Panther Press

For the Week of October 22, 2023
Upcoming Events
October 23-27: Red Ribbon Week
October 31: Halloween Parade @ 1:15
November 3: Trimester 1 Ends
November 5: Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 9: Family Conferences
November 9: Report Cards Go Home
November 10: Veteran's Day Sub (No School)
November 14: Family Conferences 2
November 17: Early Release
November 21: Family Thanksgiving Luncheon (time to be determined)
Campus Priorities in Action
Mrs. Alberico's Class - Morning Greeting
Science and Engineering Challenges
Science and Engineering Challenges
Science and Engineering Challenges
Mrs. Hemple and her helpers decorated!
Red Ribbon Week Morning Assembly
Important Info to Note
- Veggie Van Go has been changed to Wednesday, November 8, 2023 10:00 - 11:00 AM at OVUHS Parking Lot - Reminder: Any individual associated with RNESU Supervisory Union (staff, parent, grandparent, etc) may participate AND may pick up for another family as well.
- Halloween Parade - On Tuesday, October 31st, students will line up on the blacktop of Lothrop School at 1:15 p.m. and proceed out of the gates to Pleasant and Arch Streets. Students may bring costumes to school in their backpacks with the following guidelines: no weapons, blood, gore, or masks will be permitted. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student's teacher.
SCHOOL BOARD OPENINGS: The Otter Valley Union Board continues to have two vacant seats on the board: One for a Brandon Representative and one for a Pittsford Representative.
The individuals appointed to these positions must reside in the respective towns and will serve until the next election in March 2024. If you are interested, please send a letter to Melinda Piper at mpiper@rnesu.org stating which seat you would like to be considered for and explaining why you would be a valuable addition to the Board. The deadline for submission is Thursday Nov. 2, 2023.
The Board will make a decision during the OVUU School Board meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, at 6:00 PM. The meeting will take place at the OVUHS Library. For more information, please contact Melinda Piper at mpiper@rnesu.org or (802) 247-5757 x 2722.
Integrated Arts News
Mrs. Bruce is looking for volunteers, with building experience, who would be willing to help build sets for this year's 3/4 musical, James and the Giant Peach. We are also looking for donations of materials (lumber, hardware, paint, etc) to help build the set. Please contact her if interested at cbruce@rnesu.org. Thank you!
La clase de español con el Sr. Gram
Lothrop Spanish students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades started the new school year reviewing the comprehension and conversation skills we practiced last year—we really enjoyed revisiting many of the songs we listened to last year, and students even sang them along to live guitar accompaniment. Third-grade Spanish students began by practicing classroom expectations, getting excited about learning a new language, and learning the sounds of Spanish. We then learned songs focused on “getting-to-know-you” phrases, numbers, colors, and days of the week. These units include lots of fun games, more sing-alongs, some Chromebook assignments, and lots of movement breaks. One big hit with students was ‘casa, roca, árbol,’ a movement break activity that always spurs lots of laughter and smiles.
Sixth-graders are now well into our unit on Spanish-speaking countries, which involves map study, story telling, authentic cultural resources, songs, and more; fifth graders have needed some extra review time in recent weeks, but are transitioning into our countries unit soon.
Students in all four grade levels have already made significant strides in their Spanish proficiency, particularly in the area of comprehension. It is very satisfying, both for me and for the students, when we read a complex story with minimal English translation, and students follow right along and hang on every word. Listening to and understanding a new language requires a huge amount of focus and the use of visual and context clues, so I am very proud of my Spanish students when they trust themselves, make connections, and relish the ‘aha’ moments that come with understanding and unpacking a new language and the cultural traditions that go with it.
Caverly News
Here is our latest newsletter!
Items in the Lost and Found Area
News from the PTO
Other Community Events & Info
Email: ewilliamsharryman@rnesu.org
Website: https://lothrop.rnesu.org/
Location: US Route 7, Pittsford, VT, 05763
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LothropSchool/