LASD Board Highlights
May 2 Board Meeting Summary
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Board Meeting Videos
Welcome Gardner Bullis's Next Principal, Kate Schermerhorn
LASD has been engaged in a thorough search for a new Gardner Bullis Elementary School Principal. Parents, teachers and administrators all had the opportunity to interview many qualified candidates.
Kate Schermerhorn rose to the top of our search and we believe she is an excellent fit for Gardner Bullis’s student, teacher, and parent community. With over 10 years of experience in education, Ms. Schermerhorn has served as a classroom teacher and summer school principal. With a student-centered approach and interest in ongoing professional growth for staff, Ms. Schermerhorn will continue Gardner Bullis’s Elementary School’s record of excellence.
Please join us in welcoming Kate Schermerhorn to the Gardner Bullis community. We are planning an opportunity for parents and students to meet her as soon as possible. She will officially begin her role as Principal on July 1, 2022.
Preparing for Summer Learning Opportunities
Every year, LASD invites students who would benefit from extra learning over the summer to its Summer Academy and Extended School Year programs. The comprehensive programs' goals are to:
Provide engaging and rigorous instruction in reading, writing, math, and STEM
A “running start” for students to bridge their current grade to the next year
Build confidence as learners and support skills deficits in some areas
Summer school is an "invite only program" to ensure students with the greatest need are able to attend. Extended School Year serves our students with special needs who require additional support to not regress over the summer.
Our excellent staff of teachers, aides and administrators are looking forward to welcoming our Summer Academy and Extended School Year students in mid-June for a fun and engaging summer of learning. For more information, please check out item H.1. on our agenda online.
Supporting Student and Staff Mental Health
Supporting student and staff mental health is a top priority of the Los Altos School District. The Board heard a presentation regarding support services provided for students and staff this year, as well as a proposal to increase support services in the upcoming school year.
In LASD all students receive mental health support through various programs and services such as access to school psychologists, school-wide social emotional learning curriculum, Project Cornerstone and instruction in various mindfulness strategies. Those students requiring more robust support who are high-risk or at-risk are referred for additional services such as regular check-ins with the school psychologist, group therapy, a consult with a psychiatrist, school-based therapy with a CHAC therapist, or referrals to other community services.
Next year, LASD staff recommended the Board consider expanding services for students and including new services for staff. Based on the increase in mental health needs in our school district, increasing mental health services through community partnerships with outside providers would provide better access to social-emotional learning opportunities and mental health services to ensure their mental wellbeing.
For more information, please check out item H.2. for more information.
Next Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The next meeting of the Los Altos School District Board of Trustees will take place on Monday, May 16 at 7:00pm. Our meetings are open to the public at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos in our Board Room. To attend the meeting remotely, please visit our Board web page and use the provided Zoom link. Please note: public comment can only be provided in person at the Board meeting or via email at trustees@lasdschoos.org, but cannot be made online.
If you would like to stay updated regarding upcoming Board meetings, please email mbirnie@lasdschools.org, providing your name, email address and a request to be added to the email list for Brown Act updates, including upcoming meetings and agendas.
Los Altos School District
Website: www.lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LASDK8/