LHS Update vol. 15
January 17, 2022
Upcoming Dates
- January 18 - 2nd Semester Begins
- January 19 - LCS Board of Education Meeting
- January 25 - School Wide ALICE Drill
- February 18 - Teacher PD-No school for students
- February 21 - No School
End of 1st Semester Information
- 1st semester MAKE-UP final exams for those students that were quarantined and not exempt, will take place on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
- Make-Up exams will take place in the Multi-purpose Academic Center (MAC) during the hour the exam was missed. For example, if a first hour exam was missed, it will be made up during 1st hour on Tuesday. etc...
- Exempt students that were on quarantine also have the option of taking a final exam to improve their grade.
- 1st semester grades will be slightly delayed to accommodate the Make-up exams. We hope to have all semester grades completed, and posted to StudentVue/ParentVue no later than Monday, January 24, 2022.
LHS Building Protocols
- The main hallway doors leading to the academic portion of the building will be closed daily at 4:00 pm. Students that are remaining after school for classroom assistance with teachers should make prior arrangements. If your student does not need to stay after school, they are expected to leave the building at the conclusion of the school day.
- Student backpacks and other personal belongings are to be kept in their school issued lockers. The exception being students that may have administrative approval as part of a 504 plan or IEP.
- LHS staff will continue to be visible throughout the day.
- Exterior doors will be closed and locked throughout the day.
- Classroom sign-in/sign-out sheets will be utilized for emergencies during instructional time.
- During instructional time students are required to have a pass or supervision to be out of the classroom.
LCS Updated COVID Guidance
On January 14, 2022, the Genesee County Health Department released an updated Health Order in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The updated Health Order includes information and guidance to COVID-19 isolation and quarantine situations in a K-12 educational setting. This new guidance replaces the previous School Toolkits that were used to help navigate COVID-19 situations.
The document below will give you a quick overview of revisions and how they apply to Linden High School. You can access the updated Health Order through the GCHD website.
The CDC Federal Order that facemasks must be worn on school buses is still in effect.
Facemasks will be available for students, staff, and visitors at all buildings.
One of the updates that you will see is the reduction of isolation (COVID-19 positive individual) and quarantine (close contact) time from 10 days to five, provided the individual is willing/able to mask during days 6-10 when they return to school. If your student(s) is currently under a 10 day quarantine, or a 10 day isolation, and it has been five or more days, they may be eligible to return to school. Please take the time to review the one page quick overview information.
Linden High School will begin implementation of the updated guidance on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
2nd Semester Schedule
2nd Semester Lunch Procedures
- Students will have assigned seating similar to the first semester. The cafeteria, lobby, and senior commons will house specific grade levels.
- Students will be permitted to sit with students of their choice.
- Students will only be permitted to leave their assigned table/seat to use the restroom.
- Students are not to visit other tables, lunch locations, or walk around during lunch.
- These protocols are essential to ensure the ability to contract trace if and when needed.
- 1/18/2022 (First Day of 2nd Semester) 0%
- 2/14/2022 (¼ through the semester) 25%
- 3/14/2022 (½ through the semester) 50%
- 3/25/2022 (Spring Break Break) 66%
- 4/4/2022 (¾ through the semester) 75%
- 5/2/2022 92%
- 5/20/2022 (SENIORS - 100% completed)
- 6/4/2022 (End of 2nd Semester) 100%
ALICE Review Schedule
Monday, January 24
ALICE Training video shown in classrooms
Tuesday, January 25