Welcome Back Mustangs!
This is going to be an exciting year at OLHMS!
Welcome Back!
Greetings Mustang Families and Scholars,
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! We are so excited that you are joining us, as we “IGNITE” an incredible year of teaching and learning here at Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School. To the Class of 2024 welcome to our family here at OLHMS! We look forward to seeing your academic and personal growth over the next 3 years inspiring your dreams to become a reality! For our Class of 2022 and 2023, we are looking forward to your leadership and continued passion in the pursuit of your preparation for tomorrow’s world!
As provided by our Superintendent, Dr. Enderle and the CDC’s new release of school COVID-19 guidance on July 9th, D123 has been working on the development of a D123 Health and Safety Plan for the 2021-2022 school year. The plan uses a phased prevention approach that emphasizes the implementation of layered strategies, as well as the regular monitoring of community transmission which will ultimately determine the level of prevention used in our schools. Like last year, be prepared for changes in protocol as the year progresses. Our OLHMS team has assembled to determine more school specific procedures to be communicated next week. That being said, scholars and families should expect a more traditional approach to the year while wearing masks indoors.
After the last year of functioning in a fully virtual and/ or hybrid setting we are excited to return to full days of in-person instruction in our beautiful building. Due to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic we will continue to implement mitigation measures as established by local and state agencies. This will include the requirement for all students, staff and visitors to wear masks while indoors and on the buses, social distancing between students where practicable will be encouraged, and regular hand washing and/or access to hand sanitizers. The school district through its partnership with the SHIELD Illinois program will develop a weekly COVID-19 screening process in District 123 this fall. As has always been the case, the continued health, safety, and success of our students, staff, and families remains our highest priority. Thank you for your continued support during this dynamic period in the history of our school district.
This year we will renew our commitment to excellence in all that we do, as we seek to prepare today’s learners for tomorrow’s world! We look forward to partnering with our stakeholders in this effort which will positively impact student performance in every content area, and in their overall academic growth and development. I am excited about all that this new school year has to offer! I anticipate working collectively and optimistically as an OLHMS family to ensure that our scholars are provided with the best educational experience possible to be critical thinkers, collaborative workers, self-directed workers and quality producers prepared to be successful in their endeavors for high school and beyond.
I look forward to building relationships with all stakeholders throughout this year and encourage you to become active members of the PTSA and the Mustang family. This is going to be an amazing year!
Dr. Sean McNichols
OLHMS Principal
Important Dates
**More specific information on dates and procedures coming next week**
Skyward Live: August 11th at Noon (Student schedules and student information available)
Supply Drop Off: August 17th from 2:00-3:30PM and 6:00-7:30 PM
(Great chance to check out the school and try opening a locker)
First Day of School: August 18th (Half Day- school begins at 8:30 AM and dismissal is at 11:30AM)
First Full Day of School: August 19th (School Begins at 8:30 AM and dismissal is at 3:20PM)
D123 Back to School Extravaganza: August 21st from 11:00am-1:30pm at OLHMS
Open House: August 24th from 6:30-8:00 PM
Fall Pictures: August 25th (6th and 7th grade ordering opportunity)
Minute with McNichols: August 31st from 6:00-7:00PM
PTSA Meeting: August 31st from 7:00-8:00PM