Garfield Elementary Tiger News
Information for Garfield Families
Every Day A Learner!
Nov 13 - 17 Conference Week - 1 pm Dismissal
This Week
Monday November 13
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00AM (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Extended Day Reading 8:15-9:00AM (Classrooms)
- Math Olympiad 9:30 and 10:10AM (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Conference Week, 1pm Dismissal
Tuesday November 14
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00am (multi-purpose room)
- Extended Day Reading 8:15-9:00am (classrooms)
- Math Olympiad 9:30 and 10:10 am (multi-purpose room)
- Conference Week, 1pm Dismissal
- Riverside Neighborhood Meeting 6 - 8:30 pm (Garfield Library)
Wednesday November 15
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00am (multi-purpose room)
- Extended Day Reading 8:15-9:00am (classrooms)
- Conference Week, 1pm Dismissal
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00am (multi-purpose room)
- Extended Day Reading 8:15-9:00am (classrooms)
- Math Olympiad 9:30 and 10:10 am (multi-purpose room)
- Conference Week, 1pm Dismissal
Looking Ahead ...
Monday November 20
- AGAPE 3:30-4:15pm (Rm 306)
- PTA Meeting 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday November 22 - Friday November 25
- Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
Tuesday November 28
- Picture Retakes 9:30-11:30 am
Dec. 4 - Dec 8 - Book Fair
Monday Dec. 4
- Garfield Book Fair 5:00- 7:00 pm (Library)
Friday Dec. 15
- Early Release, 1 pm Dismissal
December 16 - January 1 Holiday - No School
Attendance Matters - If you show you grow!
Attendance Procedures
We look forward to seeing your child at school every day. Regular school attendance is important, and we will work with you to ensure your child is present to benefit from an excellent education. If your child is sick with fever, vomiting and/or diarrhea they should remain home for 24 hours until these symptoms are gone. If they are absent, please email our attendance email address, If email is not possible, please call 425-385-4705 to report the absence. Please make sure there is an email or a written note within 30 days after your student returns to school.
Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduling
Parent/Teacher Conferences are November 13th-17th. Please click the link below to schedule your conference online. Access to the online scheduler is available starting Monday November 6th through Monday November 13th. If you need assistance, please call the office at 425-385-4700.
School Appointments - Parent Instructions
1. Go to our school appointments web site for your school.
2. Register for an account by clicking the "REGISTER" menu tab and filling in the on-line form. Choose a user id and password for yourself and then click the "Register Now" button.
3. Add your children into the system by clicking the "Add a Student" button. Click "Insert New" button to add more children.
4. Click the "date" icon beside each child's name to schedule appointments.
5. Select the staff you wish to book appointments with. Use the "Ctrl" or "Command" key to select multiple staff to view at the same time.
6. Select how your meetings will be held.
7. Then click the "View Calendars" button.
8. Click on available time slots to book your appointments to make your bookings.
To Delete Appointments:
- Click “View Appointments” from the HOME page.
- You will then see the list of appointments that you have booked. To delete any of the appointments, click the red “x” icon beside the appointment.
Prodigies for Peace Writing and Art Contest
Transitional Kindergarten
Resources and Supports Available
The Salvation Army Everett and Volunteers of America of Western Washington are partnering to provide Christmas Assistance to families in need. The Salvation Army will provide toys and gifts for children 17 and under, and the Volunteers of America will provide Christmas food baskets for each family. More information provided here.
Other resources provided below.
Snohomish County Cold Weather Shelters
2023 Snohomish County Dinner and Toy Distribution Resources
Snohomish County Services and Resources
Maverick Cares - Holiday Food Resources
Modest Family Solutions
Modest Family Solutions(MFS),
Modest Family Solutions is an organization that is working to create a more just and equitable food system. They provide produce to families and communities in need across western Washington sourcing product from local growers, with an emphasis on supporting and building a BIPOC food value chain.
Emerson Elementary School
8720 7th Ave SE
Everett, WA 98208
Produce available the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month from 9 to 11 a.m. Cultural, home-grown, fresh foods. Stay in your car and pick up in the drive thru loop or come to the walk-up area.
Find information and links to helpful resources on the district’s Parent Tools webpage.
- Parent University / Overview (
- Washington State Library – local and regional information about services and agencies offering help to families in a variety of ways including food, shelter, clothing, childcare, legal services, employment opportunities, and counseling
- Everett Public Schools Kids In Transition (KIT) program – supports homeless children and youth to continue their education
- Snohomish Health District for Snohomish County community dental resources for children and adults
- United Way of Snohomish County – 2-1-1 is a free telephone number that is your best "first call" to quickly find the right source of help. The information line is staffed by trained operators from Volunteers of America Western Washington who can connect you to a wide range of community services.
Garfield PTA NEWS
Hello Garfield families! Thank you to everyone that joined us at The New Mexicans for dine out night! Please check out our blurs every week to see what exciting events we have planned!
HOLIDAY LANE: Holiday Lane is just around the corner and planning is underway. If you would like to volunteer at the event, please look below for a link to sign up under “volunteer opportunities.” If you would like to have a vendor table, please reach out to Sophie for more information.
YEARBOOKS: Yearbook order forms will be coming home with your student soon if they have not already. Please return the completed form with payment to your teacher before winter break. Some of you may have received a yearbook order for from us at back to school night or kindergarten orientation that looked different from these. If you returned that form, you do not need to return the new one. If you have any questions, concerns, or want to double check if you are on the list of those that already ordered, please feel free to reach out to us at Additional order forms are available in the Garfield office.
MEMBERSHIP: We love to have our families not only join us at meetings and events but to also be members! If you haven’t already signed up, you may do so by visiting our membership sign up page. All memberships and membership benefits are available from the day you sign up until June 30, 2024. If you have any questions or if that website isn’t working well for you, do not hesitate to reach out! We are more than happy to help!
BOOK FAIR: This year’s Scholastic Book Fair will be from December 4-8. Students will have an opportunity to shop during their library time that week as well as with their families during a couple evenings. The details are still being fine-tuned and more information regarding evening events and volunteer opportunities will be announced as soon as they are sorted.
FUN RUN/WALK/ROLL: The 4th annual Everett Special Education PTSA Fun Run/Walk/Roll has been scheduled and will be occurring on Sunday, March 24 at Everett Memorial Stadium. More details, including time and how to sign up, will be made available at a later date.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNTIES: We are always looking for more parents to be involved. If you would like to volunteer to help sell 50/50 raffle tickets and chuck-a-puck pucks at Silvertips games, you can sign up for either January 6 or February 10 by following the date links. This event requires adult/child duos and arrival to Angel of the Winds Arena by 4 pm on your selected date(s). Approximately once a month, we pop popcorn for the students to enjoy during their lunch recess. If you would like to be a part of the experience and are an approved volunteer, please sign up here. Holiday Lane is scheduled for Thurs. Dec. 14. If you would like to assist us in the festivities, please sign up here. If you have questions about any of these opportunities or are interested in volunteering in other ways, please do not hesitate to reach out to us; we would love to have you!
CONTACT: We love connecting with our families so never hesitate to chat with one of us if you see us around campus. We also welcome our families to reach out to us on our social media pages or via email at any time. Our Linktree is a great resource to get links to resources like membership sign up and the district’s volunteer application as well as to be able to support your PTA through donations via our Amazon wish list or Cheddar Up. Links to our social media pages, zoom meeting format, and an events calendar can also be found there.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting is Monday, Nov. 20 from 6:30-7:30 in the Garfield multipurpose room and over Zoom. If you are wanting to get involved with PTA but you aren’t sure how or you just want to see what all the buzz is about, this is a great opportunity to come meet your board and ask any lingering questions you might have. Our meetings occur monthly and while we encourage all our families to be members, it is not required to attend our meetings, but it is required if you would like to vote on any items that come up.
Meeting ID: 219 213 1812
Password: TigersPTA
2023 - 2024 Student Art Calendars
Garfield Elementary
Location: 2215 Pine Street, Everett, WA
Phone: 425-385-4700
Twitter: @EPS_Garfield