Please see Field Trip Info
Week of 3.30
Field Trip Information on Refunds - Please fill out the form with either yes or no -before Friday
Teasley families - As you know, all field trips were canceled through the end of the school year. If you have paid for a field trip, we are able to issue you a refund once we have returned to school. Some of you may choose to donate your funds to the school. These funds would be used to support a family in need or to purchase supplies for the classroom or for students. If you would like to donate your funds, please complete this FIELD TRIP FORM. If you have questions, please reach out to our bookkeeper, Becky Gibson: Becky.Gibson@cobbk12.org. Thank you so much.
Science Book, Math Journal, Weekly Readers, and more :)
Hello everyone,
Don't forget to click "view in browser" to enable links.
I miss seeing your children at school! I hope that you are staying healthy at home, and taking some time to enjoy the sunshine. I know this is a difficult time, but I appreciate all your hard work in helping your child with our digital learning.
Some information for the following weeks:
- Please be sure that your child is logging on to Seesaw Monday-Friday. I do not want them to get behind on their activities, as the lessons build upon one another and should be completed in order. Activities should disappear from your child’s Seesaw menu once they have completed them. If it is just a video, you can add a comment that says complete or send a picture of a check mark. That way, the activity will disappear from your child’s activity menu.
- Go to Seesaw through www.clever.com to access each day's lessons. You have to click on "view original" to enable links in Seesaw. Remember to click on the light-bulb "activities" button to see all of the lessons. If the videos and the green "add a response button" do not work, please try it on a desktop or laptop.
- This newsletter has a ton of different resources linked for extra help and activities.
- To access Brain Pop: go to www.clever.com/in/cobb Then click login with active directory. Username is your child’s firstname.lastname password: read
- There are additional practice apps that your child may choose to do outside the lessons: (Raz Kids- also quick linked in clever as learning a-z, Dreambox, freckle, and just enjoying a book).
- We will have a weekly check-in where the kiddos can see their classmates - We will hold class meetings this week on Monday and Friday at 10:00am using Zoom. I will send a link invite through DOJO to keep it private. We will probably move to Tuesday and Friday for our zoom meetings after spring break due to parent feedback. Tomorrow, MONDAY is a Disney dress-up day and I would love for you all to be able to share your costumes with each-other during our zoom meeting. Please see the county guide lines for zoom meetings. I know it was created as a guideline for adults; however, we were asked to share it with the children so that they also understand the expectations.
- No digital lessons will be assigned the week of Spring Break (April 6-10). Your child can work on Dreambox, Raz Kids, and Headsprouts. No Homework Bingo and April Creativity choice boards are loaded on this email.
Please know that I think about your children everyday, and I miss them so much! I am thinking of your families! Please send me updates and let me know how your family is doing!
This is where you can find quick access to seesaw, dreambox, and freckle.
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
password: read
It changed again!!!! Your student's name is their class # For example: First name: 8. Last Name: Gabby
There is SO much amazing information on there!!