Monday Notes
October 31st, 2023

U.S. Air Force Airmen of Note
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to hear the Airmen of Note at V. Sue Cleveland High School on Saturday, November 18th at 8:00 pm. No admission! Don't miss it!
See attached flier for more details.
All-State Auditions
A huge thank you to the band, choir, guitar, jazz, and orchestra directors for their tireless efforts in helping their students audition for All-State.
Results will be sent to both students and teachers via OpusEvent. Be patient as our adjudicators listen to over 2000 auditions!
Earliest Musical Experience
As we approach the holiday season, please take a moment to reflect on your earliest musical experience and reach out to the person that provided that for you and say thank you! For many (most) of us...it would be our elementary music teacher. So - a huge thank you to our elementary music teachers who inspire thousands each and every day!
Congratulations Band Directors
As marching season comes to a close, a huge congratulations to our band directors on great performances at football games, parades, pep rallies, and competitions. Now to indoor (warmer) rehearsals!
2024 Conference
Time is ticking...have you registered for the 2024 All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference? Join us in Albuquerque January 10-13 for a fantastic event filled with music, clinics, concerts, and collaboration!
Follow this link to register and don't forget to purchase a luncheon ticket! See you in January.
NMMEA Scholarship
Have a graduating senior planning on majoring in music education at one of our NM colleges? Encourage them to apply for the NMMEA scholarship! $500 during their first semester and another $500 during their student teaching semester.