How to quickly help a struggling English Language Learner
My question as a classroom teacher was and is.. HOW DO I HELP STUDENTS THRIVE WHILE LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE?
I REMEMBER as classroom teacher feeling OVERWHELMED having to focus on one student and the specifics of their LINGUISTIC accommodations. The best way I found to help my EL was focus on the need based on one assignment or project at a time . I sometimes found that they did really WELL on an assignment with out any support because I was scaffolding it for ALL students and sometimes I found that I had LOST them completely even while supporting ALL my students. I ALSO remember thinking the student is doing well with grades, SO I would forget to ASK the student and then the next assignment would COME and they would BOMB IT! Have you ever been there?THIS IS THE ANALOGY I can GIVE YOU based on MYSELF as a second language learner and students that I have worked with and work with:
There are days that I am swimming without a lifejacket and make some awesome connections in your classroom but there may be days when I AM barely floating and could be feeling overwhelmed by not having that life jacket and need you to throw it in for ME or I will drown, just like in drowning, it happens very quickly without YOU even noticing it.
1. Note exchange- make sure you are offering your notes to the student in a printed copy, canvas notes is awesome BUT the tangible piece is NECESSARY to process LANGUAGE. Students LOVE having this and are able to then come ask you questions. It could also be buddy notes from a friend.
2. Buddy system- Part of being a second language learner is that they don't KNOW who to ask for help besides you. Assign a BUDDY in your class that they can ask for HELP with assignments or just work with to get assignments done. Copying is OK! Remember early childhood.. when we copied everything. I know this a hard concept for our brains to process with older students but this is a skill that helps to develop a sense of understanding and accomplishment, somehow the brain starts to make connects the more it does it.
3. Grading- This is a HOT topic. I personally believe that we don't need to give a student that is just learning our language a 20 question quiz and hope for the best. I think we need to grade them based on what they are able to produce on a smaller scale until they can do it at on larger scale. Sometimes "exempting" an EL student from an assignment is the RIGHT thing to do because they are not ready YET. I would find another grade where they have had success or offer an alternate assignment. Canvas is a great tool for this, and I would LOVE to show you how!
Homework- Another HOT topic.. I use to ASK MYSELF THIS QUESTION: Is today's HOMEWORK going help the student gain language more rapidly OR just frustrate the student because they don't have support at home to do it? I would CONSIDER the purpose of your homework and see if you can offer a different option or just exempt until the YET.
4. Ask the student- Ask Ask Ask... use google translate if necessary and ask the student how they are feeling about your class and what would help them in their learning of your content and the language. Ask: What type of learner are you in your native language? How would this apply to you as your are learning English? Would it help you if i did, ( name the accommodation).
Please feel free to ask me to a PLC to discuss this with your team or individually. I am HERE cheering for you and your EL's!