Monthly School Newsletter
Sacramento New Technology High School's News You Can Use!
In This Issue....
- Student Leadership Updates
- Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
- Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
- IXL Math AND Language Arts
- Spirit Wear
- Parent Participation Hours
- November Field Trips
- Mini-DOL Volunteers Needed
- Student's of the Week
- National Native American Heritage Month
Updates and Events from Student Leadership
Homecoming Dance - November 9th
Homecoming Dance is being held in collaboration with Health Professions HS. The Dance will be held at Health Professions.
Students who want to bring a guest from a school other than New Tech, MUST complete the Guest Pass form and get it approved by Principal Martin. Guest Pass forms are due by 12pm on Thursday the 9th. NO EXCEPTIONS
November's Club Lunch Days
Club Lunch Days are a New Tech Tradition! A couple times a month, students get an extended lunch period so they can participate in club activities. This is a huge culture building activity that our school prides in.
IXL is now in Math AND Language Arts!
Have Your Student Do IXL at Home!
IXL is an online program that helps students close gaps in their education in the areas and English Language Arts and Math. Students start the program by taking a diagnostic assessment. After that, the program gives them individual lessons to work on based on their assessment results. The program will also show growth as students learn and master new concepts.
While we are giving students opportunities to work on IXL at school, we can definitely use your help by ensuring that they also work on it at home! All they need to do is log on and get to work!
Please take a look at the attached PARENT INFO PAGE for more information about IXL
School Gear Makes Great Holiday Gifts!
If you are interested in purchasing some school swag, click the link below! This company is a small family business that is run by one of our New Tech Families!
Parent Participation Hours Update!
Hour will be emailed SOON!
We will be emailing your current parent hours to you during the 2nd week of November. We have had several parent participation opportunities this year so we wanted to make sure we covered everything.
We are also sending a list of items that we need donations for. Parents who are not able to participate in person, can support our school with monetary donations. We use those donation to purchase items that we do not have school funds for. Any amount will help!
Also, as a reminder, any time you have a meeting with a teacher or staff regarding your student, those count too! Please be sure to complete the Parent Participation Form. We keep those in the front office.
Thank you for your continued support of our school!
Upcoming Field Trips
November Field Trips
- Monday, November 6th - Political Studies Class Visits the State Capitol
- Tuesday, November 28th - College Students Visit SCC for a Tour
- Wednesday, November 29th - Backslash Coding Club to Creators Showcase
Parent and Community Volunteers Needed!
Volunteer to be on Our Mini-DOL Panels for December Finals
During our finals in December, our students do mini-DOL (Defense of Learning) presentations in all of their classes. The presentations are FORMAL and students are expected to dress professionally.
Each year, we ask for parents and community members to sit in on these presentations to help give feedback to students on their presentation skills as well as the content of their presentations.
If you are interested in helping us in this way, please contact Principal Martin via email (jessica-martin@scusd.edu) or phone (916)578-0466. Finals are on December 13th & 14th from 8:30-1:40. You can join us for one class or both classes on either day.
Please let us know if you can join us! We could really use your help.
Student's of the Week for October
Mekhi, 11th Grade
Mekhi was nominated by Ms. Coyle who said "Mekhi has twice stepped up and taken a lead in a group to pull his team together. I have watched him explain sections of material to peers to increase their understanding. He is creative and engaged while he works. He showed Agency by advocating to improve his grade at the end of the semester."
Great job Mekhi!
Steven, 9th Grade
Steven was nominated by Mr. Meek for excellent academic work! Keep up the good work Steven!
Sean, 9th Grade
Sean was nominated by Mr. Sandler for always doing great work. Sean was also nominated by Mr. Huang who said "Sean has been an excellent collaborator and his exhibited excellent agency during our project activities."
Excellent Job Sean!