Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ May 14, 2018
Annual Communication Survey
Shoes with Wheels
Tech Equipment Turn-In
Dear Oak Grove families,
The end of the school year is approaching and the Tech department would like to help make equipment turn-in easy, and seamless for everyone.
All travel equipment for iPads, and laptops are to be returned to school on Thursday, May 24. Students will still be able to use their devices at school. Sixth through Eighth grade students are to turn in their travel bag with pouch, charger (duck head in place), and cord extender. Please make sure that the student’s name is still legible and visible in the front pocket of the bag.
Kindergarten through Fifth grade, are to return the school issued charger, cable and black take-home sleeve that were provided with the iPad. If the student name tag is missing, please include a note with their name inside the sleeve, so we correctly account for it.
If any equipment is missing or damaged, we will inform you via email. If you have any questions, please email Patti Jacobs, jacobs@ogschool.org.
Replacement Costs
- iPad sleeve $9
- iPad charger $19
- iPad cable $19
- laptop bag pouch $5
- laptop bag $32
- laptop charger $53
- laptop cord $10
- missing hard shell $11
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
On April 17th, students in grades 4 and 5 participated in the Illinois Mathematics League Contest. This year, we had over forty-five students participate. Congratulations to all students who participated!
Fourth Grade Participants
Ibraheem Ahmed
Matthew Brown
Evelynn Chaseley
Ana Choe
Jack Davis
Julia Davoux
Nicholas Farmakis
Izak Hanson
Jackson Kern
Micah Lai
Connor McLaury
Alyssa Merchant
Aarna Mishra
Yehia Mohamed
Imose Osayimwen
Shriteja Patil
Leila Sethi
Wisam Shaaya
Keerthana Sridhar
Mark Swanson
Thomas Teixeira
Adhith Theyver
Shrinidhi Vadanabhatla
Nyl Wagh
Jessica Yuan
Fifth Grade Participants
Kevin Azarkhad
David Carreras
Ahanaditya Dey
Jonathan Dotson
Nivas Durgam
Bruna Ferreira
Amalya Ford
Brian Furlong
Janis Sefina John Peter
Vaidehi Khatavkar
Vitoria Martins Da Costa
Devanshi Nagpal
Aayushee Patil
Eleanor Perrone
Shishir Rajendran
Ankita Ramachandran
Natalie Schlitt
Maryam Sellami
Aaron Skarbek
Shreyas Srirama Chandra Moorthy
Mary Tunney
Mehal Verma
Asmi Wadehra
James Whittaker
Top Five Scorers, Fourth Grade
Matthew Brown
Evelynn Chaseley
Jack Davis
Nicholas Farmakis
Imose Osayimwen
Wisam Shaaya
Thomas Teixeira
Adhith Theyver
Top Five Scorers, Fifth Grade
Ahanaditya Dey
Bruna Ferreira
Brian Furlong
Janis Sefina John Peter
Vitoria Martins Da Costa
Aayushee Patil
Shishir Rajendran
Natalie Schlitt
Aaron Skarbek
Shreyas Srirama Chandra Moorthy
James Whittaker
Congratulations to Matthew Brown for his top score in fourth grade and Janis Sefina John Peter for her top score in fifth grade!
8th Grade Dance
Dear 8th Grade Parents,
The 8th grade dance is next Friday, May 25 from 7:00-10:00 pm. You should have received an invitation in the mail addressed to your 8th graders and also a letter from Mr. Fenton explaining the details and expectations for our students. Please have students arrive promptly at 7:00 pm. They will have individual pictures taken and then eat with their classmates. We are serving chicken breast vesuvio, roasted potatoes, baked mostaccioli with marinara sauce, homemade meatballs, french bread, garden salad, drinks and a dessert buffet. There will be a DJ and a selfie station for the students to enjoy! It will be a memorable evening for all!
Thank you to all the parents who have been so gracious in volunteering their time and talents for this event! WE STILL NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS! If you are able to volunteer, even for an hour or two, please click on this link for Sign Up Genius! If you have any further questions please contact krista.sorensen4@gmail.com or regeniaagee@gmail.com.
Looking forward to this fun and special event for our 8th graders!
PTO News
PTO Meeting
Our last PTO meeting will be this Wednesday, May 16th @ 9am in the Junior High teacher's lounge. We will be honoring our 6 retiring teachers: Karen Seveska, Carole Moroz, Eileen Pavletic, Tim Nee, Sue Kalman, and Colette Poore. All are welcome!
Field Day
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered for Field Day this coming Friday, May, 18th. It's because of all of you, that the Oak Grove students, K-8, will have a fun-filled day playing a variety of outdoor games. ALL volunteers need to be at Oak Grove by 8:15 am in the Junior High cafeteria. If you forgot which station you volunteered for, don't worry, I'll have a poster available for you to look at. Please dress comfortably and be prepared to have a great time with everyone! Field Day games will be over at 10:40 am so that students can return to their classrooms and be ready for dismissal at 11:30.
Please DO NOT park in the Elementary parking lot that morning because it is needed for the arriving buses. You may park in either the Junior High parking lot or surrounding streets. (Lexington Rd. behind school, O'Plaine, or Kenton) When Field Day is over at 10:40 am, I'm asking that you please help your group collect all of the equipment for your station, return it to the Junior High cafeteria and try your best to leave the school by 11:00 am so that dismissal can run smoothly.
If you have any more questions regarding the day, please e-mail me at
6th/7th Social
TODAY is the your last chance to RSVP for the 6th and 7th grade social which is on Friday, May 18th at X-Factor Trampoline. Click here for details and to RSVP.
Teacher Appreciation
Thank you to Melody Lyon for heading up the Teacher Appreciation week for the PTO. The teachers were treated to a delicious catered breakfast on Tuesday, coffee and donuts on Wednesday along with a "Card My Yard" sign at the school showing our love, mini "Nothing Bundt Cakes" on Thursday and jars of candy on Friday. Thank you to Lisa Perrone, Kim Konigseder, Joanie Sauers, and Christine Merrild who helped with the breakfast. Also, thank you to Hansa Coffee for donating the coffee and Susan Brooks at "Card My Yard Libertyville" for the sign.
Pre-Pack School Supplies
Oak Grove PTO is having our annual pre-pack school supply fundraiser again this year. When you order a pre-pack, you get all of your child's school supplies for the next school year in one pack. It is sent directly to your home. You save time and money while raising money for our school. Secure, online ordering is now open and you can order thru June 24th.
1. Go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks
2. Enter the school ID, OAK039
3. Follow the directions to complete your order.
4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.
Orders will be charged sales tax & $9.15 delivery fee per family order at checkout. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Liu at jen_hen@comcast.net.
PTO Reimbursements
If you have any outstanding receipts from PTO events that you need to be reimbursed for, please submit the receipt, along with the reimbursement form, to Ashley Wilson (she has a PTO treasurer mailbox in both offices) by Friday, May 25th.
PTO Committee Report
Just a reminder to all PTO Committee Chairs - please turn in your completed end of the year committee report by Friday, May 25th. Online form can be found here.
If you prefer to email it in, use this form: . Please send to pto@ogschool.org
PTO Calendar Pictures
Help us build the 2018-2019 school calendar with your pictures. For all returning students, please send images taken either at Oak Grove or a school sponsored event in original format (i.e. no Instagram filters) for highest quality. Images should be sent to Leah Parr at dlparr82@gmail.com. Pictures will be accepted through the end of June.
School of Rock Assembly
Last week's assembly with School of Rock - Libertyville was another big hit with grades 5-8! Each class had a blast learning a little more about the rock n' roll side of music. Students got a chance to try out the drums, guitar, and even did some vocals. Our teachers were joining in the fun too! We have a lot of talent and enthusiasm for music here at OGS! Thank you to Shellie Fahy and Katrina Treutelaar for a great year of assemblies, as well as the teachers and parents of the PTO that make these events possible for our students.
Track and Field Weekly News
Congratulations to all of the Sectional competitors!
Meet Results: www.ilpreptoptiming.com
Oak Grove has two athletes who qualified for the state meet this weekend:
Andrew Brooks - 400 Meter Dash and 800 Meter Run
Christian Roberts - 110 Meter Hurdles and 200 Meter Dash
The end of the season celebration will be on Tuesday in the JH Cafeteria.
Coaches will have certificates to fill out and ribbons/awards to pass out.
Please bring your own snack and any games/balls for some outdoor fun.
Make sure you wash your uniform and return it to the coaches.
Monday - No Practice (Faculty Meeting)
Tuesday - End of the Season Celebration (Bring a snack and a game/ball)
Wednesday - Practice @ LHS for State Qualifiers
Thursday - No Practice (LHS Track is Available for State Qualifiers)
Friday - State Meet, East Peoria
Saturday - State Meet, East Peoria
Visit the OGS website for more information:
Battle of the Books
On June 10, 1815, Thomas Jefferson wrote to John Adams, "I cannot live without books.” The passion for books was on display at the 3rd annual Battle of the Books Championship on Friday, May 4.
The PTO generously provided the books and prizes for the contests. Starting late last fall, teams of five or six students who wanted to participate were charged with reading 20 books. The contest was to read, comprehend, and remember the books, and the team with the most winning answers to pointed questions about content would win. Each team competed against other teams in their grade, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th vs. 8th and Junior High Champion would be crowned. For two weeks in early May the teams, put in brackets like the NCAA, were whittled down from 33 to 8.
The Finals: On May 4th, the 5th grade Championship was up first; Fabulous came away with the title edging out Eagles Revenge. In the 4th grade championship, the Raging Readers and Rapid Readers battled and the Raging Readers won.
Sixth grade teams, Lit is Lit and The Dragons took to the stage with Lit is Lit winning the 6th grade Championship. Next, 7th grade winner The Book Sponges was bested by 8th grade team The Librarians, in the penultimate battle. The finally offered up Lit is Lit vs. The Librarians with 6th grade Lit is Lit taking home the Junior High Championship.
There was hardware awarded. Each competitor took away a gold or silver medal, and our champions also won an autographed book. Demonstrating Oak Grove Eagle sportsmanship, our silver medalists graciously congratulated the gold medalists, as did the audience members of classmates, teachers, and some parents. The Junior High Champions also received an Amazon Gift Card.
A good time was had by all, and the heat is already building for next year’s furious, fuel-filled and page-turning BATTLE OF THE BOOKS IV. See you there.
Retirement Celebration!
Please join us as we celebrate Colette Poore’s 21 years of dedication to teaching at OGS.
Tuesday, May 22nd
2-3 pm Open House
Elementary Cafeteria
All former students and families are welcome. Please make sure to check in at the Elementary office when you arrive.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120