Panda Press
August 31, 2023
Dear Thacher Families:
It was so great to get students back in the building. We're off to a great start and were even fortunate enough to have a few Attleboro Police Officers join a few of our grades for lunch. They went through the lunch line, got their tray and joined different tables to chat and enjoy their food.
We're looking forward to our Kindergarteners joining us next week. Families will join us for Kindergarten Orientation on Tuesday (if you didn't receive an email about this, please contact the school to make sure we have your correct email address.)
K Orientation Schedule:
- Student Last Name A-L: 9:00 - 10:00
- Student Last Name M-Z: 11:00 - 12:00
Lastly, we want to send a HUGE THANK YOU to Waters Church for dropping off a large donation of school supplies. It's a humbling reminder of how amazing our community is.
Enjoy your long weekend, as we do not have school tomorrow, 9/1, or on Monday, 9/4
Frank W. Rich
Dismissal Routine Change
Students who take the bus or are part of our active carline will continue to use the same routines as they previously did.
First week of Grades 1-4!
Recess Monitor:
- Days: Every day students are in school (except early release days)
- Hours: 11:30 - 1:45
- $15/hr
- Great for someone with flexible hours looking to pick up extra spending money
Building Substitute:
- Unlike "Day-to-Day" Subs, the Building Substitute where you may work in other buildings, the Building Sub is assigned solely to Thacher.
- Days: Every day students are in school
- Hours: 8:30 - 3:40
- Includes health insurance
To apply for either position, please visit the Attleboro Public Schools Human Resources website.
Upcoming Spirit Days
Information Packets
You may notice a small change to the student information form, specifically the "Do Not Publish" option. Please make sure you read the explanation underneath which clarifies that by checking the Do Not Publish box, you are identifying that you do not wish to have your child's image, name, work, etc. published anywhere, which includes our yearbook.
Make sure to follow their page on Facebook!
Upcoming Important Information & Dates
September 1: No School
September 4: No School (Labor Day)
September 5: Kindergarten Orientation
September 6: First Day of School for Kindergarten
September 28: Welcome Back Night
October 3: Picture Day
October 6: Early Release Day
Thacher Elementary School
Location: 160 James Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 226-4162