HPS Headlines
Friday 12th January 2024

Head's Welcome
I hope it is not too late to wish you all a Happy New Year and if it is, too late - Happy New Year!
I trust that this message finds you in good health and high spirits as we start a new year at Homefield. As we juggle with the resolutions we set, and hopefully are maintaining, I wanted to take a moment to share some exciting news, express our heartfelt congratulations, and discuss the importance of your involvement in the Homefield Association.
First and foremost, congratulations are in order! I am thrilled to announce that Tobi has been appointed as the Head Boy, and I have every confidence that he will lead by example and contribute significantly to the positive spirit of our school. Additionally, I extend my warmest congratulations to Henry and Rayhaan, who have been appointed as prefects. Your dedication and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and we are proud to have such outstanding boys at Homefield. I am sure Tobi will continue the tremendous job that Sidd did last term.
As we celebrate these achievements, it is also crucial to reflect on the role of the Homefield Association (HA). The HA serves as a vital bridge between parents, teachers, and the school administration. Its primary goal is to enhance the overall experience for our boys and create a supportive and enriching environment for all parents.
One of our goals for this year is to strengthen the HA by encouraging greater participation, particularly from our male parents. Diverse perspectives and experiences contribute significantly to the success of our school community, and we believe that a more balanced representation within the HA will lead to more comprehensive and effective initiatives.
I encourage each and every one of you to consider volunteering with the HA and becoming an integral part of our school community. Your involvement is invaluable, and together, we can create a nurturing environment that empowers our boys to thrive.
Here's to a year filled with growth, learning, and collaboration! Thank you for your continued support.
Sam Naismith
Head, Homefield Prep School
Recent HPS Highlights!
🧲 Elijah and Rowan in Year 5 have been using iron filings to see the magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.
🚦Year 5 boys practiced giving and listening to directions in French. Being blindfolded, boys had to trust their partners to be accurate and clear with their instructions!
⛄ On our return journey from Battle Abbey we made a brief stop-over at Bewl Water for our students to enjoy the snow!
🚗 1S have finished making their vehicles in STEAM and are now testing and evaluating them in relation to their designs.
☠️ Year 7 are currently learning about the musculoskeletal system and here are Arthur and Atharva learning about the different bones in the human body using Bob the skeleton!
⛵ Year 1 started their topic of significant people with learning about Grace Darling. After learning about why she is a significant woman in history, we went off to make our own boats to save people in, just like Grace Darling!
💡 Year 2 have started their STEAM Crest Star Challenge, our first of eight challenges is to investigate which materials are the most reflective in the dark. At the end of the challenge the boys will receive a badge!
🏙️ In Year 8 Art, the boys are prepping their final canvases in their Megacity project. They have been influenced by many different artists, such as Stephen Wiltshire, Paul Kenton and Ulpiano Carrasco.
⚔️ Siddharth and Nsama tested out the strength of Norman helmets on our recent trip to Battle Abbey, site of the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
🔌 Year 3 have continued their science work on circuits. Here they are investigating which materials are conductors and which are insulators.
Subject Summaries
Art: Boys have come back into Art brilliantly. All year groups are now spending this month completing their final pieces for their projects. Year 2 are doing nature inspired monotone prints, Year 3 listening to music while producing artwork inspired by Kandinsky. In Year 4, boys are using carbon paper to create Georgia O'Keefe inspired patters, while Year 5 are creating their political Pop art posters. Year 6 are continuing with their masks, Year 7 are designing their lights on drawing software ready for laser cutting and year 8 are doing their megacity canvases. Very busy!
Computing: In computing we are starting a range of new topics across the school. Year 1 are discovering how to be an effective TV chef, Year 2 are finishing their digital artists topic and then looking at searching online, Year 3 are working with Logo to create algorithms, Year 4 are animating in PowerPoint, Year 5 are coding with 2Code in Purple mash, Year 6 are using BBC MicroBits and Python to expand their coding knowledge, Year 7 solved their murder mystery using an Access database and will move onto spreadsheets and Year 8 are coding in Python.
English: The boys have hit the ground running in English lessons. Year 3 have explored Haikus while year 4 pondered feelings in preparation for autobiographical writing, Year 5 boys have been exploring what poetry is and giving performances in class. Year 6 held a debate on war before writing their own poems, Year 7 have used persuasive language to present arguments and Year 8 have explored the dark world of Gothic literature.
French: It has been a busy start to term in French with the start of brand new topics across every year group. Reception are reading the story: "Le Loup qui ne voulait plus marcher" and Year 1 are building their vocabulary about pets. In the pictures, you can see Year 5 enjoying some revision of how to give directions around a town and hoping they don't lead their blindfolded partners to the wrong part of the obstacle course!
History: It has been an exciting start to the term in history as Year 8 kicked off Week 1 with a trip to Battle Abbey to investigate the site of the Battle of Hastings. We even managed to stop off for some fun in the snow! Other history highlights include the amazing entries for the Year of the Dragon Competition and the excitement for the Townsend Warner Prize Paper 1 on Friday 12th January.
Maths: At Homefield, problem-solving is at the heart of our maths mastery curriculum. This week, our boys in the Upper School relished the opportunity to dive deeper into problem-solving and further develop their critical thinking skills. Year 3 investigated commutative law, Year 4 solved problems with division, Year 5 explored standard index form and ordinary numbers, Year 6 consolidated their understanding of negative numbers within algebraic expressions, Year 7 completed their unit on problems with algebra, and Year 8 explored mixed radix notation with factorials.
P.E. & Games: This week in Games, the boys have started their rugby unit of work. The Lower School have been focusing on passing and invasion skills in tag rugby. Despite the temperature going below 0 the Upper School have worked hard to secure knowledge on rugby tackling. The Year 4 boys all raved about 'smashing into the big spongy tackle bags' and practiced tackling each other for the first time. In PE, the Year 3 boys have been honing their skills in Japanese dance, tennis and planning, performing and evaluating some gymnastic balance sequences. Boys from Years 1, 4 and 5 have begun their swimming unit of work. On top of this the sports clubs provision has increased by 100%. It has been a very rewarding week of sport for boys throughout the school!
Science: As always, the science labs have been a hub of active learning through various practicals and investigations. Year 3 have been building electrical circuits, Year 4 have been investigating light and getting their Bunsen burner licenses, Year 5 are on a rotation of energy, forces and cells, Year 6 are studying the circulatory system, Year 7 the musculoskeletal system, and Year 8 have been getting to grips with electronics.
STEAM: In STEAM, Reception and Year 2 boys are excited to commence their CREST STAR awards where they embark on a series of exciting investigations. Year 1 are completing model vehicles and boys in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are well underway with the Primary Leaders Award Competition Entries.
Homefield Heroes
Reception: Musa and Shrey
Year 1: Bernardo and Clement
Year 2: John and Abhinav
Year 3: Advik and Mirsub
Year 4: Ted and Henry
Year 5: Haran, Kaloyan, Raveesh, Arnav and Vincent
Year 6: Yaseen, Constantine, Justinus, Alasdair, Elias and Hanchen
Year 7: Ibrahim
Year 8: Rayhaan
Artwork of the Week
Aiden in Year 5 is currently working on his pop art political poster. The first stage is complete and we look forward to seeing the finished article.
Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 30th January: Year 7 Trip to Bath
5th – 8th February: ‘Book Looks’
Saturday 24th February: Open Morning for prospective parents
4th - 8th March: Book Week: we will be holding a Book Fair after school during the week which will be held in the LRC - CARD PAYMENT ONLY
Friday 8th March: Dress Up Day: boys come to school dressed as a favorite book character. We will also be collecting donations for a local charity.
Stay up to date with our most recent news!
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+44 020 8642 0965