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Las Positas Updates
4/14/23 Volume 2 (32)
Happy Friday~
Happy Friday!
'Tis the Season for State Testing..
On Wednesday, April 19th, our 5th grade students will begin the SBAC testing window. Our 3rd and 4th grade friends will start on April 26th. This is the annual test on the Common Core State Standards that all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students take during the school year. Because this test is so important, we would like to ask for your help in getting your child prepared to do his/her best on this test. Below are a few things you can do to help your child have a successful testing experience:
Get your child to bed on time or a little early (a well-rested student will test better).
Provide a good, healthy breakfast before leaving for school or have them arrive at 7:40 to eat breakfast at school.
Communicate with your child that this test is important. Encourage your child to do his/her very best.
Make sure your child is here. Get to school on time to allow your child to feel relaxed and unrushed. More than ever, being on time is critical to successful testing experiences.
Visit https://www.caaspp.org/practice-and-training/ for practice
This month we continue focusing on the IB Learner Profile Risk - Takers
Click here for more info on: IB PYP
Catch your child being a ""risk-taker" or "courageous" and tweet it out @laspositaslions or send them for me to share.
Have a wonderful weekend~
If at First you don't succeed...
A child with a growth mindset has the ability to take risks.
- Turn a negative into a positive- "I can't do that!" vs."I can't do that...YET!"
- Famous Fails- Research famous people in history that failed, but came back even stronger!
- Character Counts- Read stories about characters that have faced obstacles and overcame them.
- Grow-ya- Growth set yoga that's linked with positive affirmations https://www.kidsyogastories.com/growth-mindset/
Resources for Parents: https://ca.startingsmarter.org/
Practice Test: https://www.caaspp.org/practice-and-training/
Rebranding Committee Debrief:
The Rebranding Committee met and has decided to poll the staff and community one more time, since the top 2 results of the student choices were so close.
Here are some back ground information the committee felt was important to share prior to voting.
- If we are to rebrand, this would be the right time, due to the abundant funds
- Some funds are lost, if not spent this fiscal year
- Rebranding does not take away from providing for teacher or student supplies/supports
- We want our mascot to be elite and representative of our IB PYP
- Click HERE or the survey below to vote right away
Vote NOW
Safety First
Save a life. Follow the traffic laws. 🚗🚙🚛
Don't speed.
Drive on the right side of the road.
Do NOT enter thru the exit. If the entrance is blocked that means you should not enter!!!
Arrive on time.
Don't block the traffic.
Let's be patient and kind on the road~
Upcoming PTA Fundraiser...
Call to Register
Llame para registrase
Important Dates
Wednesdays - Early Release (8:10 -1:20)
Thursdays - Think College Gear
Fridays - wear Las Positas Gear/color
4/14 - Yearbook sale TODAY IS THE LAST DAY
4/17 - PTA Meeting 5-6pm in the Library
4/19 - SBAC - 5th Grade Starts
4/19 - PTA Fundraiser at Yogurt Land 12pm-9pm
4/26 - SBAC Testing begins for 3rd/4th grade
4/25 - Tuesday, Coffee with the Principal @ 8
Other Important Information
Las Positas Elementary School
Email: maguilera@lahabraschools.org
Website: https://www.lahabraschools.org/laspositas
Location: 1400 Schoolwood Drive, La Habra, CA, USA
Phone: 562.690.2356
Twitter: @laspositaslions
Instagram: @laspositaslions