
'Screened' or not?
Students who met with the directors in the spring had a chance to try multiple instruments and find the best fit for them. You should have been placed in your correct class and your schedule is set! You are ready to get supplies and an instrument (links below)- feel free to skip to the next section.
If you did not get a chance to try the instrument NO PROBLEM! Our counselors placed you in one of our beginning band classes simply to run your schedule. This means that you may have a band instrument on your schedule that is not finalized. For example- if you are enrolled in the trombone class this does not mean you are playing trombone yet. The first full week of school the directors will pull you during class to try the instruments to see what works best. Our goal is to have everything set by August 20th. Our curriculum is set up that the first three weeks is universal for every instrument so you will not fall behind! Once we finalize an instrument you will be ready to start getting the supplies needed.
Who ya gonna call?
All our band staff is happy to help you out, but below is a quick rundown of who you should contact if you have any questions (our information is at the bottom of this newsletter). Note that if you have a question over an assignment or grade only your student's primary teacher will be able to help since they are the 'teacher of record' and the other staff do not enter grades for their class.
Mr. Chad Wood, Director of Bands
- Brass grades/questions: Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium Tuba
- Scholarship questions
- General Band questions not relating to the gradebook
- Band Booster questions
Mrs. Andi Webb, Assistant Director of Bands
- Woodwind grades/questions: Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone
- Private lesson questions
- Field trip/performance questions
Mr. Jacob Carter, Director of Percussion
- Percussion grades/questions
- Percussion private lesson questions
- Note that Mr. Carter is on staff at Memorial High School so any general Staley questions should be directed to Mr. Wood.
Family Picnic & Parent Meeting
Friday, August 19th 4:30-6:30
We would love to meet your whole family! We will have a FREE family picnic and provide hotdogs and a chance for the students to have fun! We will have a parent meeting starting around 6:00 if you can make it. This will also be a great time to turn in any start of the year paperwork or speak with Mr. Wood regarding financial Aid.
Instrument Supplies
Most of our supplies are instrument specific, but below are the general supplies EVERY band member will need:
- 1 inch binder (any color). Please try to get one with pockets on the insides
- Pencil
- 5 tab divider
- Wire Music Stand (Amazon Link or you can get this at any local music store)
Instrument Specific Supplies (this is only for families that have met with a director- if your child has not been screened for an instrument please wait until after 8/19 before purchasing instrument supplies).
Woodwind Links (Mrs. Webb is your teacher!)
- Flute Info and Supplies
- Oboe Info and Supplies
- Bassoon Info and Supplies
- Clarinet Info and Supplies
- Saxophone Info and Supplies
Brass Links (Mr. Wood is your teacher!)
- Trumpet Info and Supplies
- Horn Info and Supplies
- Trombone Info and Supplies
- Euphonium Info and Supplies
- Tuba Info and Supplies
Percussion Link (Mr. Carter is your teacher!)
Financial Aid
The Staley Band is proud to offer financial assistance through the Staley Middle School Band Parent Association, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Any student can be in band no matter what their financial situation is. Families that qualify through FISD for free and reduced lunch (f/r) are automatically enrolled in our financial aid program. This reduces the band, uniform, and instrument fee by half! Since all our financial aid is through the SMSBPA it is suggested that every family join for $10. This is not a requirement for financial aid, but we would hope that every family joins this group as they are a huge part of our program!.
Other Expenses
Band is one of the most active organizations on campus. We will have some amazing socials and events throughout the year. Aside from instrument costs below is a breakdown of other expenses so you can begin to plan accordingly.
Band Fee- $50 ($25 f/r ) and is used to help offset the cost of materials, contests, and other events throughout the year.
Uniform- $10 ($5 f/r) We have a band t-shirt that students will be required to wear multiple times throughout the year. We will not collect this fee until we are much closer to needing the shirts.
Band Parent Association Membership- $10 This optional fee is to join our band booster club. The Staley Middle School Band Parent Association (SMSBPA) is the primary reason we can stay so active. Please consider not only joining, but volunteering!
School Owned Instrument Fee-$100 ($50 f/r) This is only for students using a school owned instrument. We will discuss this fee towards the end of the first grading cycle- there is no need to send any money now.
Director Contact Information
Mr. Chad Wood- Director of Bands: woodc@friscoisd.org
- Beginning Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, & Tuba
- Symphonic Band (Band A on schedules)
- Any general questions about band, the BPA, or financial aid
Mrs. Andi Webb- Assistant Director: webband@friscoisd.org
- Beginning Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, & Saxophone
- Honor Band (Band B on schedules)
- Any questions about private lessons, weekly newsletter items, and canvas
Mr. Jacob Carter- Percussion Director: carterja@friscoisd.org
- All percussion related questions