The Weekly Update #4
January 29th, 2024

February 2nd
What a week!? We made it through our first semester in our new building. Thank you for your patience as we continue to live into this space. The teachers are working hard to grade all summative work today. As you reflect with your student, we encourage you to focus the conversation on the current learning, progress, growth, and goals for next semester.
Monday, February 5th is the first day of Semester 2
* Doors will open at 8:45
* Students need to get a paper copy of their schedule
* Every student needs a copy of their updated schedule (on colored paper)
* Schedules might be adjusted through the rest of the weekend
* No schedule change requests will be made after Monday unless a student has a hole in their schedule or they are placed in the wrong level of a course. Thanks for understanding! 😊
Symphonic Choir
Our Symphonic Choir was set to perform at OMEA. They graciously accepted the change with the ice storm and performed their pieces on Tuesday. Congrats, Mrs. Lee!
Beginning and Concert Choir
It was amazing to see a packed house for our beginning and choir concert students. Mrs. Lee pours her heart and soul into our related arts program and it shows!
If your student is interested in track this year, see information from Coach Berg, here!
Important Dates
February 5: 1st day of Semester 2
February 7: Early Release
February 14: Unified Basketball (Wood Middle School-- 4:15)
February 19: No School--President's Day
Overall, your students have done a GREAT job with school rules and expectations. Please remind them of the following:
* Backpacks need to be in lockers
* Phones need to be in lockers--we have a handful of students who are on their 4th warning and we have a semester left! 😉
* Only water is allowed in classroom spaces, so drink the Dutch and Starbucks on the way and in the Commons
Thank you, PTSA!
The student store is up and running, a huge thank you to Katie!! It's open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Katie Weigel (katieholderness@gmail.com). The TASA showered our teachers and staff with snacks and drinks for the final week of the semester. Thank you for the love and support. It means a lot!
Lost not Found!
Last call! Today, (2/2) our admin assistants will take the unclaimed items to a local charity. Please swing by before 12:00 today if your student has a hoodie, water bottle, shirt, etc. Thanks!