KAHPERD 2022-2023 Newsletter

A message from our President, Dr. John Oppliger
Click on button to read letter from President.
Thank you Jackie Hall for serving as President - A letter from Jackie
Click on button to read Jackie's letter.
KAHPERD Future Professionals October 2022
Slate of KAHPERD Officers
Click here to read a bio of each KAHPERD Officer.
President Elect- Jaime McVety
Member At Large - Fonda Rose
Treasurer - Jannelle Robins-Gaede
Co-Chair Awards - Kathy Kochersperger
Co-Chair Awards - Jennifer Bechard
Membership/Marketing Chair - Mark Ellner
ANNOUNCEMENT - Co-Executive Directors-Mrs. Claudia Welch and Dr. Ken Murfay
Click on button to learn more about our new Co-Executive Directors
OPEN Professional Development Highlights
Click on the button or picture to watch the highlights.
GAME ON! Power Of Purpose
Click on the video or button and learn everything you ever wanted to know about Game On! and how to become involved. Get INVOLVED!!!!!
Membership Drive
Click button to renew now.
PE Kansas - For all your lesson plan needs
As you begin this new school year. Don't forget about the outstanding site to spice up your lesson plans. Take a moment and check out this site. (click the brown button to visit the site)
Build Your Advocacy Skills
Click on the button for more info and attached links
Why Core Muscle Exercises Can Help in the Classroom-Blog
Click on button to read blog.
OPEN Holiday Games
click on the brown button for lesson plan idea
Invasion Basics with OPEN Trainer Chris Walker
Teri Lund
Teri is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters